The World Elite: We will kill you all! (2/2)

  Here is Part 2 of the World Elite’s alleged plan to subjugate and exterminate the majority of Earthlings: “37. When a light shall shine among them, we shall extinguish

Elite’s Corona Pandemic Mourning and the Karmicons Harvest in Ukraine (1/2)

Omicron stops the pharmaceutical dictatorship of Elite Before the bio-terrorist front of one Evil has ended, the bloodbath of another has already begun. Elite, together with their paid-off political servants,

It’s time for fun: new jokes and funny pictures

Dear friends, here is a selection of jokes and funny pictures sent by Romana and Barbara, lovers of humor, joy and laughter, very kind and nice girls.   “When we

Corona drama is continuing (9/5)

Ini, Mini, Mini, Moe, let the flu this year to cough! Politicians in Slovenia have decided that there will be flu this year! As we know, last year, miraculously, there

Corona drama is continuing (8/5)

More and more vaccinated, more and more infected The predictions and warnings that vaccination would weaken people’s immune systems and make them sicker are coming true. We can see that

Corona drama is continuing (7/5)

Janša: left-wingers are to blame for the virus and all other bacteria and bacilli In an article entitled Janša:, We will be forced to introduce measures that will close down

Corona drama is continuing (6/5)

Pay and you’ll be famous or how politicians buy votes Austrian Prime Minister Kurz resigned over corruption and business fraud. He made a deal with the media to order advertising

Corona drama is continuing (5/5)

Not experts and politicians, but just common dealers (drug traffickers) 70 % and even higher vaccination plans have nothing to do with the health plan, it is a financial plan

Corona drama is continuing (3/5)

Now, we are getting somewhere with revealing the plan of the corona bioterrorist attack on humanity. We can read on the webpage in the article »Supreme Court: Pfizer, Moderna
