The Quarantine Edition:)
CoronaVirus: Made in China
Behind all the theories about the new virus, there is a real theory – the karmicons one. Let us first see some of the homegrown:)
Some claim that the Chinese created and launched the virus to undermine the power of the USA. Instead of the dollars, the new oil currency would be Juan. Others say that the Chinese intentionally infected the whole world so the stocks for their heavy industry will fall and they would buy all of them that were in foreign hands and become sole owners of their own heavy industry. Third, think that behind the pandemic action are manufacturers of protective masks and toilet paper:)
Fourth speculates that the shadow government is using the “Made in China” secret operation to create an image of China as the source of all bad to enlarge the conflict between the East and West.
David Icke is suggesting to follow the interest (Coronavirus: Who benefits?). He says that the shadow government, Cabal, Illuminati is constructing a new model of totalitarian control over people to reduce their freedom even further. He is sure, that some of the extreme measures will stay after the pandemic times will end.
It is interesting to see that the Chinese are already proclaiming the victory over the corona, still wearing protective masks. Is this a new way of life for healthy people? Everybody, everywhere and always with the mask? Will the next generation of children evolutionary adapt and be born with the skin over their faces? Will they breathe with the gills under their armpits?:) Would they eat bats without any harmful consequences?:)
David says that the virus is artificially and intentionally created. The intent of the dark ones is to gather all possible information about the humans and give it to the AI – artificial intelligence, (to new techno Satan), who is becoming a controlling mechanism over humans.
He reminds us of the big China Party social (and control) project using billions of street surveillance cameras to monitor and collect data of the resident’s behaviors giving them so-called social credit. Those who obey, get positive social credit, the naughty ones the negative which is causing them unpleasantries with new job applications, financial credits, etc.
That is just an old and bad karmic system with good and bad karma at work. The difference is that is playing out already in this life. Earthlings are not incarnating so they get the karmic procedure here and now. Despite the instant karma, their incarnants will get the karma judgment and punishment by the regular procedure – once, in the future, some other persons will pay the karmic debts for their acts here.
Read more about the Karmic organization in the free chapter The Karmicons from my 1. Book Letters to Palkies Messages to my friends on another planet on:
Icke wraps the video with the statement that the Chinese have successfully stopped their epidemy and that whole world is following their model of total limitation of movement and public gathering.
At once, China is the best country in the world, and all countries will follow their lead with a fully controlled and social karma sanctioned life.
This reminds me of 9/11 when the Americans have supposedly demolished the WTC towers to install the surveillance camera system all over the country and enacted the totalitarian control of moving in the public.
If this virus pandemic is really act of the world shadow government and they are creating a new China model of total control with AI and a social credit system for the whole planet, then it is the bio-tech version of 9/11.
The next action could be mandatory vaccination of all Earthlings. In the vaccine would be nano robots who would monitor thoughts, feelings and emotions and speech of all humans and transmit them to the World Shadow Party. With the AI, they would reward obedient with the small doses of drugs and punish with electro-shocks the rebel ones. At a distance, of course.
If you see the pictures of China’s army millions of soldiers marching as one, then you know what I am talking about:) A Similar march is going on in North Korea, and also Russian army likes postcards like that. All for the Party, Party for Itself!
The fifth realized that CoronaVirus is caused by the Corona beer:) The sixth is sure that the virus is transmitted by the 5G info network. The seventh know that this is just a stronger cold and flu.
The eight claim that pandemic is just a giant theatric play and that there is no sick and dead at all. It would be very funny if that was true and in a couple of days the doctors and patient would take off their masks, hold their hands and bow to the public. The question is if the audience would clap to them or over them:)
The hackers hacked in too – the virus game is their game – they are sending emails with toxic attachments and false info about the corona. Some can even infect two times – with CoronaVirus and CoronaVirus:)
Maybe this pandemic is just another marketing campaign of the manufacturers of protective masks and toilet paper “Emptying the stocks.”
These are great times for the undertakers:) They are digging days and nights to lay down to the last rest so many new customers. It can sound like black humor, but we have to know that they live from the deaths of others. Imagine the undertaker’s monthly business and financial plan.
“Diseases -100, traffic accidents – 30, couple of suicides, let’s say 10, my neighbor is coughing strangely, altogether 141, hmmm, it won’t be enough, I need 9 more to get by this month.”
Even if he realizes the monthly plan, he will hardly pay all the mortgages. And now this great business opportunity:) Despite the happy and smiling times with the unexpected gifts, they must stay deadly serious and dignified:)
I’ve got this message:
“I don’t want to alarm anybody, but the corona virus will soon spread around. Since the money is the first mean of the infection, don’t touch it, use gloves and put it in an envelope and leave it in front of your doors. I will collect it in the morning and properly destroy it. Don’t thank me, I am doing it for your health.”
Channeled messages about the CoronaVirus
Karmicons who are sending channeled messages says that the virus pandemic is just another lecture that we have to take to improve.
God is testing us, and the biggest and heaviest cross is on the religious ones again. This is theirs another exam, this time is a group one.
We can’t pass the traditional “the darkest hour is before the dawn” as now is the “dark night of the soul”:)
God, higher selves and so-called ascended masters are teaching us to be humble, grateful and patient. Only when we are infected, we can separate important from unimportant. Only sick will find peace in panic and order in chaos:)
And, of course, Earth is cleaning up, so all of the Evil must first come to the surface, and only then, the Good will come. By the “logic” that when you want to clean something dirty, you must first make that even dirtier. With the simple fact that the karmicons dirtied the planet themselves and now we have to clean after them. Spanish plague in the middle ages, smallpox, Sars, Mers, and now CoronaVirus.
What else is hiding in this and so sick Earth? Is the End of the World near? In any case, pack a hundred of toilet paper rolls:)
Magenta Pixie is channeling The Nine:
»The virus has been hijacked to create fear, panic and chaos in order to prevent carbon to crystalline transformation within Humanity, cosmic memory recall and thus, Ascension.«
Pure nonsense. Those who would transform human bodies into crystalline would easily prevent all viruses and realize their plan. Let me remind you that there are higher light beings above the Karmic organization, who is running the show with all the scripts for the incarnations including all diseases and deaths, or Archons who can end the karmicons in seconds.
You can read more about them in my article Who are the Archons, Masters of Evil and “Creators” of our world on:
They are the creators of the Karmic organization. Everything that is happening on our planet is by their will. They selfishly use and abuse us for their perverted needs.
You have to know that the karmicons don’t transform and ascend anybody. They are parasites and they keep the same state to feed with the negative energy of the human and animal suffering or so-called Loosh.
The karmicons are controlling everything and they wouldn’t sabotage their own plans – to plan our transformation and ascension and then to sabotage it.
Big Black Cloud, giant light being, who lives high above the Karmic organization, showed me in 2015 a room with a chair. He told me, that ascension – transformation to a light being takes four hours. When my time comes, he said, just sit on the chair and relax, everything happens automatically. During the transformation and rising of the frequency, all viruses and diseases just vanish like they are en-light-ened with the fire. The same goes for the whole planet and it’s ascending inhabitants.
And there is also a simple statistic that clearly shows that the statement above is a lie. If the karmicons wanted to prevent Earthlings to transform their bodies and ascend to a higher dimension, they would do it planetary and not just partially. From 8 billion people only two hundred thousand and some are infected, 80% cough a little, from the other 20% 17% get by with the flu and only 3% die. What kind of prevention of the transformation and ascension is that?:) The karmicons have all the means necessary to destroy the whole planet in minutes. If they want and can, of course.
And by the way, the transformation and ascension are technical procedures and no fear can interfere with it. You can be scare to death during the procedure and you will transform and ascend anyway:)
Magenta says that the vaccine for CV is infected too. It contains some harmful codes which prevent the crystallization and ascension – the transformation to a light being. Even if the vaccine would be coded, the procedure itself would disinfect it completely.
As you will see later, only true vaccine and cure for all the plagues including the new virus is a strong faith in the one-and-only god Yahweh. Here is channeled version of this delusion:
»The antidote in its entirety is a lifestyle, a mindset and a spiritual path that must be undertaken by you, the spiritual warrior.«
She doesn’t say which is the right spiritual path of so many to become the super-immune warrior. To choose or to wait to be chosen? How to know the difference:) Are you chosen when you are infected? Is the infection of the test? Did we pass it?
Magenta finishes with the affirmation song by calling the karmicons to help us:) If the Evil ones wanted to help us they wouldn’t torture us. And, why The Nine doesn’t help when there is so many of them:)
Some channeled messages are claiming that after the pandemic something big will happen – what else than The Event. They said the same after the mouse fever epidemy:) And the only thing that happened was the mouses were shaken:)
Why then, why virus? The real answer is very simple. Why the virus pandemic? Because it exists in the Existence and we live in the part of the cosmos in which is present. Our cosmos is very primitive and retarded as still has Evil present in its many shapes as limited awareness, poverty, crime, violence and wars, diseases and deaths.
Imagine traveling by train throughout the country. If you sit on the left side, you will see everything that is on that side. The same is with us. We travel through the cosmos and we will experience everything that is on our way. Now, we have a virus episode. When it finishes, something else will come our way.
When we end the Karmic organization who is doing all the Evil on our planet, we will change the Countryside of our lives and our travel will be very nice.
The karmicons created the CV
Even if some of the theories and practices above would be true there is a super-theory behind all of them – the karmic one.
The present virus pandemic is not new as it was planned long ago. Some of the dead ones were 90 years and older have had written this kind of death in the karmic scripts of their incarnants. The karmicons wrote the scripts for their lives 90 years ago and then forced some people from other planets to incarnate. The incarnants knew before incarnation that they will die at 90, some of them even the cause of death – infection with CV.
In the karmicons scripts, the majority of the Earthlings still live under their spell, I have removed my incarnant and significantly changed his script for my life, is precisely written time, place and the way of death. The karmicons can change that, but they want. Earthlings can’t change it alone. With my space friends, we changed most of the karmicons scripts for the inhabitants of the planet Palki. In 2017, we gave them new, young, healthy and beautiful bodies. Because of the new and repaired DNA, their bodies don’t age and can’t get ill. If the corona or any other plague appeared on Palki, they wouldn’t be affected and infected by the poison. They wouldn’t even sneeze, let alone cough:)
By the karmic theory and practice, there is negative collective, family and personal karma. All diseases as different forms of the Evil are just paying off the karmic debts. In the case of the virus pandemic, the whole planet is paying the planetary karmic debt.
Once, far far away, inhabitants of one planet intentionally infected another planet with the deadly virus and caused the energy to unbalance or the Evil. Now, they have to pay for it by being infected themselves. It is precisely determined who will get infected, who will be mildly ill and who will die.
With the same experience of the Evil they inflicted in the past the energy balance will restore and karmic debts will be cleared. One Evil is not Good, there must be two evils, on each side one, that things are Good:) One evil is unbalanced, two evils are balance:) When the Evil is in balance – when Evil is on both sides and everywhere, the karmicons are satisfied and the Satan too.
You have to know that the karmicons wrote both scripts for both planets, both evils and heinously forced all incarnants to play out their dirty game. An eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth, sneezing for coughing:)
Part of the karmic explanation is the religion one – for the religious ones as the scientific explanation about the pathogens is not enough for them. Why is God silent again? they quietly ask themselves, crossing themselves all over the place and beggingly praying for the crumb of the mercy.
Bible knows and tells: the sinners have to pay for their sins! No mercy! The heaviest load fell on the cross-thians as they are the biggest Martyrs of them all. Martyrism is Jesus’s, sacred and only way to the god. They can come to him only with and through Jesus. Beaten, tortured and crucifixion. When they finish with the world suffering and wash their sins, they become Heroes Martyrs. God can only recognize them as fully beaten, tortured and bloody – these are his and the chosen ones. How he couldn’t recognize them as he himself whipped them by his will and in His own image so they would be the same as him and worthy of heaven.
The second part of the religious explanation is the dark one – same as first, but with another boss:) Satan is tempting people with the virus and leads them to sin. Even they know that they are infected, they run away from the quarantine and go skiing to Madonna di Campiglio:) They are secretly watching their neighbors if they got infected and become ill:) Others are already fighting for the legacy of the passed ones while they are still coughing in their graves:)
CoronaVirus is a symptom of the deadly Karma Virus. Before the Karmic organization, there was no Evil and no karma. Only with this Evil organization the two appeared. The karmicons forced first beings who were originally karma free to incarnate and enforced the first karma to them by evil acts that were written in their scripts for the incarnations. That was the first Infection of the Evil and it’s deadly Karma Virus who is the source of all other evils.
You can’t get rid of the Karma Virus, because there is no cure for It. Once you are in the karmic hole, you can’t get out of it. For the millions of years, they are spinning humans and other beings on the reincarnational spit feeding with their suffering.
The only way to cure ourselves is to end the Karmic organization and eradicate the cosmic Parasite, who infected us and is eating us alive. Read more about them in my article Parasite: Oscar for the karmicons parasite on:
They depend on us as hosts so they can’t kill us forever. To feed with us, they must even take care of us:) They keep us in the constant karmic ring of reincarnations, births, and deaths. They claim that this is a karmic school, but in fact, it is just a giant and perverted Evil feast.
We can see that they have an enormous appetite – there are already almost 8 billion meals on their plates. By 2019 WHO report, there is 55.000 different diseases and other health complications as causes for death. Plus thousands of mental and emotional unpleasantries as additional spices. That is their menu for their greedy and Evil orgy.
During the virus pandemic, the karmicons are having the planetary feast as they are forcing humans to produce tremendous quantities of fear and negative energy for their perverted orgy.
They follow the “divide and rule” rule, with inflicting the fear, of course. They are stopping, blocking and sabotaging the planetary, family and personal development. Unawakened, who are already frightened and lost, are now in the panic and hysteric chaos fighting for survival. We can see how the understanding of survival changed throughout history. Once, they were fighting for the food, today, for the toilet paper:)
They divide and separate people by infecting them. “Others are toxic, don’t hang out together, keep the distance, stay home!”
CoronaVirus is a true blessing for the religious people
For faithful ones, the virus infection is a great chance to suffer and to clear off their sins. Sinful and guilty, they are obliged to pay debts for Adam, for Jesus and their own. These are three dramaturgical arches. Sinful for Adam arches through the whole series, for the Jesus the season, and there owns, »freak of the week«, for the single episodes:)
Let’s hear how the cross-thian martyr is calling the Evil upon himself. Why wait that God would call him and give him the mercy of suffering and getting out of debts when he can here and now beat himself out of sinful debts. There is always a stick at hand, the bigger the better.
“He ran to the cottage, grabbed the rope with the metal hooks, got his clothes off and rose his head up: Accept, oh, god, my penance! Don’t refuse it because it is weak. Take care that it will be sharp, long and big! It’s time. Common! Twists boldly. Au! No! No! No mercy! Hit again! Oh! Oh! Oh! Every strike is tearing my skin apart and tearing my limbs. Awful pain! Well, it’s not so terrible! You get used to it. I think it’s even … Anton stops. Common, you coward! Common! Strongly! Strongly! Hands, back, chest, belly, everywhere! Whistle the belts, bite and tear me apart! I want that my drops of blood spray to the stars, that my bones crush and the nerves come out! Forceps, tensioner, melted lead! The martyrs have got even worst! Right, Anomaria? … He is wildly whipping himself. Here, here! For you! More! … Just a moment, like something, is going through me. What a pain! What a delight! Like kisses. My mind is melting! I am dying!”
“Just a moment” means that he is starting to enjoy the pain more and more.
“My mind is melting! I am dying!” means that he is coming to the Sado-Maso orgasm. The holy one, of course. What is the difference between the ordinary and holy orgasm? The ordinary is just a pleasure, the holy one is the pleasure in god:)
But, to torture himself and passionately enjoy the pain, he must first sin. That is the perfect formula for the true believer – fist sin and then repent and penance in blood. When the bad is beaten out, the believer is ready to spin another devil-gods circle of sin and punishment all the way to the holy orgasm. In Latin: »Sine diabolo nullus Dominos.”, there is no god without the devil. (quote and saying from Marko Uršič, Gnostic Essays, The temptations of Saint Anthony)
When we watch today pale and bloodless cross-thians believers, we can see how the faith changed in a couple of centuries from “passionate and feverish craving for the executioner’s sword, fire, and teeth of the wild animals” to the golden necklace with the cross around the believer’s neck (one of the visitors from other planets:), one mass on two years (the same one) and occasional begging or praying for something when they need a thing or two.
Where are the passion and enthusiasm of the old believers who were running the martyrs marches, jumping on the Romans’ swords and in the lion’s throats? Where have evaporated the fierceness of the faith, the holy fire which was lifting the believers into heaven?
The old believers rolled up their sleeves, properly whipped their sinful backs and claimed to the god, today are sitting in front of the televisions waiting the Lord will lift them up to Himself.
Let us read the message from the catholic priest, Sandi Osojnik, guessing if the CV is devils or gods gift. (Corona virus; course or a blessing?)
“We can compare the corona virus pandemic only with the world flood from Noah’s times. Only eight survived the cataclysm, we believe that this time will stay alive more of us. In those times, there were the only couple of thousands of humans, now, more than 6 billion. We can read in the bible that mass diseases among the Israelis were common signs of God’s punishment.
When Adam sinned, God was angry: “Cursed is the ground because of you! God also punished the sinful city of Sodom with fire and sulfur, because the shouting of the citizens was to loud. Pharaoh didn’t listen to God and let the Israelis free, Egyptian plagues came upon the country. When the Israelis worshiped the golden calf, Moses prayed for them, because God wanted to eliminate them. And a prophecy for our time … The Lord will send the plague to expel you out of the country … he will strike you with the wasting diseases, fever, inflammation, fiery heat, drought, blasting winds and with blight and with mildew. They shall pursue you until you perish. You may say that it is horrible! That could be the first impression. (Anyway, God is promising to his chosen ones the blessing).
A Slovene saying says that God has a stick for every butt! He has reasons to send the corona virus to us. Many of us are not wondering that as humans became irresponsible to each other, to nature and animals. That is the main reason that disease is spreading. Corona virus is warning us that we are not omnipotent. It is warning us that we are very little and so weak.”
Despite the strong devil’s temptation regarding the new virus, Sandi goes for god’s gift and the greatest blessing.
“Corona virus became our common enemy and the whole world is now in a war with it. We forgot the political, ideological and religious differences. We became united in the fight against the invisible enemy. This united feeling and effort is the true blessing for the whole world in a time of crisis and struggle. If we’ll learn anything from this bad experience, it will be uniting in the blessing for all nations in the world.”
Not Good, says Sandi, only Evil can unite us. Here is his advice to the believers.
“Same as Israelis, let us, the believers, the fear of illness unite us with God. In our human weakness and fragility, we look up to the Omnipotent, who can heal. When the Lord sent the poisonous snakes to bite and many people died, Moses made the bronze snake. Who took a look at her he miraculously healed. The biggest proof of the Lord, who heals, is Jesus Christ, God’s Son, who healed people of physical and spiritual diseases. Today, (we know of many miraculous healings) he is doing it by the prayers to Virgin Mary, and other saints. In this faith, I send the blessing with the Most Holy every day at 18.20 asking God to save our parish from the corona virus (and as little as possible around the world). I suggest that we act as everything depends on human abilities and wisdom, and we trust and pray to God, as that everything depends on Him. Let his will be done, the one that will be good for us. Amen.”
Why fight this “modern plague” if it is the blessing from God? What kind of religion is this to suspect the word of god, even if it is the toxic one?
If you want to understand the religion, you have to let go of the mind. You must just accept the faith as it is – god knows what he is doing, despite his ways are mysterious. Humans are suspicious to him, that’s why he is beating them and testing their faith. Why he didn’t create them as good and strong in the faith in the first place so he wouldn’t doubt them and test them? As said, there is no rational answer to that question inside the religion. The believers will say “believe and you will understand”:)
Outside the faith, the answer is very simple. The karmicons wrote all that lies to intentionally mess up the believers with non-logic, contradictory and nonsense and force them to leave their common sense and put a mind-less faith in its place. Obviously, they were very successful with it.
Here is a question for the rare believers who are attracted to the Martyrdom and Heroism. Is the faithful who are wearing masks and live in the self-isolation, in fact, betraying the Lord, while they should intentionally infect themselves, suffer and beg for mercy, so they could free of the sins die and prove to the God their loyalty? Or, they follow the heretic Arabic saying “believe in god, but wear the mask anyway”:)
In the long run, we are all dead:)
Or, statistically, the dead are already dead.
As I said, the CV was written in the scripts for the incarnants before their births. In karmicons accounting, there is an exact list of people who will be infected and will only transmit the virus without getting ill, who will be mildly affected and who will die of the virus. By the names.
By the karmic scripts, only those who are pre-scripted with the virus’s death will die and nobody else. Their deaths can be prevented only by the intervention of higher beings. I called my space friends and told them to neutralize the virus on the whole planet. Still waiting. I presume that they would do it at once, but the higher beings above the Karmic organization are preventing them.
Read more about the Archons, who created the karmicons, in my article Who are the Archons, Masters of Evil and “Creators” of our world on:
Even if they infect everybody on the planet, only those who were prescripted before the birth would get ill and die. That was a previously planned way of their death. That means that this deadly pandemic is part of the karmicons plan and all deaths are part of the pre-planned qouta.
Don’t be afraid and don’t feed the karmicons with your fear
Like the wars and similar plagues, these harmful, destructive and deadly events are strongly influencing the personal development of all on the planet. Karmicons are intentionally narrowing down already narrowed attention of the unawakened, frightened and lost people to the one and single object of attention. To the dead threat which is causing mass and planetary fear.
The frightened ones are shining giant quantities of negative energy feeding the Evil karmicons – different Flyers, reptiles, snake-heads, hybrids, etc. This is the action of the Evil ones to lower the frequency of the planet and Earthlings to block their personal development. When you are afraid, you are cramped. You cramp the lower parts of your body, your belly, and you stop the natural flow of the energy. That’s why is very important to relax.
Release the fear from your cramped hold of your frightened hands
I suggest you think for a moment about the present situation and its impact on your life.
1. I constantly think about the virus. I am very concerned and I feel very bad. I feel nausea in my lungs and my stomach, I can hardly breathe and I sweat a lot. I can’t get rid of dark thoughts, I am afraid I will get ill and or I will die (for those already ill). Sometimes I feel as I am already infected despite the absence of any symptoms. I am afraid of other tools. Despite disinfecting everything, I am still very tense. I feel I am being trapped and can’t get out. I am dying.
2. I often think about the virus and instantly become very troubled. I feel unpleasant like in a shock. I try to get rid of the bad thoughts and feelings with thinking on something else. Sometimes I succeed for a shorter period, but unpleasant feelings stay a little longer. When I watch the news I instantly become anxious. When I wash my hands and disinfect the flat, I feel a little better but not for long.
3. I occasionally think about the virus and have some mixed thoughts and feelings. I try to be positive and most of the time I managed to stay well. I expect that this situation will end soon and that makes me feel better. I also intentionally work so I don’t think about the virus too much.
4. I am not from here:) Just waiting for the bus.
There is also the 5. group which is very rare on the planet at this time. We are awakened ones who are always calm, relaxed and in joy despite all viruses, bacterias, and microbes. I am always in Pure Awareness where the karmicons and other parasites can’t invade. They can’t infect Pure Awareness because it is out of the Evil’s reach.
I invite you to use very simple exercise and learn to release the object of your attention. In the present situation, the object is unpleasant and obsessive thoughts about the virus and feelings.
Take something in your hand and squeeze it really hard for a minute or two so you will feel the tension. While squeezing, observe your behavior, your hand, your face and your breath which you are probably holding tight too. Now, release the object, breathe in and breathe out and relax your legs, hands, torso, neck, throat, tongue, mouth, face and head. Breathe slow and deep. When you feel that you are completely relaxed, move your attention to your energy body. Feel the shining tingling around your palms and feet. After that move your attention to your awareness.
Become aware that you are alive, present and that you are aware. Be aware of your awareness – like you would watch your watching. When you move your attention to your Pure Awareness, you will instantly notice that you have stopped your mind and all (unpleasant) thoughts, you are completely relaxed and you feel very good. Be in Pure Awareness as long as you wish and enjoy your true Nature and perfect Peace. You are that Peace.
Read more about this superb exercise and moving the attention from physical to the energy body and to Pure Awareness in my article 1, 2, 3 and you are free: 3 phases of personal development on:
When you exit Pure Awareness and move your attention back to your physical body and outer world, observe how your old and harmful partial personalities will immediately start to jump around searching for new objects or rather problem to catch on. First, second, and tic-tac, you will be in the corona drama again:)
Use my exercises for the awakening and learn to release your partial personalities and their harmful behaviors. In 6 to 12 months you will move permanently to Pure Awareness. There you will be safe from the Satan himself, sneezing and coughing viruses in your face:)
You can get exercises for the awakening in my article How to become Wonderful Being of Pure Awareness? Free book and exercises for the awakening on:
If you get ill, don’t panic as probably this is not your first rodeo:) You will heal and live on. If you or your darlings die, all of you will be revived. I know that you prefer to stay healthy and alive, me too. I am doing my best to finish the Karmicons organization and their Evil plagues as soon as possible. Until then, it’s important that you understand the bigger game and accept it as fact. Not as your choice but as the fact that obviously exists. And will pass in time, of course.
Don’t let the fear get you, and don’t pray to god. don’t pity your self, don’t beg for mercy and don’t feed the karmicons with the praying energy of the Pity humbleness and weakness.
Even if the situation gets really bad, don’t gaze into your belly button as the omfaloscops use to do it. They were extreme ascetics in India who have “hours and hours gazes into their own belly button” to spiritually evolve:) (Marko Uršič, Gnostic Essays)
CoronaVirus: the cure and the vaccine
There is no cure for it, the Chinese are reporting that they have a vaccine and they are already testing it. By the capitalistic logic, it is clear that they will first create the vaccine because they will make a lot more money with it than with the cure. The cure is only for ill, while the vaccine is for the more than 99% of healthy ones:)
Here is a news from the other side of the mind:) It is a special formula for the cure:)
Pleiadians have also developed a new protocol for virus removal that can help people in the infected areas, primarily in Hubei province in China, but also elsewhere on the planet.
If you know, feel, or fear that you have contracted the virus, or would like to disinfect the area around you, you can repeat three times in your mind.
“Command RCV stardust” X3
The Pleiadians will then use their advanced technologies to help remove the virus. This new protocol is still in development and is limited in its efficiency and the Pleiadians are asking for feedback.”
Ha, ha, ha. Beings from the Pleiades have so advanced technology that they can easily travel from one dimension to another, changing the size and shape of their space ships, and they would have only “limited protocol” for healing the virus. They have the full cure for all viruses of this world but they can’t use it because the karmicons are blocking them.
Until the cure will be created, for some the only effective prevention of infection is the bigger possible stock of the toilet paper:) Look in P.s.
Dear friends, it is important that you know,
that this is only a short period in our lives and will be over soon. don’t worry and don’t be a victim of the situation. Stay calm and live on. Use the time in the quarantine wisely and read my books Letters to Palkies Messages to my friends on another planet, You are not your mind You are Beautiful Being of Pure Awareness and Where are Don Juan and Carlos Castaneda? and start awakening. The link for the books is at the end of the article.
I know that many of you are feeling being endangered, and trapped and that you can’t exit the virus drama. Let me tell you that you can get out of it in a moment. Just move your attention to your awareness and become aware that you are aware. Move your attention from the outer world to Pure Awareness and you will instantly stop all the negative and troubling thoughts. You will relax, feel much better and rest for a while from the virus drama and incoming numbers of a new infection, illness, and deaths.
Take care and know that this pandemic will end. Every day, we are closer to the end of the Karmic organization and they’re Evil upon us. All of you will get new, young, healthy and beautiful bodies that can’t age and get ill. All of the good ones who died will come back. Read more about miraculous reviving of the dead in my article Dead are coming back to the planet Palki on:
Take care and stay well.
All the best to all.
P.s. Here are 50 jokes about the CoronaVirus:
Here is one: »Your Covid-19 test came back positive. That can’t be correct. I have more than 300 rolls of toilet paper.«
Read more about the Evil and toxic Karmic organization and Fantastic Life after we end them in the Book series Letters to Palkies Messages to my friends on another planet.
You can get Book 1 and 2 on Amazon:
I invite you to subscribe to my free awakening newsletter for personal, partnership and family development, and you will get 2 nice gifts:
The first day you will get a free e-book Where are Don Juan and Carlos Castaneda?
The next day you will get the superb exercises for the awakening and releasing you harmful partial personalities or the false Ego personality.
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You are very welcome.
Very interesting the concept of the Karma Organization. It reminds me of the Sant Mat Radhasoami spiritual system that teaches that the earth is under control of a dark force/being named Kal who created religions actually for the purpose of keeping people trapped.
Stephen, Hi, I read one of the Sant Mat Radhmi books and even went to their workshop but, luckily, didn’t go through to be connected with one of their gurus from higher worlds.
Before my work, and collaboration with my girlfriend from the planet Palki and our space friends there was nobody else in this cosmos except the Karmic organization.
This cosmos functions at three levels:
1. the “Creator” level with one or two – “god” and “goddess” pair. By their Myth, he or her or they divided into lower energy beings who live in the second level:
2. the Absorbic and cannibalistic part of the cosmos in which higher energy beings dissolve lower beings in their energy bodies, stealing their life, energy and experiences. They call this “spiritual development”. 😁
3. the Karmic organization level in which the higher energy and physical beings incarnate into lower physical beings. There are different names for these “Archons” but in fact they constructed all “Creators”, “gods”, religions, “archangels and angels”, “higher selves”, “ascended masters” etc.
By the same and false Myth, the “Creator” or pair, divided to many parts to learn about himself or themselves through the different experiences, including physical life and Evil. That means that, by that false Myth, we are not real beings but just parts of the “Creator”. After he will finish with his “self-exploration”, he will “breathe in” pulling all cosmos with all beings back into him becoming “One” again. I call that “suicide with god” – some deluded people even praise that as the best thing one can achieve in life. 😁
I remembered I read about the simultaneity of Everything and together with the simple fact that Energy and Pure Awareness, the two elements of Existence, can’t be created nor destroyed I realized that the Myth about the “Creator” is false. We live in simultane Existence and not in a consequential Universe in which “Creator” divided himself and so on. Everything is happening at the same time which means that we are all real, original and sovereign beings. Our true nature is being aware beings of Pure Awareness, Love and Wisdom. I also created superb exercises for awakening, releasing old and false Ego shattered partial personalities personality creating a new, whole and awakened personality.
You can read more about my discoveries, my romance with Sanja, my girlfriend from the planet Palki, and our very successful collaboration with our awakened and fantastic space friends from higher dimensions with whom we are already ending the Karmic organization establishing new model of aware life in my book series Letters to Palkies Messages to my friends on another planet:ć&s=books&sr=1-6&text=Senad+Dizdarević
Regarding my information, we are very close to the end of the karmic-cons blockade of Earth and fantastic new life on our planet as well.
I invite you to subscribe to my free newsletter to be up to date to good news about the future of Earth here:
All the best to you.
I’m commenting here because I wanted to comment on your FreeWill page but was unable to do so. I have read all your articles, and agree with your perception of things in the matrix.
I knew this whole plandemic was a scam two weeks in but still watching the BS go on with the supposed ‘white hat’ groups and supposedly taking down the deep state covertly, tribunals and supposedly saving the world…to me that is all a program of this matrix, false light reality they have running.
A couple weeks ago, I saw a video of Kim goguen who explains the ‘free will’ is just another program of the matrix, she equates it similar to how they give you ‘free stuff’ and you know nothing in this matrix is free…once you accept it, it attaches it’s program to your life. That video you can find here:
She mostly refers to ‘god’ or whatever to ‘Source’ and just consciusness but with a sense of humor, which I don’t think any of this is funny at all. On top of that if this is all in a God’s mind, or a simulation and all part of this creator, how can they accept this as something a benevolent or even higher frequency being could fathom such atrocities and pain upon humanity as they have done for thousands of years?
It’s really like peeling an onion and innerstanding this matrix of the mind, and how we have been toyed with and experimented with, used as food sypply, grown as an animal farm, manipulated and lied to on everything from reality to religion to our very existance.
If you go to the remote viewing on Farsight, you will see that we have been manipulated by these ET.s and were responsible for ‘Noah’s flood’ and many other ‘biblical events’ which they are trying to follow prophecy right now, and making their ‘biblical blockbuster ending’ to their movie of ‘saving the world’ and we’re just suppose to ‘trust the plan’ and not believe what we see and hear, but never mind how it’s almost impossible to afford a roof over your head or that they are poisoning us in the air, food and water, and controlling the weather, bringing in their ‘social credit score’ and behavior control system, right after they jabbed many people with their ‘technology making many a new race of cyborgs’ because they know that once the ‘source players of this matrix’ leave they will no longer exist. This is what they fear…the archon A.I. that wants to continue instead of the ‘reset’ that has gone on for many times, the shift or whatever you want to call it, must depopulate, much like a computer that’s harddrive has filled up can no longer function as it did, and must use or convert their ‘power source (us)’ to machines to keep their timeline going.
I also heard recently they have destroyed the ‘death traps’ which I hope is true, I grow weary of watching this ridiculous movie, while new agers or NDE experiencers are chanting the lie ‘it’s a lesson, you asked to come here’ cuz they went to the false light matrix and was told this lie by these beings who are in these realms telling people you don’t have to come back but once you say you don’t want to come back, they end up making you anyway…every NDE person who went over there and didn’t want to return ends up coming back with some message about why we are here…it’s hilarious but not….one guy even stating that his spiritual guide told him that people go around asking other spirits to come here and help them experience…say ‘I want to experience getting beat up and murdered, will you participate?’…WHAT A CROCK…no way would a person ask to come here and experience that sort of pain, pretty sure we could learn that in ONE lifetime.
I just wanted to comment about ‘free will’ and it being a program…plus afreeing with you about the nature of this reality and the lies and manipulation. I just wonder when the rest of them would wake up and realize this? OR they could be NPC’s, now I am thinking alot of religious people are NPC’s and don’t know if you have spoken about the background characters like Dolores Cannon spoke of, even her intel she got from beings on the other side isn’t the big picture, and I’m a big picture person…so I think this simulation is just that but also that it has been hacked or altered trapping us here, so wondering your take on the NPC’s and what you see as in the destrucure of this false matrix simulation…like we have these VR goggles on and like David Icke has said recently, it only operates at light speed.
Thanks for your articles. All I search for is the TRUTH, and know you are on the right track.