Not experts and politicians, but just common dealers (drug traffickers)
70 % and even higher vaccination plans have nothing to do with the health plan, it is a financial plan of the pharmaceutical companies, which have set it as a profit target. The English experts say that the coronavirus will turn into a common cold by spring, so, understandably, they are in a hurry to inoculate as many people as possible and to reach the sales and marketing target of 70 %.
As we know, they have already reached and exceeded it in some countries. In Gibraltar, 99 % of the population has been vaccinated, yet they still get infected and get sick. In America, 55 % of people are fully vaccinated, and in some European countries, it is over 80 %. Slovenia is among the last to meet the pharmaceutical financial targets, so the government urgently introduced a new and strict corona decree for employees to force as many people as possible to be vaccinated. The reason they are so strongly pushing for mandatory vaccination is to force people to fulfill the pharmaceutical companies’ financial goals.
For vaccination marketing and vaccine selling purposes, the Slovenian government ordered a propaganda movie about covid in which covid recoverees (some of them acted as amateur actors) were speaking about their experiences with illness.
This political propaganda campaign is the lowest of the lowest, an attempt to manipulate, scare people and force them to vaccinate.
How come a movie director Okorn was not also commissioned to make a film about the harmful side-effects of vaccines? On the website
Mitja and other directors and of course viewers can see a film with the harmful and deadly consequences of vaccination with covid vaccines, which are not reported in the Israeli and other world media. Why not?
Why haven’t Slovenian politicians commissioned a movie about the harmful, destructive and deadly consequences of smoking, which kills more than 3500 Slovenians every year, while I estimate that no more than 500 people died from covid in a single year (all the rest were fake covid deaths)? Why did they not commission a movie about the harmful, destructive and deadly consequences of alcoholism, drugs, poverty, violence, crime and political corruption in Slovenia, which are individually and collectively incomparably more important than covid? Because there are no vaccines for these harms for which greedy manipulators get commissions.
Speaking of the Important Masters:
“EU and Balkan leaders were served a selection of traditional Slovenian cuisine at a meeting in Brdo. The dinner started with a cold starter of Brdo meadow and trout.
For a warm starter, guests were served potato gnocchi stuffed with young cheese, laid on tomato cream and crispy basil. The main course was sous vide beef cheek in a reduced sauce with smoked potatoes and a meat base.
In addition, fruit and vegetables were served by the spoonful and coffee was served for dessert at the informal dinner after the High-Level Meeting, the Government Communications Office added.” (Source: Internet)
What were the homeless served on park benches and in provisory containers? A system that does not work well for all will sooner or later fail, and so will greedy and self-serving capitalism and lying and divisive democracy. After the liberation of the planet, we will abolish them immediately, together with the Law of punishment and the Religion of hostility and separation, and introduce a new and good-for-all model of life, which the Palkies and the quintillions of inhabitants on other planets are delighted with already.
“I accept responsibility for the 3rd dose of the vaccine which is not recommended and approved for use”
The typically Karmic and, of course, deliberately created confusion and conflict in the statements and actions of health “experts” and politicians continues. A few days ago, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), by 16 votes to two, rejected a third dose for general use, recommending it only for the over-65s (who, if they have complications and die, can be said to have “associated diseases”). The pharmaceutical companies’ pressure was rejected mainly because the first and second doses already cause myocarditis, an inflammation of the heart muscle, in younger people. They fear that a third dose would cause even more harm. Nevertheless, it would not be surprising if, after only a month or two, it will be strongly recommended.
The Slovenian ‘experts’ are defying the FDA and are widely recommending a third dose as very beneficial. In an article with the classic shocking headline “Third dose of Covid 19 vaccine: you will be shaken when you read the statement you are asked to sign”, we can read the following: “It clearly states that the third dose of the mRNA vaccine is not registered for use, that it is an off-label use, that you accept responsibility for your decision.”
The visitor from another planet has wisely pointed out that there is no difference between the first, second and third doses of the same vaccine because they are the same substance. According to the ‘experts, the first two doses are supposed to be ‘safe’, but the third is not. Why?
The journalist and author of the mentioned article sent several questions to the government office, including a logical one: “If vaccination is safe, why doesn’t the state take responsibility for any consequences that may arise for vaccinated persons? How do you think such statements affect those who are against the vaccination against covid 19? Do you think they attract them to vaccination or repel them away from it?” He will publish the answers when he receives them, or in another word, never.
If they deliberately kill someone, they just pay and keep on killing
Pharmaceutical companies are not responsible for the harmful side effects of vaccines, which means they are not liable, or more precisely, they are irresponsible. By acting irresponsibly and negligently, they deliberately cause further illness and death. Irresponsibility means that they know their products are harmful, but they sell them anyway. They do not guarantee quality and they do not allow complaints, which is only possible because of bribed politicians and laws that are harmful to the people. Let us see what Slovenian law says about intentional damage and negligence:
Article 17
An offense is committed with intent if the offender was aware of his actions and intended to commit it; or if he was aware that a prohibited consequence might result from his conduct and consented to such consequence.
Article 18
An offense is committed by negligence if the offender was aware that a prohibited consequence might result from his conduct and recklessly thought that it could be prevented or would not result; or if he was not aware that a prohibited consequence might result but, in the circumstances and according to his characteristics, he must have been aware of it.”
The law applies to everyone because everyone is supposed to be equal before the law, except for the pharmaceutical companies who think they are above the law. If they are sued – and, as we know, they are constantly being sued in several different legal proceedings for the harmful side-effects of their concoctions – they pay up and they deliberately and negligently carry on. It is the same as a robber or a murderer would instead of going to prison, pays up and then goes on robbing and murdering. As that wouldn’t be enough corrupted, they force people to take the blame for their harmful products with a paradox logic twist: a pharmaceutical company is not responsible for producing harmful products, but a buyer must be. So, in extreme farce and the case of the harmful side effects, the pharmaceuticals could even sue people for them as they are the responsible ones …
To be continued.
All the best to all.
P. S. As this article is in several parts, I will send you an emergency message when there are important events for the planet, such as the liberation of the planet. I look forward to this being the very next message entitled Earth is Free! Hooray, juhuuu and yupiii!
Read more about the fantastic future waiting for us after we end the karmicons blockade of Earth in my book series Letters to Palkies Messages to my friends on another planet. You can get them here, the whole series or single titles (below):
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