The Vatican allows homosexual priests, if they are not sexual (1/2)<br>

Homosexuality is thus officially no longer a sin, but one of the new Christian traditional values on which Western "civilization" is based. This will be particularly hard to swallow for the far-right, who have so far regularly visited Pride parades, harassed, attacked, and stoned homosexuals. Now, they will have to welcome, wave and embrace them.

<br>October 9. 2024 is the End of the World, and the Rapture (4/3)<br>

Every time I read about "Christian values", I remember the Crusaders, the Conquistadors, the Inquisitors, the witch hunts, forced baptism, the Wars of Religion, the Church's financial fraud, and the mass sexual abuse of the children of believers. Add to this the statement that "There is no greater hatred than Christian love", and you have a true picture of Christianity as a religion of hatred and violence.

October 9. 2024 is the End of the World, and the Rapture (3/3)<br>

After the End of the World and the Rapture of the good believers - good believers are those who fear god, kneel, and pray to him for mercy - has not happened, some say that it has already happened, and that we are left behind to suffer for our sinfulness. Interestingly and characteristically for patronizing and Important Christians, this should also be true for unbelievers and believers of other religions. Believe it or not, want or not, in any case, you must be a Christian.

Anyone but Trump!<br>

Only after the end of the blockade of Earth and our takeover of the planet will you see what is meant by a Politics of Good that works for the benefit of all. We will do more good for good people in one day than all the selfish, greedy, and corrupt karmic politicians have done in the entire history of the Politics of Hate. Then you will also realize that the old politicians were just grotesque, bizarre, and morbid caricatures of politicians, not real politicians.

Christian god Yahweh is just a common loser (6/8)

  Dear friends, let me, first of all, tell you that with our fantastic space friends, we have taken a big step towards liberating the upper part of our cosmos,

Christian god Yahweh is just a common loser (1/8)

  There are a growing number of videos on YouTube by New Wave Atheism authors, building on the good work of the 4 Horsemen of Atheism – Christopher Hitchens, Richard

What is the difference between the old system of Evil and the new model of Good? (2/4)

  4. The old system comes from a higher cosmos, it is not ours and it is not for us. According to the sequential and cause-and-effect interpretation of the old

God’s will or free will? (10/6)

  If I were joking, I would say that by god’s will we have reached the end of this series of articles. Fortunately for us, the karmic monster with the

God’s will or free will? (7/6)

  Karmic Evil is easy to recognize, especially in religions, when they lie to people that the life of sinners on Earth must be hard to be easier in Heaven.
