NDW: Traumas are healthy (8/7)

Traumas break the whole personality into split personalities. Once again, let me strongly recommend this excellent film, which will surprise you greatly. After watching it, you will understand much better the harmful effects of trauma in breaking the personality into many split personalities. The title of the film is Identity (2003).

Money is not Evil and Love is Good (1/3)

  The very fact that these two natural and common-sense facts need to be written down shows the poor state of the majority of Earthlings. Among them is also a

Carlos Castaneda and Don Juan: lots of karmic lies and little truth (1/2)

  Toltec nagualism, as a particular form of Central American mysticism, is based on the myth of the Eagle as Creator and Lord of Life and Death. The Eagle is

Cosmic Report NR 6: only the Earth remains

As you saw in the previous article, we have finally found the real AntiChrist (joke), so we can move on to other important space-related tasks. You’ve probably seen the new

Do spiritual people really have to be poor?

  Does that mean that rich people can’t be spiritual? One of the spiritual stereotypes says that truly spiritual people have to leave the material world and live strict spiritual

1, 2, 3, and you are free: 3 phases of personal development

  Did you hear the saying that one exercise is more worthy than thousands of readings? It’s a new one:) There are 3 personal development phases. 1. Informing is a

Take off your false costume and shine like a Thousand Suns.

    Camouflaged chameleons Unawakened are personal chameleons composed of camouflage cloths. Under those is nothing else than just another camouflage cloths. They are one big carnival that never ends.

Unawakened person is a patchwork of partial personalities, awakened is a whole Being

  Unawakened is like Fred’s suit in the movie A Scanner Darkly. Fred (Keanu Reeves) is an undercover secret agent. His mission is to watch himself, his civil person and

Awaken and become aware that you are Being and not a tool

  During the awakening, you will have a chance to see your old selves. They will fight to stay alive and to cloud your real personality of loving being that
