This is the second article from 2 parts of the 2020 Oscar Awards series. Read the first part, Joker: Oscar to the killer clown, here:
Both articles have the same intro as the theme is the same.
The karmicons, members of the Evil Karmic organization, are the ones who are giving all Oscars to their favorable movies, directors, actors, and creators as they wrote karmic scripts for the lives of scriptwriters, directors, and actors. In fact, the karmicons wrote all the scripts for all of our lives.
For them, we are not real beings. They claim that we are just incarnations of some other beings from other planets. They wrote the scripts by which we have to live for them and their incarnations, and not for us. As one of the many channeled gods said in his message to humanity, Heavenletters god, ‘your life has nothing to do with you’.
We are just roles and live costumes for our incarnants. We are just their future previous lives. Our lives are just movies inside our incarnants movies.
We can learn about the author from his work. About the karmicons, we can find out a lot from their Evil acts. On Earth, we can see their vision about humans. Limitation, poverty, illnesses and harms, criminal, violence and wars, pain and suffering, aging and death.
Our lives are their perverted and manifested fantasies in which they sadistically torture us every possible way.
They give Oscars to themselves and to their perverted delusions. By the rule, Oscars goes to the heaviest tragedic life works of the Martyrs. They are the best art successes of Martyrs Heroes or Poor me Important I’s.
Do you remember how Leonardo Di Caprio suffered his way to the Oscar in the movie The Revenant like the Jesus of Survival. In the end, he is totally exhausted watching up and begging with dying eyes: »Father, have mercy, is this enough, please, Oscar me before I die.«. 🙂
This year, they gave the Oscar to their ideal man, to the perverted parody of the human, to Joker, and to their ideal parasitic family, to the Parasite. The late had to got it as the karmicons are the cosmic parasites that feed on the negative energy of host suffering. They awarded themselves for their parasitic role on our planet.
By the Law of Evil, which claims that Evil is Good, they split us into two halves. One of two, they pervert, infect and corrupt to Evil, to the shadow side. Along with the many limitations, poverty, illness, and violence that is the reason that we suffer and produce negative energy as their food. When they eat, they want to have fun too, so they make a fool out of us.
The karmicons are cosmic parasites
»Parasitism is a symbiotic relationship between species, where one organism, the parasite, lives on or in another organism, the host, causing it some harm, and is adapted structurally to this way of life.«
In fact, it’s not an ordinary relationship because is not voluntary. Predator violently and without permission attacks, occupies and uses the host for his selfish needs. That’s why this is more “consumer-resource interaction” as a relationship. Both quotes:
There are permanent and part-time parasites. First will abuse the host until his death, and after as the karmicons:), second come, feed, and go.
A parasite is fully dependent on the host and he can’t live alone. If he damages or kills the host, he must find another one before he dies. Most of the parasites are simple organisms who act “instinctively”. They find the host to feed and live.
The karmicons parasites are very different as they have mental abilities and technology. There are many karmicons species, they are all members of the Karmic organization. The Masters are animals with mental abilities, among their slaves are also humans from many planets under their occupation.
That makes them special as they can plan, execute, analyze and adapt their parasitism. They differ from the classic leeches and worms that besides the food they use the hosts, humans, and animals, for their needs for domination, subordination, and humiliation. The ordinary parasite just feeds, cosmic karmicons parasites perverted enjoys in sadistic torture of humans and animals.
Their food is also different as they feed on the negative energy of human and animal suffering. that’s why they must first torture them to get their Evil food.
The best example of their nutritional recipe is the torturing of China dogs. They heavily beat, torture and skin them alive so they release stress hormone which is supposed to make their meat more tasteful. Then they cook and bake them alive. The karmicons enjoy tormenting humans and animals – with enforced scripts they force incarnants to go to unpleasant lives in which they suffer every possible way and produce negative energy as food for karmicons parasites.
Classic vermin has not mental abilities, he just devours until he can. The karmicons had first to find a host and convince him to take care of the intruder. They lied and tricked humans that Evil is Good, useful and necessary for life and personal development. They created the Karmic organization as a false school and a real sadistic torturing system for the production of the negative energy.
The ordinary parasite doesn’t think about the host, while the karmicons are pervertedly “taking care” of us, because they are dependent on our suffering.
Don Juan described the Flyers in the Carlos Casteneda books like Masters of the Earth. They have installed their predatory minds to humans and made them by their design – selfish, greedy, harmful, destructive and deadly. Karmic scripts for our incarnants and our lives are in fact programs by which they manipulate and control humans at distance.
A mind is a neutral tool and it can be useful too. It’s functioning depends on the user and or the program that runs it.
We can see that the basic characteristics of the karmicons program for humans are unawareness, ignorance, stupidity (mind-less) and violence. People are personally split to Evil and Good, shattered, conflicted and confused. An important part of the karmicons program is self-denial, self-sabotage, and self-pity. These are efficient recipes for producing negative energy for the karmicons parasites. To make the suffering even tastier they spice it up with the fear, disappointment, and despair.
Parasitic program for enstupidment and abusement of humans
The karmicons are using the tactic of normalization of Evil as something Good for controlling the human hosts and accepting the parasite. They tricked humans to accept the Evil as good ones.
When a mosquito bites his prey, he releases the substance to prevent blood coagulation. The opens the wound so he can suck blood without limitations. This substance tricks our body’s immune system for protection to think that is okay if blood runs freely.
In the same way, the karmicons parasite codes their predatory program in the karmic scripts of the incarnants. Scripts are in fact programs for enstupidment, controlling, limiting and abusing.
If the mosquito would be more capable, he would mentally program us to cut our selves and bleedingly run around thinking that it’s good to be cut open:) That way they could feast the big time.
The first karmicons “substance” or program for humans is to limit their awareness so they can’t be aware of the Pure Awareness as their Essence and Real Beingness. They add another mental poison to make them think that Evil is Good. This contradiction splits human minds and confuses them to become self-conflicted and start acting harmfully to their selves and to others because they think that harming is useful. With this approach, the karmicons get the most out of human suffering. “The best that men can give.”:)
Negative energy from their personal and interpersonal conflicts and fights. Slovene proverb says: “Where the two are fighting, the third has the profit.”
The karmicons program is very strong for programming, hypnotizing and conditioning of humans. We can see that humans are accepting living in poverty, illnesses, pain, violence, and suffering, and also death, as something normal. They even blame their selves for that being bad, sinful and damned. Religious believers demand to be punished for redemption. They also blame others and pity their selves at the same time.
The karmicons tricked humans that there is a Kreator who created the Creation which works in the consequential way with cause and effect, (good and) bad karma (two members of the Karmic Council said in the channeled message that there is no good karma – you can read their message and my comment in 3. book of Letters to Palkies Messages to my friends on another planet – link is at the end of this article), punishing revenge by the “eye for an eye” karmic principle, balance of the Evil and Good, and achieved their important goal to evenly spread the Evil all around.
They have legalized their Lie and became the legal aggressor. They normalized the Evil as the Good, useful and necessary for humans’ lives despite the fact that the Evil is good only for them because they feed with the negative energy of human suffering. Evil is not good, let alone Good for us, as we don’t want it and don’t need it.
That’s how the karmicons stepped up from only feeding parasites to become Masters of Life and Death of their hosts. it’s incredible and paradoxically that even higher and light beings from dimensions way above the 8. believe such stupidities as is the Goodness of Evil. They could easily understand that in the Existence Everything is happening at the same time, and not causally as the karmicons claim. In the first and true way, there is no cause and effect and no karma, in the second, the karmicons control the cause and effect calling it karma and karma debts.
Even more incredible is that some of those higher beings talk about the simultaneity in their channeled messages, but at the same time, they serve the Karmic system, which is claiming the opposite – that life is consequential, which, of course, is not true.
To make the blood run all the time, the karmicons are even presenting as Teachers of Life teaching people how to live the right way to feed them constantly. Here are their “lectures”.
“Only hard life is the right life. It must hurt! The worse, the better. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. It’s noble to die for the right thing. Who wants to live forever. Sacrifice and be Hero. Through the martyrdom to the Hero. Easy is not worthy, you have to fight and earn it the hard way.”
Let’s see the movie about the parasites.
Spoilers ahead.
The Parasite is an autobiographic movie about the karmicons
The movie opens with a poor family living in a dirty and neglected sub-basement flat. Right under the drunk pissing corner.
Son and daughter are trying to hack the internet searching for the signal around the flat. Son will repeat it twice, that that is very metaphorical. That is the main theme of the movie as they will try to hack into the energy net of other people as parasites do. This family would prefer a nice and architectural designed home with a garden…
Sister helps brother to falsify teaching paper so he can pose as a mentor and first enter the rich family. That is a symbolic presentation of false karmic theory about karma, karmic debts and the Law of Evil by which they fraud their way to humans and impose as teachers.
After him, his sister becomes a “teacher” too. Brother was a door opener, she represents the System, and starts to command and setting the rules. When she “teaches” a little boy to draw, the mother can’t be present. That’s how she symbolically isolate him so she can manipulate him. She sends away the maid and steps above her too.
Sister, a false teacher, presents her as a student of art psychology and art therapy. She “explains” to mother that a lower-right region of her little son is »schizophrenia zone« in which are expressed psychotic disorders. She diagnoses him as sick and presents herself as (art) “doctor”.
That is symbolical karmicons interpretations of reality in which they claim that something is sick, thought it isn’t. The karmicons are creators of all Evil. First, they write all scripts and then they force incarnants to incarnate to the human who will do harmful acts. After that, they even blame him for the harm they heinously forced him to do.
With the false diagnoses, the imposter and false teacher symbolically enforced the first karma to the little boy – he is sick and she will cure him. In fact, he is not ill, and she is not a doctor. The same goes for the karmicons, who are supposedly teaching us the right way of living. They claim that we don’t know how to live so they (must) teach us. The main point of their “school” is that Evil is Good.
The false teacher asks the mother if she is ready to open the Black Box which is a symbol of Evil. She actually asks her if she wants to meet the Evil. The mother thinks that that will help her boy and she accepts it. She cant’ even think what will come out of the Black Box…
After son and daughter are firmly in the house, it’s time for the father to come in next. He falsely presents himself as a driver. When three invaders get rid of the old maid, all is prepared for the mother as the last of the parasite family to enter the new home. Her husband, the false driver, gives a card to his new boss. He recommends the company The Care and their home keeping services. This “company” is the professional con family of parasites.
If parasites harm or kill the host, they lose the residence and food which endanger their life. That’s the reason why the karmicons are “taking care” of us. In the movie, they are wittily presented as The Care company:)
The karmicons as professional parasites and false teachers as leeches take care of the constant flow of blood of negative energy from our suffering. That is their only “care”.
In four moves, all four members of the parasite family are finally in the house of the rich hostess.
Their little boy sniffs them out, and tell the parents that they all smell the same, but they don’t believe him.
When the family goes camping, the parasite family party. Now, they are the boss’s family. They drink and throw things around. Son is reading the diary of the host’s daughter which is a symbol for the karmicons invasion into our privacy.
The second half of the movie starts with a revelation of yet another hidden guest in the house. The old maid was hiding her husband in the cellar. She came to feed him but just to find out that new teachers, driver, and maid are in fact family. She calls them charlatans.
This revelation of the truth causes a series of dramatic and tragic events to the end of the movie. For all Evil beings, as the karmicons are, it won’t end well. We will stop, isolate and finish them. Forever.
Let’s get rid of the karmicons parasite, this Evil cosmic vampire leech
Once upon a time, the cosmic parasites have found new human hosts, who were natural, whole and healthy. They heinously infected them with the karmicons program that Evil is Good and program them to cooperate for their own harm. With the lie, they tricked the natural emotional-mental immune system to believe that a pest intruder is harmless. The karmicons used the position of Evil to shut down the human’s natural wisdom and forcefully filled them with stupidity.
The karmicons parasites were abusing human hosts and sadistically tortured them to produce the negative energy they feed on.
Previously natural, whole and healthy hosts become unaware, limited, poor, sick and powerless and they couldn’t recognize the Evil game of the karmicons parasites, let alone stop them and become free.
With awakening, we become aware that we are Beings of Pure Awareness. We use this Truth as a Medicine to neutralize the parasite. When we release all harmful behaviors and stop producing negative energy, they can’t feed on us anymore. Despite that, they will still try and try until we finish them forever. We are already ending them, and in the near future, we will finish the Evil organization, space parasites, pests, vermins, leeches, and vampires.
Movie Parasite is presented as a tragic-comic and capitalistic class drama about the differences between rich and poor. In fact, it is a karmicons presentation of their use of the manipulated, limited and abused human hosts.
Let me remind you that the karmicons write all the scripts for the incarnants lives. They wrote the script for the incarnant of Boong Joon-ho in which they wrote that he will write the script for the Parasite movie. Unconsciously, or even intentionally cynically and sarcastically, they said more about themselves as they wanted to.
The unconsciousness, suppressed, wants to express itself. In time, it succeeds in various ways. Directly, showing what they want, or symbolized and unrecognizable at first sight.
The karmicons are very arrogant as they think that they are the Bosses and that nobody can stop them. There is a chance that they wrote the Parasite with direct, but for most of the Earthlings, who are not aware of their existence, hidden message.
“You are so stupid!. We are making fools of you. We can do you whatever we want. We are laughing at you and you even don’t see it. We are the Masters, you are just our servants serving us and feeding with your suffering.”
With the ending of the Karmicons organization, we will get rid of the cosmic parasites forever. We will remove their personal, awareness, partnership, family and social limitations and perversions and create our, new and natural way of life.
On the planet Palki, we have already end this Evil. Palkies are very excited about the new way of life. We will do the same on Earth. I tell you, it will be more fantastic than you can even imagine.
All the best to all.
Read more about the Karmic organization and karmicons in my Book series Letters to Palkies Messages to my friends on another planet. You can get the Book 1 and 2 on Amazon:
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This si an awesome article, and pretty much explains the ‘shit show’ we are watching right now, in the White hats/black hats ‘movie that they claim is gonna be Biblical…the Blockbuster Movie Biblical Heros of planet earth and their need to continue this ‘shit show’ for to teach the normies a lesson, to SHOW them what the evil doers wanted to do to humanity and the TRANSHUMANISM agenda of the ‘Elites’ aka Dragon families and Black Sun groups factions, freemasons, etc, Satrun worship, the apocolypse program of course the heros will stop…cuz we are to TRUST THE PLAN, ENJOY THE SHOW, Stay calm….it’s just a movie….HOWEVER, it’s still the so called Deep state actors who are doing all these ‘events’ destroying whole towns much like the one of Lahaina in Maui with their DEWs which they have been using for sometime now. They are running the Savior/Hero program of this false light matrix, prison of the mind. They did their ‘pretend disclosure’ and now they gonna need more money to research something they have known for decades and who knows…much longer. I know the Vatican knows, hence why they have their telescope on sacred land called L.U.C.I.F.E.R.
What this group is doing is trying to get technology into everyone and changing the DNA, disconnecting us from our spirit pure awareness, making cyborgs out of us, because we power this matrix, and The Matrix Movie was a documentary. So this A.I. Archon beings that feed on our life force, and have set DEATH TRAPS to recycle us life after life, and our incarnants scripts and many lives we have had….and the NDE’s that tell us that this is a school, all lies….so once we had been able to get out that this matrix is the false light mental matrix of the mind, we power it, and our DNA is what they are after because once the Matrix resets, they would no longer exist so they try to keep us here in this matrix, to continue to feed them, by turning us into robots. So for many that got this jab, they are now a new human race.
But I think what you and others are doing is working on them not getting their food….
Now we got some Ascended masters channeling here that is telling us not to intervene in someone else’s simulation, we are just to have compassion for their suffering and pain and not intervene…not to tell them to SNAP OUT OF IT…LOL,
THEY ARE GETTING HUNGRY…SENO MY FRIEND, something is working here….
Introducing Thymus: The Collective of Ascended Masters
This is an excellent description of the current situation on Earth, but with the interesting fact that the Evil Karmic Organization, which made the planetary plan for Earth as a karmic prison or Matrix, no longer exists.
The car is running, but there is no one behind the wheel anymore.
This means that their program is running out and will end at the latest when the last human being for whom the Karmic people have written the script for life has died. Since they had to set the grids for several generations in advance, I assume that in about 100 years, the new children who will be born without a karmic script will have already lived a different life.
As I wrote in the new Space Report No. 8 at, the Earth will soon be liberated, so we will have abolished karmic hell once and for all.