Money is not Evil and Love is Good (3/3)

  Another criticism by the above-mentioned reader was our friendly help in finding the ideal partner and reviving the family of origin and the connection of all its members, which

Christian god Yahweh is just a common loser (4/8)

  “12) Lack of purpose It probably sounds very logical when I say that losers tend to not have a proper purpose in their life. You see, purpose is the

Christian god Yahweh is just a common loser (2/8)

  “4) Being self-absorbed Some “successful” people are actually total losers. You wanna know why? Because they couldn’t give a damn about anyone but themselves. While, yes, to the public

What is the difference between the old system of Evil and the new model of Good? (2/4)

  4. The old system comes from a higher cosmos, it is not ours and it is not for us. According to the sequential and cause-and-effect interpretation of the old

What is the difference between the old system of Evil and the new model of Good? (1/4)

  This is an address to the inhabitants of our cosmos, who are enjoying a new life on the 200,000 (in words: two hundred thousand) paradise planets in our new

Cosmic Report NR. 8: The controllers of the Earth are the Sivilis and the Belenis (2/2)

The Space Story of the liberation of our space is approaching a Happy Ending It is a characteristic of every story that we usually know nothing or very little about

Learn to lucid dream and discover your incarnant (2/2)

The essence of lucid dreaming is setting an intention before sleeping For those of you who do not yet know how to lucid dream, I invite you to learn and

Learn to lucid dream and discover your incarnant (1/2)

Discover the art of lucid dreaming and unveil the secrets of your 'incarnant' identity—a being from another world, incarnated in your body after your birth. Explore the realms of lucid dreaming and your extraterrestrial connection in this eye-opening guide.

NDW:  just ask and god will give you everything you want (2/2)

  4. “On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know … … that your prayer has already been heard. The Larger Part of You that
