In August 2015, I was at home listening to the music of Love, and suddenly heard a man’s voice: “I’m not only fascinated by you but also…” With that phrase
After the End of the World and the Rapture of the good believers - good believers are those who fear god, kneel, and pray to him for mercy - has not happened, some say that it has already happened, and that we are left behind to suffer for our sinfulness. Interestingly and characteristically for patronizing and Important Christians, this should also be true for unbelievers and believers of other religions. Believe it or not, want or not, in any case, you must be a Christian.
Traumas break the whole personality into split personalities. Once again, let me strongly recommend this excellent film, which will surprise you greatly. After watching it, you will understand much better the harmful effects of trauma in breaking the personality into many split personalities. The title of the film is Identity (2003).
The only lesson we should all learn from trauma is that harmful actions - thoughts, feelings and emotions, words, and deeds - that cause trauma are unnecessary, useless, and extremely damaging. The next step should be to make an immediate, strong, and consistent decision to abandon all harmful actions and become good people who no longer harm ourselves and others. Anyone who does not do this continues to be deluded, does harmful things, and causes trauma to themselves and others.
As an awakened person, you will create a new, peaceful, joyful, and loving personality, no longer oblivioned, and mired in the swamp of sadness, and other emotional-mental secretions. You will separate the Evil from the Good and will no longer naively fall for karmic tricks such as "sadness is joy, be happy if you are sad". You will become stable personalities who live only in the zone of Good, have positive thoughts, and feel only the emotion of Love.
Another criticism by the above-mentioned reader was our friendly help in finding the ideal partner and reviving the family of origin and the connection of all its members, which
“12) Lack of purpose It probably sounds very logical when I say that losers tend to not have a proper purpose in their life. You see, purpose is the