God’s will or free will? (6/6)

  In my three-part article, What is the difference between the old and the new god? here is the 1. part: https://www.letterstopalkies.com/2022/11/22/what-is-the-difference-between-the-old-and-the-new-god-%c2%bd/ out of thousands of different fictional gods, I

Carlos Castaneda and Don Juan: lots of karmic lies and little truth (1/2)

  Toltec nagualism, as a particular form of Central American mysticism, is based on the myth of the Eagle as Creator and Lord of Life and Death. The Eagle is

The World Elite: We will kill you all! (2/2)

  Here is Part 2 of the World Elite’s alleged plan to subjugate and exterminate the majority of Earthlings: “37. When a light shall shine among them, we shall extinguish

A.I. ChatGPT: God exists and does not exist (4/4)

  In Part 3, we looked at the “proofs” for the existence of god, which for centuries have been used by theologians and laymen alike to try to prove the

A.I. ChatGPT: God exists and does not exist (3/4)

Opinions, beliefs, and attitudes are only claims for the existence and, indeed, non-existence of god, but they are not proof. To become evidence, claims (hypotheses or assumptions) must be proven

A.I. ChatGPT: God exists and does not exist (2/4)

ChatGPT has done an excellent job of accurately presenting the historical dilemma of the questionability of the evidence for the existence of god. In 10 points, he stated two basic facts from different perspectives: 1. There is no scientific evidence for the existence of god. 2. Believers believe in the existence of god based on their own beliefs. For them, their belief that god exists is "proof" that god does exist.

A.I. ChatGPT: God exists and does not exist (1/4)

The existence or nonexistence of a deity or deities is a topic of debate and speculation that has occupied humanity for centuries. Many philosophical, religious, and scientific perspectives have been offered to support both the existence and nonexistence of a supreme being or beings. While some believe in a personal God who created the universe and intervenes in human affairs, others hold a more abstract view of divinity as an underlying force or consciousness in the universe. On the other hand, those who argue for the nonexistence of God often cite a lack of empirical evidence or the existence of natural disasters and suffering in the world as proof against a benevolent deity. Ultimately, the question of whether or not God exists remains a matter of personal belief and interpretation.

What is the difference between the old and the new god? (3/2)

Neal Donald Walsch and his Conversations with God In Neal Donald Walsch’s (NDW) Conversations with God books, his god, who is one of the New Gods, says that there is

What is the difference between the old and the new god? (2/2)

What yin and yang the karmicons would be if the new god were not the opposite of the old. The old religions have prophets who are supposed to have personally
