All Near-Death Experiences are Staged Hoaxes By DARK ENTITIES (5/5)

Jeff: I was looking into your other books and there’s a question there about what is the difference between being awakened and being a tool. Senad: By the karmic scripts,

Where and how can you find Pure Awareness?

  What is awareness? The Existence is composed of two elements, from Awareness, and from Energy. Both are eternal as it is not possible to create or destroy neither of

About the time, that incredible liquid:)

  The whole Existence is standing still and doesn’t move or change. That is how the Absolute Awareness is “experiencing” It. “Experiencing” because It is not the being so It

Poor Me, what’s gonna happen to me?

  Let’s get back or forward to the attention. When you walk in the store observe your attention as watches and chooses from the shells. Attraction to objects activate and

Awakening from unawareness to awareness of Pure Awareness

  Unawareness is everything that we are not aware of. Yet. For the unawakened, that is at first place Pure Awareness, their Essence, and true Identity. It is unbelievable that
