Forced collection of false karmic debts in dreams.

  Tonight, I was in my dreams visiting “Metod”, my friend from the army from Earth. I put him in “apostrophes” because he was really his twin from the planet

Are Evil and Good really the same? Free Book.

  The Karmicons “shool” of Evil is not our school because our school is a school of Good. It’s very important that you know that for the karmicons we are

The Karmicons Series, (6/12)

  Dear friends, one of the biggest karmicons, lies is that Evil is Good, necessary, useful and mandatory for our progress. They need Evil because they feed with negative energy

The Karmicons Series (4/12)

  Dear friends, here is the truth about the Existence, simultaneity, and karmicons lies about the »Creator« and gods. In consequentiality we die, in simultaneity we live   Let’s see what’s
