Corona drama is continuing (8/5)

More and more vaccinated, more and more infected The predictions and warnings that vaccination would weaken people’s immune systems and make them sicker are coming true. We can see that

Corona drama is continuing (7/5)

Janša: left-wingers are to blame for the virus and all other bacteria and bacilli In an article entitled Janša:, We will be forced to introduce measures that will close down

Corona drama is continuing (6/5)

Pay and you’ll be famous or how politicians buy votes Austrian Prime Minister Kurz resigned over corruption and business fraud. He made a deal with the media to order advertising

Corona drama is continuing (5/5)

Not experts and politicians, but just common dealers (drug traffickers) 70 % and even higher vaccination plans have nothing to do with the health plan, it is a financial plan

Corona drama is continuing (4/5)

Believe in a virus even if you haven’t seen it “Jesus said to him, Thomas because you have seen me, you have believed: blessed are they that have not seen,

Corona drama is continuing (3/5)

Now, we are getting somewhere with revealing the plan of the corona bioterrorist attack on humanity. We can read on the webpage in the article »Supreme Court: Pfizer, Moderna

Corona drama is continuing (2/5)

There are already suggestions in the media that those who are vaccinated should also be tested. Ha, ha, ha. Exactly what I have suggested, to find out the “effectiveness” of

Corona drama is continuing (1/5)

Before the series of articles on 15 things you need to know about corona madness was over, new corona complications had emerged, so in a new series of articles I

15 things you need to know about the corona madness (5/5)

12. Religion: you can read more about the religious aspect of the corona pandemic in my article CoronaVirus: the Greatest Gift of god Here is just one paragraph to
