Ini, Mini, Mini, Moe, let the flu this year to cough!
Politicians in Slovenia have decided that there will be flu this year! As we know, last year, miraculously, there was no flu, after decades of coughing regularly. To be more precise: it was there last year too, but the politicians renamed it with covid, which is much more profitable. Why did they decide to add flu to covid this year? Why is flu going to be choking people’s throats under its real name this year? To speed up corona vaccination and increase the number of people vaccinated against covid. With the free flu vaccination, they want to remind people that vaccination is a ‘good thing’ and that they already do it for other illnesses, most often flu. They are now making a big media push for people to get the flu vaccine into one, and on the other hand, the covid vaccine. “The ‘experts’ claim that mixing the two vaccines will not cause any new harmful side-effects, even though both vaccines already cause their harmful side-effects. Time will tell how harmful the combined old and new adverse effects of the two vaccines are at the same time.
Slovenian premier Janša invented a miracle vaccine band that protects the vaccinated from the unvaccinated
Nina Jazbinšek, Facebook:
“A new surplus for the profession and the government.
An ordinary tape, to prevent the virus from crossing over to the other side.
Right – code diligently
Left – anti-vaccers, virus deniers, leftists
Seriously, do you really still not see the bigger picture that this is not about health. This photo is perfect proof of that – control, training, obedience, etc.
Because if you seriously believe that tape really does contain the virus, you are a candidate for some kind of institution”
The craziest thing is that they believe in such nonsense. They think they are clever, but in reality, they are making a fool of themselves.
Who is vaccinated voted for Janša?

Vaccinations are the new elections. Especially in Slovenia, where it is said that those who get vaccinated are voting for Janša. Janez (Janša’s first name) heard this too and immediately started fantasizing that this is true and that all those who had been vaccinated are his voters. He will only be able to wallow in this narcissistic delusion until the elections next April when it will be his turn to sober up on the hard ground of reality. According to the current mood, SDS (his party – Slovenian Democratic Party) will win the elections, but Janša will not be able to form a government, because he has robbed his coalition partners and literally destroyed them with his parasitic policies. The SMC, Desus and the oppositional but co-coalition SNS, are already out of the game. The left option has united in the fight against Janša so that they will easily form a new government. Let me remind and warn that the left will also continue to lie, manipulate and steal, except that the situation in the country will be much more peaceful than it was under Janša’s dictatorship, full of hatred and violence. Slovenia will not be better off until we abolish the right and the left and create a new and united politics that is honest and works for the good of all.
Anyone who did not vote for Janša will not eat.
Pharmaceutical paradise is a planet of the sick, where everyone has at least one disease and has to take pills. Together with the Elite and the Exterminator Bill Gates, who wants to exterminate the 95 % of the population for whom they think are inferior and worthless, and who in their paranoid delusions are depriving them of air, water and food, are now creating a paradise of Evil. Part of the Elite and their Evil Campaign is the World Economic Forum, which wants to appropriate all the property of this planet. According to their plan, people would no longer have personal property, which would all pass into the hands of the Elite. Employees would no longer receive a salary but would be paid whatever they thought they needed to live on. This is, of course, according to the Chinese model of social engineering, in which the population accumulates credit points by obeying and loses them by disobeying the government. If you are diligent, you get a salary, if you are not, you do not. Reader Milena sent me a message about the new and QR ID cards that are supposed to allow or deny access to public institutions, schools, shops, post offices, banks, petrol stations … Vaccine passports are a prelude to such totalitarian control. If you are not vaccinated, you cannot go anywhere. Tomorrow they will add new restrictions to this: if you have not paid your taxes, you cannot go to the bank. If you did not vote for Janša, you cannot go to the supermarket. Regarding having fantastic news about our success in liberating the universe, I am curious to see how far the Evil Ones on this planet will go with their dirty and corrupt plans. I will write more about our space success in a new Space Report after November 23 when we have our next Space Conference.
Where is Tito to show Janša how to punish anti-vaccers?

you can find an article entitled “This is how Tito punished the anti-vaccinators in Yugoslavia and the subtitle The former authorities had no mercy on those who refused vaccination, we can read how cruel Tito was to anti-vaccers (ha, ha, ha, ha):
“The coronavirus pandemic has invaded all spheres of our lives. Many people around the world have welcomed the advent of the vaccine, believing that it will help to defeat the virus, but there are still many who firmly refuse to be vaccinated because they do not think that the vaccine (especially as it was prepared very hastily) is the right solution.
The Croatian portal Index has published a document from 1947 which proves that Josip Broz-Tito also had problems with anti-vaccination. But he had no mercy on people who refused vaccination. When the youth brigade that took part in the construction of the Šamac-Sarajevo railway refused to receive the vaccine, they took the word ‘strike’ out of their name, which was considered a great disgrace at the time.
“The 3rd Lika Brigade is punished by having the name ‘strike brigade’ taken off it because 90 young people from this brigade refused to be vaccinated, thus creating the possibility of spreading infectious diseases and endangering the health of young people,” the reasoning reads.”
To further punish and publicly shame all anti-vaccers, this proclamation was read out loud in front of all the brigades. I would jokingly say that the young men were so traumatized by Tito’s public disgrace that they are still afraid to pick up a pick and a shovel. One visitor from another planet says they could have been punished even more severely. Those who, under the weight of shame and the loss of the title “striker” and the ostracism from the honest Tito’s youth, would kneel and beg to be vaccinated, would not be allowed to get the jab and would be branded as infectious and sinful for life.
The only question that remains is what Janša could take away from those who do not want to be vaccinated in Slovenia that has not already been taken away from them and punish them as harshly as none other than Tito was able to do. He has already beaten them, he has also robbed them, he spits on them, he scolds them, he scorns them and threatens them day after day, but how could he punish and discipline them even more? With his voters, the majority of whom are religious, he has the help of God himself, who brings them to their knees for him, but with the left-wing and the politically undefined, even a higher power can’t help him. No matter how much he squeezes the right hand, the left hand refuses to shake it with him.
Corona plandemic as fascist genocide

Aleš Hartner 18.11.2021, 12:44:08 +9
“What is it about the Corona plandemic that resembles a fascist slide towards genocide against fellow citizens? The first phase, classification: we humans are divided into “us” and “them”. The second phase, symbolization: we are forced to identify ourselves with the corona infection and covid vaccination and/or disease evidence. The third phase, discrimination: whoever meets the covid mandates has many more rights than everyone else, who are becoming modern-day Jews. Phase 4, dehumanization: the unvaccinated become subhumans in public discourse, unworthy of freedom, unworthy of inclusion in society, unworthy of life. Fifth phase, organization: new approaches to enforcing segregation are being developed, employees are being forced to carry out the tasks of inspectors and terrorize their fellow citizens. The sixth phase, polarization: the authorities, through the media, are fuelling the daily drive against the unvaccinated, whipping up intolerance and hatred against them.”
Who is actually threatening whom?
In the face of increasing violence against the unvaccinated – in Italy, Australia and elsewhere, they are accused of being terrorists who should be imprisoned in concentration camps – the question is who the unvaccinated are actually endangering, to be so restricted, persecuted and demonized. The unvaccinated should not be a threat to the vaccinated, because the vaccinated are protected by effective vaccines. (Ha, ha, ha) The vaccinated have a covid certificate, are unrestricted and go where they want. As vaccinated persons, they are members of the VIP club (“Very Important Person”) and have all privileges.
So only the unvaccinated remain. In this case, the unvaccinated only threaten the unvaccinated. They are second-class citizens, inferior and restricted, as they can only go to grocery stores with direct entrance. As I write this, I feel the misery that Jews experienced during the Second World War and the Nazi racist violence. Let me reiterate once again that the unvaccinated are equal healthy people who do not feel the need to be vaccinated and who have every right to make decisions about their bodies. It is interesting that the Elite act completely differently in the case of the rich and do not force the poor to be rich too. On the contrary, they do everything they can to prevent them from entering the rich club. It is therefore strange that they go to such lengths to force the non-vaccinated into the club of the elect, who have covid privileges.
Let me also reiterate that capitalist hospitals are profit-driven enterprises, operating for-profit and not for people’s health. The claim that ‘the health system is about to collapse is a vile lie because the state has enough money to build new hospitals if necessary. Let us remember that when the corona broke out, China built two or three new hospitals with a thousand beds each in a matter of days. Unlike the Chinese Government, the Slovenian Government has not built a single new hospital. Why? Because it is more important that they buy a new military aircraft for EUR 72 million.
There is no difference between a pub and a hospital in terms of profit orientation. If you are an enterprising bar owner, you want a full bar, and you do not whine that you are about to collapse if there is a crowd of hungry and thirsty guests waiting outside the door. With a big smile on your face, you roll up your sleeves and set up extra tables, call your relatives, friends and neighbors and cheerfully collect the money.
The same goes for the hospitals, which have got rich from the corona supplements in a year and a half. I have read on the internet that some doctors have been paid more than EUR 80 000 in allowances. These are, of course, just published figures, and we will only find out how much they have got under the table once the planet is free.
We also saw at the Government Commission how premier Janez Janša was pretending to be ignorant when he was asked who the Minister for Health was when the contract was signed for the purchase of rapid tests that were proven to be inappropriate and false positives. He directly lied that he did not know, when in fact he was the Health Minister at the time, replacing Tomaž Gantár, who resigned. This means, of course, that Janša signed a million-dollar contract for the purchase of rapid tests with himself since the owners of Majbert Pharm are the ex junior members of his political party.
By the way, do you remember what kind of ‘masks’ the ‘experts’ wanted to sell us at the beginning of the corona pandemic in Slovenia? If Janša had been Minister for Health at that time, we would all be wearing them today or paying a fine of EUR 400.
The latest news on the corona drama:
1. Austria announced mandatory vaccination from February 1., 2022, but did not say for whom. Austrian Chancellor Alexander Schallenberg said at the time of the announcement that this was “very painful”, which is extremely cynical and sadistic. Mandatory and then forced vaccination, in which special police-medicine teams will visit people in their homes and intercept them in the street and forcibly vaccinate them, is only painful for the unvaccinated, for whom the violation of human rights and the violent interference with a healthy body and common sense is common and vile violence that has nothing to do with health. All violence is an expression of the impossibility of achieving goals through agreement, consensus and cooperation. This is also the essence of the workings of the Evil Karmic Organization, which is expressed on all planets under their sadistic dictatorship: lies and violence. Because they cannot and will not be honest, they lie; because they cannot act by agreement, they coerce and impose by violence.
The penalty for the unvaccinated in Austria is said to be EUR 3 600. Of course, they must first pass a law based on which they will be able to carry out this violence. As we can see from the mass demonstrations – some political parties are also against it – they will have a lot of work to do before they succeed in legalizing vaccination violence. In Slovenia, they are not even trying, because they know that they have no chance to succeed with such stupidity.
It is interesting to note that in Austria, the army and police have flatly refused to control vaccination passports and brutalize citizens. Meanwhile, in Slovenia, the army, under far-right premier Janša’s command, is laying wreaths on the graves of domobrans (WW2 local far-right traitors who worked under nazi command), and the police are shelling healthy people with water cannons and tear gas.
One of the few politicians who has kept a straight pose is the Croatian President, Zoran Milanović, who called the announcement of the mandatory vaccinations in Austria by its real name: coronafascism.
2. Bojana Beovic, a member of the national pandemic team, predicts that soon it will not be enough to vaccinate with just two doses, but that a third will be needed. Those who are only vaccinated twice will not be given a covid certificate or their old one will no longer be valid. In business, we call that a 33% increase in the price of the product. This measure also sets the stage for full vaccination with the 4th, 5th and 100th doses.
3. Some nurses said that the vaccine bottles are marked with numbers 1, 2 and 3. The number 1 bottles are supposed to have only saline (saltwater); the number 2 bottles are supposed to have the vaccine; and the number 3 bottles are supposed to have a carcinogen. This is to be done as part of a planetary experiment with humans. Incidentally, all political leaders who have been publicly vaccinated are supposed to have been vaccinated with number 1 …
On the website, in an article entitled Care home residents injected with saltwater instead of Covid vaccine, we can read that care home residents have been injected with saltwater instead of Covid vaccine. The management of the home excuses itself that there has been a mistake. It was not a mistake, they did it deliberately, the only mistake was that they were sloppy and hypocritical in doing it, and they were caught dirty-handed.
After the liberation of the planet, we will investigate this and make public the whole plan of the Evil Elite and its corona-fascist plan.
Mass protests across Europe and the whole world against senseless, stupid and violent political restrictions and human rights violations: as I wrote in an earlier part of this series, there are many other and incomparably more dangerous epidemics in the world for which the world’s politicians have not taken a single action. Let me remind you that up to 60 000 children die every day on the planet from hunger alone, but no media outlet reports on this terrible evil as paranoid, scary and scandalous as the intentionally constructed corona drama.
5. On the portal Predlagaam.Vladi.Si, someone suggested that blood donations from people vaccinated with mRNA vaccines should be banned until the testing phase of the vaccines has been completed, as this could seriously endanger the health of healthy people. The question is how many people have already received such blood and what the consequences of this ‘gift’ will be.
6. Good news: the delta corona strain has disappeared in Japan. Scientists say that it has become “corrupted” and lost all infectivity due to several mutations. If this is true, we can assume that this will happen in other countries too.
Peace and common sense, hand in hand
Dear friends, it is very important to remain calm and not to fall for provocations. Don’t get angry, don’t hate, don’t propel vengeful thoughts and don’t be violent towards either the vaccinated or the unvaccinated. After the end of the karmic blockade of the Earth, life will be very pleasant. I assure you that it will be much better than you can imagine.

Let me repeat once again that everything was predetermined and it was known exactly who would be infected, who would get sick and who would die. Please know that, despite all the efforts, not a single infection, disease, or death could have been prevented. This could only have been done if the Evil karmicons were no longer in control of the planet. This also means, of course, that not one less person would have died if they had washed their hands more, disinfected their stairwells more, worn masks all the time, lived at a greater distance from others and had their vaccinations every month. Even those who are vaccinated get infected, transmit the virus, get sick and die. The only option for successfully and quickly ending the corona pandemic would be for the entire population of the entire planet to shut themselves up in their flats and houses for two weeks until the virus was gone. Those who would have to be outside would be dressed in biological protective suits. However, we know from all that we have seen that, because of the intentional malice, selfishness and greed of the Elite and their political and medical servants, this is not possible.
If you have fallen ill and are suffering unpleasant consequences, your condition will improve as soon as the planet is liberated. If you are ill, you will recover completely within a few days at the latest after the end of the blockade of the planet. If you have died and are now with our space friends, then you already know that everything will be fine and that life on Earth will be fantastic for all good people after the planet is freed.
You must let go of harmful behaviors, awaken to Pure Awareness and realize that you are conscious beings of Love and Wisdom. Be kind, friendly and loving, regardless of what others do.
With our space friends, Palkies and the new galactic administrators, we are regularly and continuously sending messages to the higher controllers, suggesting that they lift the blockade and go to their world. I look forward to the planetary blockade being lifted quickly and to us enjoying a miraculous life on Earth too.
This ends the series of articles on the corona drama, but not the corona drama of the Elite’s attack on Earthlings. I look forward to publishing an article very soon in which I will also announce the end of the Evil Pandemic and the beginning of a new and fantastic life on our planet as well.
All the best to all.
Cover photo: shows the bestial experiments on human beings carried out by the Nazi and sadistic demon Josef Mengele.
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