The only lesson we should all learn from trauma is that harmful actions - thoughts, feelings and emotions, words, and deeds - that cause trauma are unnecessary, useless, and extremely damaging. The next step should be to make an immediate, strong, and consistent decision to abandon all harmful actions and become good people who no longer harm ourselves and others. Anyone who does not do this continues to be deluded, does harmful things, and causes trauma to themselves and others.
As an awakened person, you will create a new, peaceful, joyful, and loving personality, no longer oblivioned, and mired in the swamp of sadness, and other emotional-mental secretions. You will separate the Evil from the Good and will no longer naively fall for karmic tricks such as "sadness is joy, be happy if you are sad". You will become stable personalities who live only in the zone of Good, have positive thoughts, and feel only the emotion of Love.
With the awakening exercises, you will learn to observe and recognize your split personalities, begin to gradually let go of their harmful behaviors, and become aware of yourselves as Beings of Pure Awareness, beautiful Beings of Love and Wisdom.
The article presents the impact of the Shadow on anxiety, depression and stresses the importance of awakening to Pure Awareness, letting go of the old Ego personality with its many harmful split personalities and creating a new, aware, unified, whole, peaceful, positive and joyful personality.
Explore the significant influence of the shadow in romantic relationships, often manifested as conflict, projection or power struggles. Unresolved issues from past experiences or childhood trauma can affect our expectations, communication style and ability to form secure attachments.
The article deals with the concept of the shadow self and its importance in personal development and self-knowledge. Exploring the Shadow allows the discovery of repressed emotions, hidden talents, and unresolved traumas, leading to personal growth. The article offers insight into how the Shadow manifests in emotional responses, behavioral patterns, and relationships with others, and highlights the importance of illuminating and removing the Shadow for personal development, growth, and awakening to Pure Awareness.