NDW: Illness is a spiritual strength (1/2)

The sicker you are, the more spiritually strong you are Do you see and recognize the propaganda of Evil, the misrepresentation, and the imposition of Evil as Good from some

NDW: problems are god’s great gifts for the families

Where two quarrel, they are not without god On Christmas Day, when the family gathers for a festive dinner, there’s nothing better than a big fight. The family members have

Priest Rupnik: God’s commands are meant to be broken

The series of emails by Neale Donald Walsch to recipients in god’s name is briefly interrupted by a new and innumerable series of Christian clerical sexual abuse. This time the

NDW: Sorrow yourself and clean your heart!

Only a sad heart is a pure heart Are you ready for the next “truth” from Neal’s little sack of “wisdom” that he is convinced even god would want us

NDW: dear criminal, thank you that you robbed and killed me!

In Neale Donald Walsch’s email “I Believe God Wants You to Know”, we can read that god wants us to know the value of sin for daily life and to

NDW: god, please give us Evil (2/2)

If you want to read the karmic fairy tale of the Little Soul and the Sun again before reviewing the nonsense and lies, you can read it here: https://www.letterstopalkies.com/2022/12/05/ndw-god-please-give-us-evil-%c2%bd/ I

NDW: god, please give us Evil (½)

As members of the Evil Karmic Organization, the karmicons have invented all gods, religions, and cults. Although there is no proof for the existence of gods, about half of the

What is the difference between the old and the new god? (3/2)

Neal Donald Walsch and his Conversations with God In Neal Donald Walsch’s (NDW) Conversations with God books, his god, who is one of the New Gods, says that there is
