Can you incent and support others with their awakening? Gladly.
Can you recommend Letters to Palkies to your friends and colleagues? Of course.
You are already a great partner! Let’s make another step.
Can you contribute a little for the creation of a network of Centers for awakening?
How much? As much as you can and want.
We will need money to open the Centers for awakening, ending of the poverty, incenting creativity and development of talents. Earth is big so we will need to open approx. 300 to 500 Centers. For every Center, we will need co-workers. As you know there are costs in every form of business. I will pay for part of these costs with revenues from Letters. I first!
I will open the Centers for the awakening, ending of poverty, incenting the creativity and development of talents with the money from the Letters and contributions. After my ascension, we will end the poverty on the whole planet.
Business people you too want a better life for yourselves, your families and friends and co-workers. Besides your personal and family partnering in our planetary Change I am inviting you to give your co-workers good news so they can also collaborate in the most important project in the history of Earth. Buy the Letters and gift them to all of your co-workers. They will be very satisfied and grateful.
Billionaires and millionaires now is the time to show yourselves to the world. Know that karmicons gave you everything that you have. In fact, they didn’t give it to you personally but to your incarnants. By their scripts, you will leave every single cent on the Earth. We are ending now this harmful, destructive and deadly system and are creating new, our and a good system for all. Now you have a great chance to use your money for the benefit of all Earthlings.
Be generous and give the others the chance to live and enjoy a nice life as well.
Send your contribution to Nova KBM SI56 0440 3026 5956 037.
Here is BIC or SWIFT code, KBMASI2X.
(owner of account is Senad Dizdarević)
Thank you very much, you are very nice.
Dear Earthlings, wonderful Beings of Love and Wisdom, I wish you all the best and I am looking forward that we will celebrate our new and beautiful life together.
All the best for all.