Yesterday a sin, today a virtue. Interesting how the “immutable” dogmas of Christianity change over time. Which of god’s 10 prohibitions will become the new commandment? Which of the
Homosexuality is thus officially no longer a sin, but one of the new Christian traditional values on which Western "civilization" is based. This will be particularly hard to swallow for the far-right, who have so far regularly visited Pride parades, harassed, attacked, and stoned homosexuals. Now, they will have to welcome, wave and embrace them.
Every time I read about "Christian values", I remember the Crusaders, the Conquistadors, the Inquisitors, the witch hunts, forced baptism, the Wars of Religion, the Church's financial fraud, and the mass sexual abuse of the children of believers. Add to this the statement that "There is no greater hatred than Christian love", and you have a true picture of Christianity as a religion of hatred and violence.
Dear friends, let us rise from Evil and step out of the old Tomb of Death and see what we have created in the new and wonderful way of
»Is God sovereign or do we have free will? When we talk about free will, we are usually concerned with the matter of salvation. Few are interested in
The sicker you are, the more spiritually strong you are Do you see and recognize the propaganda of Evil, the misrepresentation, and the imposition of Evil as Good from some
The series of emails by Neale Donald Walsch to recipients in god’s name is briefly interrupted by a new and innumerable series of Christian clerical sexual abuse. This time the
Pure Awareness, which enables us to be aware, attentive, and present, and Energy, of which all planets, humans, animals, and material objects are made, cannot be created and destroyed, so
That is the title of a song and video in which young people ingeniously present a loophole in god’s law that they are happy to exploit. The text and the