Janša: left-wingers are to blame for the virus and all other bacteria and bacilli
In an article entitled Janša:, We will be forced to introduce measures that will close down public life again (October 18, 2021), we can read how Janša (Slovenian far-right-wing premier) again blames the left for coronavirus infections, diseases and deaths. Once again, it is others who are to blame for his incompetent governance, not him.
“Because of irresponsible behavior not caused by the Police or the Government, we will again be forced to introduce measures that will not be PCT-measures, but measures that will again close down public life and the economy,” Janša announced.
The vaccination rate in Slovenia is too low to turn corona mandatory measures into recommendations, the Prime Minister said. However, he pointed out that the reactions of the courts, the Constitutional Court and some commissioners give the public the impression that the decrees are only recommendations. This, he added, further accelerates the spiral of infection.”
Janša sees himself as a serious and responsible politician, even though he deliberately and serially issues decrees that are confirmed to be unconstitutional and illegal. If he closes the country down again, he will prove once again that the latest corona measures do not work and that they were adopted for political reasons of restricting, intimidating and subjugating the people. Janša cannot govern even with decrees, as he is not taken seriously by more than 70% of the population, let alone with recommendations that only work based on consensus and equality between people and politicians. Janša does not have the necessary consensus with anyone, because, first of all, he is very much in conflict with himself, more than 70% of the people are against him, and in his party and the current coalition, they only obey him submissively, because they are not on an equal footing with him. As a soldier, he can only rule by military orders, in this case, unconstitutional and illegal decrees.

Janša has forgotten what he said, that the state will no longer interfere in people’s rights and will no longer imprison the state since it is now up to individuals to take care of their health. He has also forgotten that he has already closed the country several times since the pandemic began and that this has not helped either. Getting infected, sick and dying from covid is a symbolic expression of people who are sick to the death of Janša and his dictatorship, but it is also an expression of demonstrating against him in the sense that they would rather get infected, sick and die than submit to an aggressive dictator.
Many have been vaccinated to have peace of mind with Janša, while others refuse to be vaccinated because of the incompetent government and thus express their disapproval of Janša’s ego trip and authoritarian political dictatorship. In his impatient, tense and violent style, JJ responds with water cannon fire and fumigation of protesters. The people are weeping at his violence against them. Janša is also sabotaging his own political goals and his chemical dream of 70% and even 80% vaccinated by his boorish tweeting. Only as a joke, I could recommend him: ‘Janša, resign and allow people to vaccinate!’
Natural immunity is the only natural enemy of pharmaceutical companies

Interestingly, nothing is said about natural immunity to corona, where people do not get infected and do not transmit the virus because it simply does not stick to them. If the medical ‘experts’ were really real experts and not just pharmaceutical dealers who have been bribed, they would analyze the characteristics of naturally immune people and use their blood to make real vaccines and medicines without harmful side-effects, and in a short time and completely neutralize the pandemic. But they are not interested in this, because they cannot make any money from natural immunity, with corrupt pharmaceutical companies creating and securing new business for themselves with vaccines, drugs and pesticides with harmful direct and side effects. After all, sick people will need new doses of vaccines and drugs that will cause new health complications, thus enabling them to make even more sales and profits. On the website of lawyer Andraz Teršek, we can read that this is also why they do not recognize the antibody test: “If immunity was the point, they would allow proof of antibodies.”
Florida: the paradise for the unvaccinated
And now for something completely different. Since it is written by pro-vaccinationists, it is portrayed as negative:
“The Care2 Petitions
A private school in Florida is making headlines for preventing children from remaining safe from COVID-19 — punishing anyone who tries to keep the kids there healthy. Centner Academy started by lashing out against teachers who received COVID-19 vaccines, prohibiting them from having contact with the students. Now, the school is lashing out against students, too. School officials just declared that students who become vaccinated against the deadly coronavirus will be barred from coming to school for 30 days after each of the two shots. This means students could be locked out of school – missing out on educational opportunities – for up to two full months.”
This is in line with the widespread anecdotal view that vaccines endanger healthy people and should be avoided from afar. Non-vaccinated people who accept this interpretation, and who are otherwise opposed to masks, suggest that masks should be worn when interacting with vaccinated people to protect themselves from them.
“On top of everything else, the Academy’s co-founders have also discouraged mask-wearing in the school.”
As this is a petition calling on the academy to repeal the decree, here is the text of the petition:
“Demand that the Centner Academy reverse course and stop punishing students and teachers who are vaccinated. Instead, it must implement a vaccine requirement to prove it cares about children!”
Ha, ha, ha, it’s a world gone wrong! Can you imagine a private school in Slovenia introducing something like this? Janša would go ahead and rough them up, then dress up in a camouflage military uniform and, armed to the ears, personally lead a raid on a leftist school. He would give the soldiers a strict command: “Whoever you catch, first vaccinate him and then shoot him!”

This is a fine example of the Karmic division of people into two completely different and opposite sides in the same issue. It is only a rhetorical question how highly educated people can disagree so strongly on what is otherwise a very simple matter. It is interesting that there has not been a single public outcry and other suspicions and doubts about flu vaccinations, and that this issue has not divided anyone. Some people got vaccinated, others did not, and life went on.
To add to the circus of division and divisiveness, even the anti-vaccinationists are not united. In some places, the anti-vaccination people are more left-wing – this is also the case in Slovenia – while the right-wingers are firmly behind Janša. Elsewhere, such as in the USA and Serbia, the right-wing, including the extreme right, is opposed to vaccination. Interestingly, both left- and right-wing anti-vaccinationists are firmly against vaccination based on the same suspicions and doubts about an artificially created pandemic for the political subjugation and financial exploitation of the people. Alongside sport, this is one of the few topics on which both left and right anti-vaccinationists agree and cheer together. Let us look at a concrete example: first, anti-vaccinationists, as left-wingers and right-wingers, clash at a political demonstration, then they go together to demonstrate against vaccination and PCT measures, and then they take separate buses to a football match, where one cheer for the blacks and the other for the reds.
It’s just been announced: Tennessee in the USA is the first state in the world without covid restrictions!

In an article titled TN Legislature Bans Vaccine Passports and Protects Doctors Who Speak Out Against Shots on the website
we can read new legal freedom that removes all covid restrictions. Among them:
1. All governmental and private entities would be barred from requiring proof of having taken COVID shots. They also couldn’t take adverse actions or deny employment based on vaccination status.
2. Authorizes unemployment benefits for those who quit their jobs due to any requirement.
3. Except in a few circumstances, this bill completely bars any local governmental entity or schools from requiring someone to wear a mask or taking adverse action against people for not covering their faces. Anyone injured as a result of a mask mandate can sue in court.
4. Removes any authority of a local health entity or official, mayor, governmental entity, or school to quarantine a person or private business due to COVID-19 for simple exposure to the virus.
5. Prohibits any health care provider from vaccinating a child without parental consent. (Apparently, they were vaccinated before without their consent, which is crazy.)
I assume that Tennessee will soon be joined by other developed and free-thinking countries in the US and the rest of the world. Let us see whether Slovenia will be one of them or whether, in the remaining six months, Janša will have the whole country walled up in a prison.
Greetings from the USA: the Internet says that no one has so far united the left and the right of the American people as Joe Biden has done, with his devastating covid restrictions and his maniacal push for vaccinations. The collective movement against his tyranny even has its song entitled ‘Fuck Joe Biden’. It would be interesting to see left- and right-leaning Slovenians singing one song together to Janša in front of Parliament.
The third time’s the charm

Looking at recent history, we can see that the Elite have tried bio-terrorist attacks on Earthlings before, but failed with bird flu and swine flu. The third time they nailed it with covid as they were much more prepared. They paid many more bribes, subjugating politicians, the media and doctors, which is why their pandemic action (they also changed the definition of the pandemic so that they could declare corona as one because the old definition said that since it was not so deadly, it isn’t) succeeded so well. As we can read on the Internet, Bill Gates and his team are already predicting new and much more deadly plagues. They now know how to plunge the world into chaos and make a fat buck doing it.
In the light of some new and important news about new and also pre-planned pandemics on the horizon, I have prepared the 8th and now really final part of this series, which I will publish next week.
All the best to all.
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