Believe in a virus even if you haven’t seen it
“Jesus said to him, Thomas because you have seen me, you have believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed.”
For the Corona believers, it doesn’t matter that they haven’t seen the virus, it’s enough that the pharmaceutical mafia has announced that it exists. As I have said before, the absence of concrete proof of a god is extremely important for faith, because it is precisely this absence of proof that makes faith possible. If you have proof of anything, you don’t have to believe in it, because it’s there. Faith only starts with a proposition that cannot be proven and can only be believed and pretended to exist, even though it is clear to everyone that the thing, god or virus, for example, does not exist.
Opinions are still divided, and even more so, about the coronavirus, because scientists who went to the same schools and have the same degrees are not unanimous about its existence: some say it does not exist, others say it does exist. Is the only difference between them that those who say it exists are paid by pharmacists and those who say it does not are not? Is money a reason to believe and even to have faith in a virus?
With the artificial and violent division between the vaccinated and the unvaccinated, a picture is increasingly emerging of a new religion in which the coronavirus is the new devil: Bill Gates is the new God in heaven and the Pope on earth, hiding behind conspiracy theories behind the pandemic; pharmaceutical companies are the new churches; presidents of states are the new bishops; doctors are the new priests and preachers. All together, they are scaring people, threatening them and forcing them to kneel, roll up their sleeves and take two, or rather three, sacraments as soon as possible, in the name of Pfizer, Moderna and AstraZeneca. The obedient are rewarded and the healthy are punished. The vaccinated will go to paradise, the unvaccinated to hell.
You have to take a vaccine, even if you die immediately
In seeking workarounds for the introduction of mandatory vaccination, some have “remembered” that there is no right not to be vaccinated. In the negative form, these statements imply that there is a duty to vaccinate.
This is a good example of pure manipulation of the Constitution and the law. They would like to use this ‘untruth’ as a legal basis for introducing mandatory and forced vaccination: as soon as one is legalized, the other is legalized too. There is, of course, an obvious legal paradox here, since they cannot invoke something that does not exist to introduce anything. 🙂 In invoking a non-existent right, the supporters, among them lawyers, of mandatory (and forced) vaccination intentionally ignore the simple fact that the right not to be vaccinated is enshrined in a different and much broader form in several constitutional rights and freedoms. In the Slovenian Constitution, there is the right to human life, which of course also includes the right to the inviolability of the body, since it is only the human body that makes human life possible. The Constitution also guarantees the protection of personal liberty and the protection of personality and personal dignity. Mandatory, let alone forced, vaccination violates all these and probably many other human constitutional rights and freedoms.
Interestingly, the tobacco industry’s interpretation that everyone can do what they want with their bodies has been accepted by politicians as a justification for the sale of harmful, destructive and deadly poisons in the form of cigarettes and other tobacco products, while with the corona governments want to override this right and forcibly dismiss the tobacco industry proclaimed and accepted right to do what they want with the human body. In this psychopathic and sadistic desire, they are, of course, equating themselves with pharmacists, who see us all as mice in the maze of their twisted and perverse experiments. According to them, a smoker can destroy himself, but a healthy person should not continue to live a healthy life and must be vaccinated against his will.
Let me make it clear that healthy people who are not vaccinated have no intention of harming anyone and therefore pose no danger. The unvaccinated and the vaccinated can be infected and are completely equal in this possibility. The fact that a person can become infected is not a reason to make vaccination mandatory, let alone forced. Corona pandemic is artificial planetary drama and it’s not a reason to vaccinate, given that four out of five people who become infected do not even notice it. With the simple fact that there is no chance to save a single person before we liberate Earth from the Karmic organization occupation. No matter what anybody does, those who are set to die at a certain time of the predestined way of death will die regardless of being vaccinated or not. We can see that vaccinated also get infected, sick and die.
The introduction of a corona vaxx pass (only those who are vaccinated, tested, or had covid) does not add any additional safety, because all three mentioned can also become infected, pass on the virus, become ill and die. Thus, the sick and vaccinated do not protect themselves, let alone others. Vaxx pass does not mean 100% effective and certain protection and safety, but only gives the illusion that nothing can happen to the sick and vaccinated, which of course is not the case. As we can see, the status of being sick is a political matter that has nothing to do with the reality of the situation. Today, a certificate of disease-free status is valid for eight months; tomorrow, it is valid for only six months. In Switzerland, it is one year, somewhere nine months and somewhere else eight months. Ha, ha, ha. Along with other nonsenses, this is just another part of the absurd farce of corona charade.
The government of the Republic of Slovenia issues fake health certificates
To maximize fear of vaxx pass restrictions on entry to shops, banks, post offices and petrol stations, and to speed up vaccination, people were told that they would get a corona certificate the same day after they were vaccinated with the Janssen vaccine, even though “scientists” claim that “protection” only kicks in after 14 days. In business, this is called lying and misleading by falsely claiming product characteristics to sell. It is like buying a phone and being told that you can start using it immediately, but in reality, it will only be activated after two weeks.
Former Health Minister Dusan Keber, when 20-year-old Katya died as a result of a Janssen vaccination, said that the state was issuing fake health certificates that were supposed to be valid immediately after the vaccination, even though the ‘profession’ claims that ‘protection’ only occurs after two weeks.
Corruption and hypocrisy: the unvaccinated are dangerous, the vaccinated are safe, even though both can transmit the virus
The Austrian Prime Minister and the German Health Minister have invented a new term to demonize unvaccinated or healthy people, calling their healthy state of health the “unvaccinated pandemic”. This is a sneaky and hypocritical maneuver to accuse healthy people with a common sense of being responsible for the emergence and spread of the virus. “An ‘unvaccinated’ person, or more precisely a healthy person, is not a danger to anyone and can transmit the virus just as well as a vaccinated person. When Bojana Beovič (the head of the corona pandemic team) was asked if the vaccinated would now also be tested, she quickly said no, because she was afraid that many of the vaccinated would also be found to be infected and carrying corona.
On the other side of the front, others argue that vaccination is increasing the number of infected, sick and dead, and claim that this is a pandemic of the vaccinated. This is exactly what we see in Israel, where more than 80% of the population is vaccinated. Despite this, the number of infected is increasing day by day.
Facebook: “Natalia Lucev, an abdominal surgeon, asked other doctors for the first time in public: ‘Colleagues who are vaccinated, why are you afraid of me if you are vaccinated and protected?'”
There is, of course, an excellent question here: why are they not testing the vaccinated? What are they afraid of? To find out what we all know – that even the vaccinated can get infected, transmit the virus, get sick and die.
It is increasingly obvious that conflicts are being created between the vaccinated and the unvaccinated. Let me remind you of the Slovene proverb: ‘Where two men quarrel, the third man wins’.
Vaccination or non-vaccination is becoming a major tool for dividing people into good and bad, depending, of course, on the point of view of the commentator. For the Ljubljana city counselor Janez Starih, Tina Maze, the skiing champion, has become a traitor for having been vaccinated and for having published a photo with a patch on her shoulder. He immediately denigrated her on Twitter, writing: “The Jansista should go back to IT.” (to Italy where she trained before) This violent outburst raises the question of whether he thinks all vaccinated people are Janšists or just Tina. And, of course, where should the other vaccinated and Janšists go? (Janez Janša is the extreme right prime minister of Slovenia who demands vaccination of the nation)
A visitor from another planet said that the vaccinated are becoming a new political party, pushing the unvaccinated into opposition and even underground, and preparing concentration camps for them to be imprisoned as political prisoners.
The Elite and their political servants are subject to different rules than the corona certificate (vaxx pass) abused mass. In an article on the website
we can read that politicians will not have to show the vaxx pass when entering the United Nations building in New York, where the General Assembly is held. New York is known to have the strictest restrictions on corona pandemics. For all but the Elite and politicians, of course.
Speaking of America, there is at least one piece of good news: the Governor of Florida, Ron DeSantis, has announced that Florida will fine any individual or company that requests any kind of vaccination, disease and testing certificates – in America, they call them ‘vaccine passports’ – USD 5.000. This will make it impossible to discriminate against people based on the purchase of pharmaceutical products such as vaccines and tests.
Valentino versus Gucci?
We can see that the artificially created front between the vaccinated and the unvaccinated is moving into the fashion world too. Valentino has designed a sweater “Vaccinated” and sells it for 589 euros. It would not be surprising if a new decree called V comes soon. If you want to go to the bank, the post office or the petrol station, it would be enough to wear Valentino’s “Vaccinated” sweater. Valentino would then donate a commission from every sweater sold to the politicians for the adoption of the V decree. The question is how other fashion designers who are on the other side of the front will react. Could we perhaps expect a sweater with the words “Non-Vaccinated” from Gucci?
Wanted dead or alive: catch a non-vaccinated one and drag him to the nearest vaccination site
For every non-vaccinated perpetrator, you get €10. Extra prizes for unvaccinated families! Hurry up, and don’t miss this unique opportunity! At the end of the campaign, the Pharmaceutical League will award a Golden Injection to the best corona hunter who brings the most unvaccinated. Roll up your sleeves and have a good hunt!
A pandemic of hypocrisy and greed
I suggest that you do not fall for provocations and remain calm, kind and friendly, whether you have been vaccinated or not. It would be interesting to see whether people of the same political orientation also accuse each other, and for example, vaccinated Jansists denounce unvaccinated Jansists as traitors to their leader and the Holy Right.
In reality, it is not a question of artificially creating contradictions and conflict between the vaccinated and the unvaccinated, but of hiding the real situation of the 1% Elite, who also own the pharmaceutical companies, the corrupt politicians and the doctors who hide their greed behind the pandemic. The virus (if it exists) and the pandemic are symbolic expressions of the pandemic of greedy parasites, vultures and vampires that forces people to feed it by buying pharmaceuticals (tests, vaccines, etc.) Vaccination is a symbol of the “cure” of the sick greed of the Elite, which, like a virus, has inoculated itself into people and controls them from within. Only when we remove the Elite from the planet after the liberation of the Earth will we cure our planet of this “disease”.
To be continued.
All the best to all.
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P. S. As this article is in several parts, I will send you an emergency message when there are important events for the planet, such as the liberation of the planet. I look forward to this being the very next message entitled Earth is Free! Hooray, juhuuu and yupiii!
Read more about the fantastic future waiting for us after we end the karmicons blockade of Earth in my book series Letters to Palkies Messages to my friends on another planet. You can get them here, the whole series or single titles (below):
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