12. Religion: you can read more about the religious aspect of the corona pandemic in my article CoronaVirus: the Greatest Gift of god https://www.letterstopalkies.com/2020/03/23/coronavirus-the-greatest-gift-of-god/ Here is just one paragraph to
Title photo: Addams Family, Kweller One-member family of the Holy Stupidity Let’s meet gods “family”, one of the weirdest families ever. 🙂 First, we have to know that it
Cover photo: legalcheek.com Yucky, you disgusting repulsive filth! Religions claim that man is sinful, human flesh is bad, the spirit is weak, and sex is dirty. Sex is only
There are no mistakes in Existence, so we don’t have to apologize for them. In the Existence, Everything that Exists is as it is. In that sense, there is
Before I dismantle another false spiritual myth about karma, I am bringing you good news about our very successful advancement in liberating not only our solar system but the
Gotswagen Turbo Neale Donald Walsch revealed the mystery of the »meaning of life« of our lives on Earth in his email message »I Believe God Wants You To Know«,
All of a sudden:) Because he is not calm, nice and friendly. He is personally undeveloped, primitive and retarded. Meaning: primitive as undeveloped, and retarded as stuck in the