Title photo: Addams Family, Kweller
One-member family of the Holy Stupidity
Let’s meet gods “family”, one of the weirdest families ever. 🙂 First, we have to know that it is a single-member family with three members 🙂 because one person plays all roles. That is also a one- and same-sex family as all three members are men.
Here they are. God Father, Jesus Son, and holy spirit as an unknown form of the family member. God Father is Conceptual (ideas only) and heavenly “Father” as he not fertile. He uses the holy spirit for this kind of jump. Because god is also the holy spirit, he is in that role of conception Father and as such he can conceive his son. Jesus. Jesus is also god, and that is the reason that he is his son too. 🙂
Before we list all of Jesus’s roles, let’s see all god’s installments. God is just god, and at the same time, he is also the heavenly Father of Jesus. God doesn’t have a father nor mother, but despite that he is Father of all Fathers being also his own Father – he is also Jesus, son to himself, that makes him also his own Father.
Jesus is god, god’s son, and son of a holy spirit. Let’s connect the heavenly family with the Earthly one, without which god and the holy spirit couldn’t conceive themselves as Jesus the Son.
Jesus is as god Father also father of his Earth father being also the father of his own mother. As a three-headed god-father-son, he is father, son, and holy spirit to himself. He is the Macho Man, and as a Holy Hermaphrodite, he has no mother nor wife, because he doesn’t need them. A cosmos is a man’s thing.
He is One and Only, and that means that he is also Joseph and Mary. All women are his wives and daughters. He is also all Romans, from Pontius Pilate to Romans soldiers who crossed and crucified him. As god Father and his own son He crucified himself so he could blame his children that they are guilty of his suicide. 🙂 And to live from their sadness, remorse, and penance.
Joseph, Mary’s husband, is just Jesus’s family and foster father because he didn’t conceive him himself. Jesus is Mary’s and Joseph’s family’s son. As a god, he is also Father to both of them. 🙂 He is the father of his own father, and at the same time, he is a triple son: god’s son, son of the holy spirit, and Joseph’s and Mary’s son. And his own son, of course.
Joseph and Mary are new Adam and Eve. With this update, the cross-thians banish a partnership between a man and a woman and introduce a new pair – mother and son. That is a new “family”, the holy one, presented by the holy hierarchy. On the top, there is Father god, who is alone and is not capable to conceive or to birth. Despite being the Creator, he is impotent. That’s why he has a holy spirit who represents pure semen. The holy spirit is an etheric tadpole (frog’s baby) who immaculate fertilizes virgin, Mary. Joseph, her husband, is maculate, humanly dirty and he is not fit for the father.
Sex is a sin, that’s why Father god fertilizes Mary at distance with the holy spirit, without touch and immaculate.
Mary is not a true mother, he is just a replacement mother to god because he is not able to birth. He uses Mary as a replacement mother, and with a help of the holy spirit, holy semen he births as the son to himself. Father god through Mary births himself to himself as the son of god.
The only thing that spoils this ideal family is the fact that Father god has only one Son. He is the only one that is pure and immaculate, all other children of his are dirty. All others are maculate on the Heaven of Cleanliness. That’s the reason why pure Jesus is the Faith and the Church himself, while all other dirty and unworthy sinners can be just believers. They are the dirty ones, and they will stay forever dirty, as they can’t and they mustn’t cross the line between a man and a god.
They must forever stay the dirty ones, in the mud of the Sin of humans’ feces. With a religious lie, that if they will be good, will go to heaven, which is just cheap marketing additionally humiliating and mocking with them. Father god won’t allow anybody to come to him as the only free place is at the right side of him, and that one is reserved for himself, for Father Son (and holy spirit as etheric Penis for single use).
That is the Holy Three-Head. From the right to the left. Jesus, god, and Penis. Or, Father Son, Father Father, and Father Penis. That is the perfect god’s family, Father, his son, and His Penis.
I found on the internet this short presentation of god as holy spirit:
“Holy Spirit is one of three divine persons of the holy trinity. Together, they are three-fold-god who is one being in three persons. The holy spirit is a spiritual being, without the body. He is a guide and comforter. Symbols of the holy spirit are:
– live water from Christ’s punctured heart which quenches believers thirst
– anointing, fire, cloud.”
What kind of families than we have as we miss half of the members. 🙂
Jesus died because of his Father’s sins. Father killed his son on the cross to pay off the debts which he created.
The whole world is just a play between father and son who is one and only person. That is solo masturbation in which Father-Son fantasies about his Importance, being Father-Creator-God, and about his Poorness being son-victim-hero.
Jesus’s life is his Father’s so-called Second Coming. In the first coming, the Creation, god didn’t manage to make things right because there were too many sins. That’s he sent himself the second time, this time as a son, to blame humans for his sins, to kill his son, punish himself, and correct the mistakes he made the first time with the Creation itself.
With the killing of his own son he, as Father, tried to redeem himself, and to correct his own Mistake with which he created the World of Sin. Obviously, he didn’t succeed. There are more and more sins.
Into what he will transform himself this time? Who and how will he kill this time? We don’t know that yet, but we know that he will, by his old habit, blame the humans for his mistakes and sins. 🙂 Maybe he created them for that, says one of the visitors from other planets.”
That was the karmicons mess we had to live in.
Happily, we are very close to finishing all religions on Earth. I can tell you that Palkies are very satisfied that we have already crossed them off on their planet, and they can finally and freely breathe without fear from god from above and his evil twin brother, the devil, from below.
All the best to all.
Read more about religion, one of the four systems for enstupidment, subordination, and abuse of humans in my book series Letters to Palkies Messages to my friends on another planet. You can get Book 1 and 2, and my other books on Amazon:
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