Gotswagen Turbo
Neale Donald Walsch revealed the mystery of the »meaning of life« of our lives on Earth in his email message »I Believe God Wants You To Know«, on October 31. 2019.
»Do you know why you are alive? To give voice and action and physicality to God. To become the grandest version of the greatest vision ever you held about Who You Are. Everything else is beside the point.«
Neal claims that we or at least he is living to be “god’s body” and “god’s vehicle” in which he drives around on this world. Neal’s “greatest vision of himself” is to be “the greatest version of this vehicle”:) Gotswagen Turbo:) (in German, got is god, wagen is a vehicle, like in a Volkswagen, people’s car)
No, thank you, that is not my version of me and my life. I am not a vehicle nor a driver for god’s Lords. I am independent and I drive my life nicely ahead. Not for god’s interest, but for the benefit of all, except for god, who even doesn’t exist, and all others that are Evil like the karmicons. The karmicons religions are just common lies and stupidities and are complete nonsense. Just read the bible which is the manual of nonsense. “God” supposedly sacrificed his own and only son so he would after torture and death on the cross with his death redeemed the sins of humanity:)
As you can read in my 3. book of Letters to Palkies, there where more Jesuses. In the book, I describe three of them, Earthly one, one from Venus and his brother from the planet Palki. So much about the “only son”:)
Why didn’t this “omnipotent” god create at the beginning sinless beings so he wouldn’t have to kill his own son to fix his mistakes? Why he didn’t kill himself on the cross as his son has nothing to do with his incapacity?
If he created sinners, he created them by his own image. That means that he is the Biggest Sinner. By the way, if god created Everything, then he created the devil too. By his own image:) Devil is his twin brother, but the Black Mirror version of him:) And, of course, if he decided to pure the sinners of the sins, why he didn’t do it some other way, nicer, without pains and blood. Without tragicomic melodrama, pathetic and low of the low kitsch pathos. There are many cleaners on the market, also some eco and bio ones:)
Or, he could just think a single thought and all the sinners will be free of sins and clean as the summer sonny morning. With just one thought, he would spare his own and “only” son, and all of them as I assume that there are tenths of them on other planets as well, the tortures of the cross. With this simple, fast and elegant solution, he would also spare many inhabitants of the nauseating and humiliating religions of cross-thianity and glorifying of the dead corps on the totem of Evil. The karmicons created Yahweh, “jealous, angry and vengeful” god by their own image, and that is the reason that he is so tense, nervous, and violent.
Son on the cross!
Why would anybody including “god” punish his own son for the sins of others:) If neighbors are in debt in the bank, is that a reason that one father kills his own son? Ha, ha, ha. And does he pays off their debts with the kill?
The karmicons god is with killing his own son for the sins of others supposed to show how he “loves” humanity. Stupidity and violence are not expressions of love and will never be.
Obviously, the sins of humanity are not paid off as they are continuing, and counting. Earth is the home of the Evil, here lives Satan, god’s twin brother. Were the sins paid off only for the past, and in the future, god will have to cross another person to pay off the new debts? Who will he kill next if he had only “one” son? Does he have another son on the side? With whom?
These are just a few obvious stupidities and nonsense. I could write a book of biblical proportions about all the stupid and nonsense things in the bible. And another one just about the god’s violence which is the reason that blood is pouring from the bible to the knees.
To program religious believers to believe and to even glorify and consecrating them with the holy rituals is the karmicons cynic, sarcastic, and dark humor.
I understand religious believers as they are totally hypnotized and 100% sure that their religious delusions are true as that is the way the totalitarian programs work.
I tell you that they or and you if you are religious believer, will be very unpleasantly surprised when we will publicly and planetary reveal the Karmic organization and their scriptwriters who fabricated all religions, gods, and devils, and brought them to the planets via the incarnants. After the first and “holy” shock and loss of a god’s crutch, some of the believers will for a shorter period lose their religious walking aid and they will stagger around as they would be drunk of the sobriety without the sacred wine of the religious faith:)
As religion is an obsessive system and faith is obsessive behavior, they will be soon relieved of the big and unpleasant burden of the holy Evil. Later, they will be angry that they were lied, manipulated, abused, and fooled so much and so long. Those ones will be the first to break the crosses and other holy kitsch junk and throw them on the fire. After that, they will be very satisfied that they are finally free and that no one will ever torture them from the above and from the below as god and devil did. Dear Earthlings, we saw all of that already on the planet Palki when we finished the Karmic organization and religions. It will be the same on Earth.
If you are a religious believer, be happy. Rejoice as that will be the first day of your true resurrection. Resurrection in Truth and Liberty.
Ultimate Reality, where only self-proclaimed gods are living.
We can learn some about gods in Neal Donald Walsch’s books Conversation with God. Despite his god, his name is Klun, and is just a person, claims that he created Everything, he forgets that and he said that in fact there are more gods:)
Here is a part of the Creator’s myth as “god” himself told it to Neal. That is his cosmological order in 5 points.
1. There is a so-called Ultimate Reality where gods are living. Saying that there are more of them means that there is no one god with a capital letter as the Creator of Everything. When there are many, they are just gods, with small letters.
And that is not all. I repeat, with this statement, Neal’s god denies himself as being “one and only” Creator of Everything.
2. In the Ultimate Reality, there is a being, which is higher of the just gods. That unknown being is coordinating gods sending them to “incarnate” in cosmoses. Neals god said that gods in the Ultimate Reality one day hear “It’s time.” and then they go out and land in cosmoses. That means that that being which Neal’s god didn’t describe is fully deciding about god’s lives. If Neal’s god would be really the Man, he would be the one deciding about other gods and cosmoses. Obviously, and despite posing that he is, he isn’t the Boss. So, there is Neal’s god, “one and only”, who supposedly created Everything, and then there is another being who is higher than he:)
By the way, gods have their own personal names, every one of them self-proclaimed gods. Neal’s god didn’t tell him his name.
3. Same as the karmicons, who write the scripts for incarnants and their incarnations on the planets, the “higher than gods” being prepared plans for all gods who go to cosmoses. So-called souls or truly incarnants who go to incarnations have very little information about what is gonna happen to them. I assume that gods also don’t know much about their cosmos “incarnations”.
4. When gods from the Ultimate Reality come down to cosmoses, they lose their memory about their identity, personal name, and the Ultimate Reality itself from where they came. They start from the start, just like so-called souls or incarnants who incarnate in the bodies of babies on the planets.
5. When they finish with their life in cosmoses, gods return to their Ultimate Reality, the same as “souls”. Probably they first review their cosmic lives, rest, hang out, educate, and have fun. After some time, they leave again and go to another cosmic “re-incarnation”.
Obviously, those gods are not highly evolved as they are still going to lives in cosmoses. Same as so-called souls who are incarnating on the planets. Evolved beings don’t incarnate anymore. In the karmicons dictionary, “evolved being” is a being who consumed as much Evil as possible.
That means that there is another “Ultimate Reality” above the first one, or higher level of the only one, in which highly evolved gods who don’t “incarnate” anymore live.
We can’t check these statements about the Ultimate Reality, god above gods, and their “incarnations” into the cosmoses. But we can be sure that gods are not Everything that Exists, they are not Beingness, Pure Awareness, Energy not Love. They are just some beings, and nothing else.
6. And, intentionally at the end, by Neal and his “Creator” god, and many other gods too, we are not real beings but just their parts or limbs. For them, we are just tools, live probes for gathering informational experiences which they use to “experience and learn who and what they are”. By their false and ignorant theory, they come to cosmos, create galaxies, suns, and planets, divide into light beings who divide into lower light beings who divide into physical beings who incarnate. When they grab what they came for, they unite again and with a full basket of our lives and experiences, they return to their godly home of the “Ultimate Reality”. What is really crazy about it, is, that Neal and many other religious believers are wildly happy with that:) They just can’t wait to meet their creator and disappear in his selfish and greedy sack.
Luckily, their theory is not true as Existence is not a consequential but simultane. That means that we all, including gods, are living at the same time in the Existence which was never created and it is eternal. That also means that we are very real, original, and independent beings. I talked about it for years. In 2017, I proved that with extracting my incarnant Fedja Mironovič from the planet Palki out of me. By the false Creator Absorbic Karmic system and their lying theory, I was first to die, and only then Fedja could return home. I proved that they just lie as now we live simultaneously, Fedja and I, at the same time, each on his planet. That means that we are original beings and not just incarnations of each other and many other beings.
Let’s finish this part with the name of Neal’s god. Who is he really? Here is a writing from 3. book of Letters to Palkies Messages to my friends on another planet. (It will be published on Amazon in August, parts 1 and 2 are already out.)
“As I said in 1. book, here is the name of Neal’s “god”, who is in fact just a person from another planet, who is falsely presenting himself as “Creator”
On August 2., 2018, Emi used the karmicons technology and checked who is this self-proclaimed god: “He is the king of the planet, he seats in his self, his name is Klun. He is one of six beings, they are all the same and equal as they don’t have a leader. Their clan is Setra. They seat together, one is speaking. Their planet-ship, “shelf”, is Xendra. They travel around, they are from another cosmos, the outlanders.””
That means that he is not even one of the gods from the “Ultimate Reality”, but just a being like you and me. Even if Neal would call him and ask if that is true, there is a great question if he would answer him by telling the truth. In any case, after my transformation into a light being, I will check it personally and publicly publish “gods” photos and videos.
God is just weather and a stormy hail one:)
Despite the fact that the Creator of the World doesn’t exist, there are gods. They are not creators either, they are just beings from higher dimensions with higher abilities and more developed technology. If you would come to the neanderthal’s village with your shine cell phone today, you would be a god too:) If you would take a photo of them and show it, they would be sure that they are your property just waiting for your command:)
There are two groups of gods. First are self-proclaimed like the Important karmicons. Members of the Karmic Council or Board or Court like very much to decorate themselves with god titles. In the 3. book of Letters to Palkies, I present two of women Important gods. Portia, goddess of justice, and Pallas Athena, goddess of truth. In their channeled message, they also clearly say that there is no good karma, only the bad one. And, that the Karmic organization fully controls our lives.
The second group of gods is different as they are called gods by others, undeveloped beings who in their ignorance guess and assume that such beings simply must exist. They picture them by their ideal image. If they know for their existence, they call them gods as they have better rockets than them:)
All religions are still on the low weather level of “it thunders and strikes, god is angry”. Frightened and in panic, they have to calm him and prevent him from killing them. They must sacrifice something and even better, somebody to him. Before they sacrificed animals, nowadays and with more “sophisticated”:) religions, they ritually sacrifice them to their Holy Fear. They must loudly fear him, humbly obey and kneelingly prey for his mercy to not destroy them.
It is interesting that today’s people know that gods’ anger is just weather, but many of them still believe in gods:) There is no god without a devil:) They have invented the devil the same way as a god. When the two-headed calf was born, the devil was his father:) If their animals died of the disease, the devil poisoned them. By that differentiation, they mapped the World. The evil that came from above, was gods work. The evil that came from the bellow, was of the devil. Did you notice significant similarities? In both cases, Evil felt on people:)
God is head, people just limbs.
Corporatization, like a god, is head, Church is a body, people are limbs, is denying our reality of being real beings, devaluation of our value of real beings, breaking our rights robbing us from our sovereignty of fully deciding about our lives. That is the dehumanization of humans, enforcing us with the cosmic lie that we are not real and independent beings but just parts of some other beings like incarnants, so-called higher selves, monads, or over-souls, Elohim, gods, and Creator at the top of the food chain. They claim that we are just their partial drama roles, live costumes for their party performances, and wheel-barrows for their wild cosmic drives. They say that we are just probes for gathering info in the form of life experiences that they steal and pretend that they are theirs to “spiritually evolve” with blisters from other beings. No way! Never!
God is dead! He never lived in the first place.
Dear friends, there is a lot of work before we sort this cosmos out. First, we have to end the Karmic organization which is a direct and executive criminal gang of the three-headed Evil Creator Absorbic Karmic system. To completely succeed, we have to explain the truth about the simultaneity of the Existence of higher light beings and get rid of their nasty habit of preying and consuming lower beings stealing their experiences. They have to know that by the same system, they will be consumed one day too. And at the end, we will have to have a serious discussion with the “god” of this cosmos and calm him down without sacrificial blood and crosses:)
With ending the Creator Absorbic Karmic system we will all keep our lives and live as real, original, equal, and sovereign beings.
All the best to all.
Read more about the life-sucking Creator Absorbic Karmic system, space parasites, leeches, and vampires in my book series Letters to Palkies Messages to my friends on another planet. You can get Book 1 and 2 on Amazon:
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