Before I dismantle another false spiritual myth about karma, I am bringing you good news about our very successful advancement in liberating not only our solar system but the whole cosmos. Our space friends are successfully liberating their home and neighbor galaxy from the parasitic occupator. Until the end of this week, we will liberate more than half of our solar system. We captured Ashtar and his fleet of military spacecrafts. My space friends told me that have found a lot of abducted children who were forcefully programmed and trained for soldiers. They are already returning to their parents. I assume that there are also abducted children from Earth who will come home right after the liberation of Earth which is still blocked. I will tell you more about our liberating actions and fantastic successes in the next Solar Report in January next year.
Let us see now Owen Waters’s explanation of karma. Before that, and by the false karmicons Law of the Karma, we are supposed to be responsible for our acts and their consequences. That is not true, because the karmicons write the scripts for our lives and enforce them to us via our incarnants. That means that the karmicons are responsible for all bad karma that they enforce on others.
The Law of Karma is supposed to be also the Law of Cause and Effect, which is just another lie. In Existence, Everything is happening at the same time. There is only Action and no Reaction. You also have to know that good karma doesn’t exist. You can read in the 3. part of the series Letters to Palkies Messages to my friend on another planet (it will be published in January 2021), in the chapter Portia, goddess of injustice, and Pallas Athena, goddess of lies, the two karmicons Evil women clearly say in the channeled message that there is only bad karma. That is not strange as Evil beings are interested only in Evil. They use Good only to make Evil hurt more. Owen Waters, most of the channelers, and also the New Age believers don’t know that. In the article »Creating Good Karma« at, Owen advises how we gonna return to »divine source« from which we came:) To find the way back we have to know the Law of Karma.
»All life operates within the Principle of Reflectance, which guarantees that a universe which is set into motion will always remain in perfect balance. The Principle of Reflectance is often called, and often misunderstood as, the “Law of Karma.””
The Existence was never created, so it was never »set into motion«. The Existence is not in the balance of opposite forces of action and reaction so It can’t be balanced. It has its own and eternal configuration of all parts. The so-called Law of Karma has nothing to do with the configuration of Existence.
The Law of Karma is karmicons law which the Evil ones use for ruling, controlling, enstupiding and abusing beings, humans, and animals for their selfish and perverted intentions in galaxies, solar systems and on planets under their occupation.
Even theoretically the perfect balance is impossible. It would imply that the Existence is digitally precisely divided into two equal parts of Good and Evil and that there are exactly 50% of each. The karmicons want it but they will never achieve it.
Some theories claim that plus and minus neutralize each other so in the case of “perfect balance” between Good and Evil, the Existence may completely vanish:)
Owen wrote correctly that this principle of Reflectance or Law of Karma is often misunderstood. He is the first one who doesn’t understand it:)
That is obvious in the very next sentence where he says that every action has its own reaction.
The Existence was never created, and it doesn’t exist in the consequential time in which the new things would appear from the Nothing.
By this theory, the Absolute Nothing would be the First Action and all the rest of “divine creation” would be only the Reaction. Even the god would be just the Reaction to the Action of Absolute Nothing:)
The Existence is eternal and Everything that exists exists at the same time. In the action language, there is only action and no reaction:) All is simultane and not consequential.
Listen to the karmicons as he praises the karma and the Karmicons organization which has killed him as they wrote the death in the script of his incarnant.
»Karma is the natural result of the fact that thoughts are creative. Of course, they are. We are designed to be powerfully creative.
When you create a belief or an expectation, you attract energy and circumstances that will reflect your creation back to you. This is how we learn through experience.«
Karma is fabricated leverage for manipulations with people. I am creative and I don’t produce any karma.
As said, the Existence was never created so god as »Creator« doesn’t exist. Because there is no Creator, he couldn’t create us.
When you think, feel or do you attract nothing to you. All in the Existence is already there so we create nothing. We are just aware of Everything that already Is.
To learn with experiences we don’t need karma and Karmicons system. I am not a member of that criminal organization and I am a good learner.
The statement that Evil is School, and that is beneficial and necessary for the development is developmental nonsense:)
1. Only who knows the Evil is developed.
2. More you are Evil more you are developed.
3. Satan is the most developed.
4. God is “good” being who doesn’t know Evil, and despite he created Satan, he is the less developed.
All the above is not true, of course. Good and Evil are two different things. Good creates (in consequential language) and preserves, Evil is destroying and killing. Life is our true Nature as It lives forever. On the other side, the Evil wants to destroy Everything and turn it to Absolute Nothing.
Existence and Life are eternal. The Absolute Nothing doesn’t exist and Evil will never achieve it. Life is natural, death is anti-natural in the sense of a natural eternity of the Life.
That’s why the term development is reserved for Good, Beneficial, Real and Loving, for the Life and not for the Death. It is possible to “develop” in Evil as a person is becoming more and more Evil being, harmful, destructive and deadly.
I started to develop to the natural Being with awakening and releasing false partial personalities and their harmful behaviors as various forms of Evil.
The real progress is aware of creating and preserving and not unaware, ignorant, stupid (mind-less) and violent destruction. Natural development lives an eternal Life, “development” in Evil tends to eternal Death.
The false theory of action and reaction assumes that every positive action has a positive reaction and every negative action negative reaction.
That is not true, and we all know it very well. That’s why they say that road to hell is paved with good intentions:)
We know that, if we speak in that language, positive actions have positive and negative reactions and vice versa.
In a manner of speaking the good karma would be the positive action and reaction, while negative karma would be the negative action and reaction. They would be completely separated, good karma in its own field and negative in the other, separated and negative field. We would have two different fields which would be separated because of different signs (plus and minus) and charges completely incompatible. Like oil and water.
The Good and the Evil are separated but the Evil karmicons want to merge them in one field by the Law of Karma. And more, they even claim that Evil is Good and necessary.
One visitor from other planets says that karmicons claim that we have two Goods, Good and Evil:)
Funny, they don’t claim that Good is Evil:) Why not? Because Good is not their game. For them, the Good is only the necessary Evil:) which they want to reduce to 50% with equalizing it with 50% of Evil. And they are working hard to scale the Evil on the dark side:)
And another visitor: “When they see Good, they become Sick.”” With the paradox that Bad is for them Good, so they should feel well of sickness:)
In the article, The Nature of Evil at Owen describes the Evil as the absence of light.
»The Definition of Evil
Cold is the absence of warmth. Ignorance is the absence of wisdom. Evil is the absence of light.«
Evil is not impersonal “darkness” but is a very personal, harmful, destructive and deadly force which the Evil creatures use for their selfish needs.
A man can stand, sit and lay in the dark and he won’t necessarily become an Evil being. Evil creatures are Evil in light, too. They prefer the darkness because it suits them better:)
Listen to this glorification of karma.
»The idea that karma can be judgmental in nature seems to spring from the idea that God will judge you after you leave this world. However, thanks to today’s many volumes of independent research into what actually happens in afterlife experiences, we now know that there is no judgment by God or any being outside of yourself.
Pioneering researchers such as Michael Newton and Dolores Cannon have compiled thousands of cases to show that what does happen in the afterlife is a review which is conducted by you as your soul consciousness.«
Apparently, Owen doesn’t know that there is Karmicons organization which was created by Evil creatures like reptiles, insectoids, Black and Brown fliers and their hybrid colleagues for torturing humans and animals for the production of negative energy of suffering to feed upon. At the same time presenting this sadistic orgy as the false school.
Let me remind you that nobody from the planets under the karmicons occupation doesn’t want to go to incarnations. Nobody! When they get the request to go, they cry. Mature, too. They feel as they are forced to die for a limited time as they will be absent for many and long decades, some of them for 90 and even 100 years.
Owen also doesn’t know, and karmicons won’t tell it, that they force, beat and torture people to go to incarnations. In the karmicons prisons on planets Brot and Holmud (I visited both in my lucid dreams many times), they torture the youngest kids, 3, 4 and 5 years old because they don’t want to go to incarnations. They are afraid and they know that something bad will happen there.
The karmicons sadists enjoy the most to force the natural and clean persons as young children to do Evil. Kids feel that and they don’t want to go.
After death, they force the person to review his past life. Everyone who dies is still himself after death. His life is everything that he knows. Most of them want to go back immediately.
For them, there is no way ahead because they are not incarnants who came from other planets and could return there. “Death” ones find themselves in no-man’s-land. They can go back and they won’t go ahead.
Until they will be switched off the karmicons are lying to them that everything will be all right just to finish the life review. They heinously know what’s gonna happen after it. With the two-way paradox that they don’t see them as original beings but just incarnants who will get their memory back after the review.
Two ways, I said, because they shortsightedly forget that the same theory is in play for them too. Higher karmicons don’t see them as original beings, as well:) And those higher karmicons are not original beings but just incarnants for the even higher karmicons:)
After the review, they will “expand” or turn on the memory so they will remember who they are and where are they from and return home. That is their lying explanation of afterlife.
In fact, the person who is reviewing his own life is the real, original and independent being. The karmicons will after the review switch him off and by the switching on his karmicons kill him again. When they turn on the incarnant he will rest for 24 to 48 hours and then they will teleport him home or to the karmicons prison.
Michael Newton talked to the people who were describing the life between their lives. The karmicons guards or so-called guides controlled all of their conversations. The karmicons wrote the script for his incarnant that we will write the book about the “souls” and their voyages.
That’s why they assisted him with writing and took care that he spoke to the chosen persons. The karmicons dictated both books he was just writing.
After my ascension, I will have access to all the information about that project and I will publicly reveal how those books were created. I will also present the real karmicons writers behind Michael’s back.
Let me repeat the most important fact. I theoretically assumed that the Karmicons system is false because is working by the consequential, one after another, explanation of the Existence.
For many years I have been speaking that the Existence exists in simultaneity and that the Karmicons system is just a hoax. I told to my Sanja that in fact; we don’t have to die because we are not incarnations of some other beings from other planets. We are real, original and independent beings and we have the natural Right to live forever.
Then I proved my theory. With the help of our space friends who extracted my incarnant Fedja from me, I proved that I am not Fedja’s incarnation. We are both real, original and independent beings.
For two years now, both of us are living simultaneously. This is the concrete proof that proves that the Karmicons system is just a lie. That proof will end the Karmicons organization forever.
The main machine of the karmicons Evil, criminal, murderous and black-magic perversion is an incarnation. Without it, there is no Karmicons Evil organization. If we are all, the incarnants and humans, real, original and independent beings and not just incarnations of each other, we don’t need the Karmicons organization. We don’t want it, either.
99.0% doesn’t want the Evil. We want Peace, Friendship, and Love. With the end of the Evil Karmicons organization, we will live our wonderful natural life. After we finish the Evil and its sister Death, we live forever as natural eternal Beings.
To be continued.
From the 2. part of the series Letters to Palkies Messages to my friends on another planet.
All the best to all.
Read more about the harmful, destructive and deadly Karmic organization, which, luckily, we are already ending in this solar system, in my book series Letters to Palkies Messages to my friends on another planet. You can get Book 1 and 2, and my other books on Amazon:
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