Title photo: Addams Family, Kweller One-member family of the Holy Stupidity Let’s meet gods “family”, one of the weirdest families ever. 🙂 First, we have to know that it
The believers are guilty and indebted to god Let’s hear the torments of Martin Luther who “almost despaired trying to satisfy god who hated him: “Despite the immaculate life
There are no mistakes in Existence, so we don’t have to apologize for them. In the Existence, Everything that Exists is as it is. In that sense, there is
Who decides? Here is the last part of the article about deciding which we have interrupted because of actual December events and important news about the liberation of our
Before I dismantle another false spiritual myth about karma, I am bringing you good news about our very successful advancement in liberating not only our solar system but the
Why god made humans so indecisive? Is this just a god’s experiment to secretly see what would humans do if they could decide for themselves? Maybe, this is an
Recently I read a very interesting book The Trump guide to spirituality A parody by Peter Beresdorf. https://trumpguidetospirituality.com/ Peter, bravo, you wrote an excellent book with a Trump in
God as drug, and religion as an addiction. To all of you who still believe and have religious faith in god ritually praising and glorifying him, I friendly and