I am not AntiChrist (3/6)

The 10 Commandments of Satan In the article Satan’s Ten Strategies Against You at https://www.desiringgod.org/articles/satans-ten-strategies-against-you we can read Satan’s comprehensive plan for the destruction of mankind and the Christian Church:

I am not AntiChrist (1/6)

And I’m not Christ either It is incredible that this even needs to be said, but it is no wonder, because in a world where more than four billion people

Planetary Report NR. 5: we are ready to move all Earthlings to new planets (1/2)

I am very pleased to announce that with the new and successfully implemented actions of our project to liberate Earth from the Karmic Organization, we are very close to the

All Near-Death Experiences are Staged Hoaxes By DARK ENTITIES (3/5)

Jeff: So, is the life review basically, a process of them downloading our experiences? Senad: Very probably. But first, they feed again with negative energy as the person who is

All Near-Death Experiences are Staged Hoaxes By DARK ENTITIES (1/5)

This is a rerun of the podcast transcript with JeffMara but with a new intro part and published as article series. I invite you to refresh your knowledge about this

Pay and Jesus will come!

When, Jesus, when? The historical books say that Jesus was a Jew, not a cross-thian. In his time, there was no cross-thian Church, no Bible, other holy kitsch and pathos

Corona drama is continuing (4/5)

Believe in a virus even if you haven’t seen it “Jesus said to him, Thomas because you have seen me, you have believed: blessed are they that have not seen,

15 things you need to know about the corona madness (5/5)

12. Religion: you can read more about the religious aspect of the corona pandemic in my article CoronaVirus: the Greatest Gift of god https://www.letterstopalkies.com/2020/03/23/coronavirus-the-greatest-gift-of-god/ Here is just one paragraph to

Are All Near-Death Experiences Staged Hoaxes By DARK ENTITIES?

Jeff Mara podcast talk with Senad Dizdarević transcript. Because of the low audio quality and my learning English while speaking :), I prepared the edited transcript of our talk with
