We can read this feeling two ways: “I don’t belong here”, and: “I won’t be long here”.
Incarnants feel very powerless because they can’t prevent leaving their home, family, and darlings and forceful incarnation. They also have a very strong wish to return home as soon as possible. That is why they bring both feelings into our lives. One of the visitors from another planet says that these are the incarnants Pains.
One of the possible reasons that babies cry so much is that incarnants who were forcefully incarnated in them know very well what is ahead of them and that most of them will return home after long decades. They permeate the babies with the energy of powerlessness, sadness, and missing of their darlings which cause babies to cry often, strong and long. Incarnants bring with them also the energy of rejection and resistance because they don’t want to live. They just want to go home. The karmicons as true vultures feed with these sad feelings too.
When humans grow up, they can have occasional, often or permanent melancholic feelings without concrete reasons sadly and nostalgically missing some other and better life. In despair, they can also start to build a rocket in their garage for returning home. 🙂
Some of the Poor Me ones being regular victims feel as they have been expelled from their home planet and punished with living here. More Important ones imagine that they are here on a special mission and that they will be rewarded for their effort when they come back to their planet. They fight harder to overcome all unpleasantries of this life to become heroes.
I am not from this world
We can read in the Jeff Fosters article There is a reason you always felt like you didn’t fit in – July 24, 2020, via Rose Rambles, his opinion about the matter.
“Like you were a stranger from a distant planet. Like you’d been born into the wrong family, the wrong world. Like your very existence was a cosmic error.
Your feeling of ‘not fitting in’ was not wrong or bad. It was deeply intelligent! It was not a sign of your pathology. It was a sign of your originality, your inability to be conceptualised. Maladaption to an insane situation is pure intelligence, so of course you felt maladapted!”
We have to know that this feeling of maladaption is not ours but from one or more of our incarnants. We are Earthlings, and the only reason that we could feel rejection to this planet is the rejection that our incarnants had brought to us.
We can belong or not belong to a person or persons, groups, and organization by our birth, by law, and/or by free will. If we are born into a family of religious believers, then we belong to this religion by their tradition. Belonging to others by their opinions, wishes and demands can match with or not with our opinions and wishes for belonging. Usually, we belong freely where we feel good. In this sense, we can feel not belonging as unpleasant and belonging as pleasant.
Maladaptation to a certain situation is a fact not intelligent, as that means that we are not able to adapt. We can adapt to a situation by cooperation or not. In this sense “intelligent maladaption” means that we don’t cooperate in harmful activity, and not that we are theoretically maladapted, as Jeff says. Intelligence means that we can adapt, and not that we are not adaptable.
We can keep our originality by adapting to others, and in cooperation with them, we don’t have to lose our originality. There is no need that we feel a special or strong belonging to them to successfully cooperate with them. We also don’t have to be maladapted to work with them.
“You were not willing to reduce the vastness of your being, to squash yourself into a mould which was way too small for you, too limiting, too violent, too dishonest. You wanted to retain your uniqueness, not lose yourself in the madness of the world.
Your family was not your family; your home was not your home.”
Jeff continues that maladapted persons are adapting themselves and becoming original by maladapting to others. Adapting doesn’t necessarily mean that we lose our originality and subordinate to others. It means that we can cooperate with others even if they are different than us.
If persons don’t like other persons, their system and their rules, that doesn’t automatically means that they feel as they are from another planet. These are two different things with the possibility that the feeling that they are from somewhere else can be behind the feeling of being alienating from this world.
Extreme maladaptation to this world is autism and other mental and emotional limitations or so-called mental illnesses. Among them is also an idea, that a person is somebody else. Some can have the idea that they are actors who are playing themselves as roles, and that their present life on Earth is just one of their many roles.
Despite the initial feeling that Jeff will write about maladaptation to this planet because of the feeling of belonging to another one, he stays on the Earth ground with ordinary growing up with maladaptation to others and keeping person originality. We want to know more about the cosmic “maladaption”, so we continue with the preparation of our incarnants to incarnation. This way, we will learn more about the unpleasant feelings of our incarnants with their forced incarnations, and how those feelings impact us and our lives.
The karmicons prisons and forced incarnations
“The karmicons force prisoners in karmicons prisons to prepare themselves for incarnations for longer periods. Inhabitants of planets under the Karmic system are just ripped out from their lives and send away. They get one month’s notice. When they get the letter, they know that they are done. In the karmicons centers, they tell them where they go, gender, and duration of incarnation. That’s all.
Palkies don’t want to go to incarnations. With a big pleasure, I will update that. Palkies didn’t want to go to incarnations. 🙂 Same as all other inhabitants from other planets. But they can’t prevent it. In karmicons prisons it’s possible to postpone it for a while, others can’t do anything. If they don’t answer the call karmicons agents will find them, prison, and torture them. And then send them to incarnations.
»Seno, have no children«, said my friends from prison on Brot because they didn’t want to incarnate.
For all incarnants are incarnations brutal breaks of their lives. They force them to live their darlings, family and children, friends, their life and a world, and to go to the unknown. The only thing they can be sure of is that it will be very unpleasant.
That’s why they say when a child is born on Earth, people are happy, but in heaven, they cry. And when one dies on Earth, here are crying, but in heaven are happy. From the book 9 Steps, Anne/Daniel Meurois-Givaudan.
I recommend it very much, but read it with new knowledge. The girl who is preparing for incarnation has told a lot, but she couldn’t tell everything because she was under the control of karmicons. They wanted to make a book as a romantic incarnational ballad, but the quote above tells it all.
Kaley and Ripley from karmicons prison on Brot were here on visit 12. In January 2018. When I told them of »crying in heaven« Kailey said:« We are crying all the time.« Dear Kaley, not anymore. 🙂
We had temporarily limited fertility to all Palkies to prevent new and forced incarnations to the planet. We also returned all of them that were in the incarnations on other planets. With these two steps, we did great progress to our complete sovereignty as we stop the Evil karmicons activities on our planet. In the near future, we will have children outside of human bodies just as they have them in more advanced societies. More in the second book of Letters.” From the 1. book of Letters to Palkies.
Who am I?
The basic question with personal development is: “Who am I really?” Gods say that we are just their parts, vehicles, and limbs. The karmicons claim that we are just incarnations of other beings. Both are persuading us that we are not real beings but just live costumes for the drama plays of other beings. For them, we are just expendables, which they can use as they want. When they use and abuse us, they just throw us away like garbage.
Here is also not much better, no wonder that people are completely lost not knowing who they are. Religions are claiming that we are believers, sinners, and gods’ servants. God is supposed to be our creator, owner, and Master of our life and death. It is similar on the Dark side, Satan is supposed to be the same as a god, except that he likes the sinners. 🙂 Psychologists claim that a normal person is one who is well adapted to the system, goes to work, and earns for his life. For the politicians, we are just voters, for the economists, just buyers.
That is not true, because there is a big difference between identity and the roles we play. Identity tells us who we are, and roles tell us what we do. We can play a lot of roles, but they are not our identities. We have only one true Identity: we are Aware Beings of Pure Awareness, Love, and Wisdom. Everything else is gods and karmicons lies, and sole roles we can play or not.
Read about our true Identity of Aware Beings in my article: What is the difference between the Ego and the personality? Part 1 of 2. on:
and What is the difference between the Ego and the personality? Part 2 of 2. on:
We don’t have previous lives
lt is important that you know that we are not members of the Karmic organization, we don’t have incarnations, karma, and karmic debts. We have never lived before on some other planet, and this is our first and only life. All thoughts, memories, images, and feelings that we feel as “ours” are from our incarnants. Each of us has also his incarnational vertical in which can be hundreds of incarnants. In my vertical, there are 567 persons from other planets. Read more about it in my article: I had 567 persons from other planets in me. on:
Deja vu
When the karmicons switch off incarnants awareness and memory a day or two after the birth of the baby, there starts development of a new personality in the same personal energy, that is us. Our incarnants brought hundreds of pre-incarnated incarnants who are sleeping in them. All of these personal energies are mixing together, and that is the reason that we can have some unusual feelings, images, and memories of some other planets, persons, and lives. That is the reason for the known impression named “deja vu”. A person has a feeling that somebody or something is known to her, but doesn’t know from where. These are not our memories, they are from our incarnants. The karmicons force some of them to experience in advance some parts of the next incarnation in special simulators. That’s why some people have a feeling that they have experienced that already. You can read more about preparations to incarnations in Michael Duff Newton’s books Journey of Souls and Destiny of Souls. These books are classical karmicons propaganda with which they falsely present the Evil Karmic organization as “Spiritual School”. Despite the cosmic Lie, you will get at least basic knowledge about the dirty work of this Evil organization.
After we come to Earth, we will give to all inhabitants karmic scripts for their lives together with the list of all of their incarnants from their incarnant vertical so they will see with whom they are connected this way. If they will want to, they will share some parts of their lives, knowledge, experiences, and skills. Until then, write such memories of your incarnants in your diary of awakening, and, one day, you will see from where they really are. You mustn’t give up on powerlessness, sadness, and other unpleasant feelings. Stay about the surface of the Dark Swamp. Use my exercises for awakening which will help you a lot with staying in the Light.
Dear friends, awaken and meet your Wonderfulness. You will be amazed by your Beauty and Goodness.
All the best to all.
Read more about the wonders coming to Earth after the end of the karmicons occupation in my book series Letters to Palkies Messages to my friends on another planet. You can get Book 1 and 2, and my other books on Amazon:
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