By doing nothing! Let’s see how to do nothing, and get rid of very harmful, self-destructing, and deadly addictive habits.
Besides the above mention deadly trio, other harmful habits become personal characteristics and self-programmed behaviors in long years of regular repeating, like harmful thoughts, feelings, and emotions, words and actions: lying, insulting, contempt, cursing, sadness, and self-pity, fear, and anger, abusing, threats, assault, the violence of all kinds, etc.
The karmicons have enforced all addictions with the karmic scripts, and via our incarnants brought them to our lives. All addictions to objects present a loss of freedom because the addicts believe that they can’t live without the object of their addiction, for example, cigarettes, alcohol, and drugs. The karmicons heinously twisted their common sense and make them believe that addiction is good and even useful to them.
Awaken and get out of the karmicons hell of addictions
Awakening is the karmic de-programming, changing the karmic script and creating a new, personal and useful personality of aware being of Pure Awareness. A very important part of awakening is a thorough and fair review of the personal history with analysis of parents, their relationship, family in inter-family relationships together with a review of the personal life from the first memories in childhood. We perform the analysis comparing between Important and Poor Me family members and their self-images about their superiority or inferiority to others. We also analyze family relationships based on these two harmful values assessments. After the initial and basic analysis, we will quickly see how and why we live and act as a family and why we have certain thoughts, feelings, and emotions, words, and actions.
With my exercises for awakening and constant monitoring of our behavior: our thoughts, feelings, and emotions, words, and actions we carefully search for signs and expressions of Importance and Poorness releasing them as they come. Don Juan told Carlos Castaneda that a true warrior is a hunter who is stalking the stalkers. That means that he is very carefully watching all inner (and outer, for example, other people who want to harm him) pests neutralizing and permanently releasing them.
If a stain jumps on your trousers or skirt, you will quickly try to remove it as soon as possible. You will thoroughly check what damage has been done, what kind of stain it is, and did it dirt lower and other parts of your clothes. You will then take some water and napkin and start to carefully and thoroughly clean it off. You will try very hard to remove the stain wishing that you will successfully clean your cloth to a state as it was before. You will behave as the best expert for stains in the world. When you will clean it off, you will take some additional checks from the side and from the different angles to see if it was completely removed. And only then, you will move on with your day.
Can you imagine that you would behave like this to every harmful thought, feeling, and emotion, word, and action of yours? And, why you don’t? You have to know that these energy and physical pests are way more harmful to you than just ordinary dirty stains. These are true Stains destroying your life, relationships, and actions. Ordinary stains dirty your cloth while the Stain dirties your personality. You can continue to work with stained clothes but your activity with the Stain of sadness, fear, or anger will strongly change, stop and/or become very destructive and harmful for you and others.
Heinous and greedy medical hypocrisy
The karmicons intentionally switched off humans’ natural characteristics of care and health protection enforcing them a virus of self-destructing behavior. As extreme cynics, they made another step forward in harming us. By their formula “Evil is Good”, useful and even urgent, they present self-poisoning as the best thing in the world. Do you remember how doctors in the middle of the last century promoted Camel cigarettes as the best there are? Tobacco Masters are very aware of the deadly impact of cigarettes (addiction) which they promote and sell. One of them said: “We don’t smoke that shit, we just sell it.” And who is than smoking it?
Addicts to smoking, drinking, and drugging don’t clean themselves with that harmful, destructive, and deadly practice, they dirty themselves, rolling in mud, and even pulling others to join them in the septic hole. They persuade and even force others to smoke, drink, and drug.
Addicts are very selfish
Smoking, for example, is very selfish. A smoker is “satisfying” his selfish and superficial “needs” regardless of harming others with that filthy habit. A smoker who is smoking for 20, 30, 40, and even longer, regularly killing oxygen on the planet filtrating stinking and carcinogenic smoke, he has turned his mouth, throat, and lungs into a black and stinking chimney. His body and his inner space are other people’s outer space. When you see a smoker, be aware that the space of his body is a harmful space. His body is emitting harmful energy of disease into outer space. A smoker doesn’t care if he is stinking and harming others. When I go for a walk, I often meet parents smoking near small children and babies. They don’t care if they harm their children, they are only interested in self-intoxication with the nicotine.
The Tobacco industry is advertising smoking as a right to free deciding about the personal body. If you want, you can destroy it. That is extreme cynicism because freedom and self-destruction have nothing in common. There is no right to harm, destroy, and violence. In the first half of the last century, only men smoked; women were just manufacturers of children, maids, cooks, and washers, the Tobacco industry doubled the number of smokers with a single move. They came up with a lie that women’s smoking is their emancipation fight to be equal with men. If men can self-poison themselves, women can do that too. 🙂
Marlboro to death
Do you remember Marlboro cowboys with cigarettes in their mouths riding horses? In the photos, they have clean shirts, while their lungs under them were burned to black. They have presented them as “real men” who are taming the wilderness, horses, and the devil’s smoke. They have presented them only when they were young and “role models” for other smokers. When they have got lung cancer pale and hardly creak and squeak choking and riding wheelchairs with an oxygen tank and tubes in their noses, they didn’t show them anymore. 🙂
We can read on Wikipedia: that many Marlboro cowboys rode to Death because of their smoking. Cigarette (alcohol and drugs) brands gave smokers special status of Importance. Some of them started smoking and were smoking just because they were more Marlboro than others. In Yugoslavia, and on the other side of the Marlboro table, poor ones smoked F57 (Filter 57, number is the year they start to manufacture them), cheap and stinking cigarettes for workers, which were made from the stubs remnants of already smoked and tossed Marlboro. 🙂 In the old Yugoslavia, who put a hard and original Marlboro cigarette pack on the table, he was instantly the boss of the bar. Those with F57 were ashamed hiding their poverty in their pockets. He who had his own pack of cigarettes and matches was a grown-up and independent person. A real man.
With that, the karmicons enforced people a perverted delusion to create their identity upon the price, image, and societal popularity of the poison which they use to intoxicate them. In a common language: if they smoke Marlboro, they are better persons, especially better than those who smoke F57 or don’t smoke at all.
Stop spending your money on stupidities, diseases, and death!
Addicts are at the same time very capable and very incapable business persons. A smoker must provide at least four euros (in Slovenia) to feed his everyday smoking addiction. A drinker has to get a similar amount of money to drown himself in his daily bottle. A heroin addict must scrap at least 20 euros for his minimum dose of poison. A smoker spends approximately 120 euros a month on stinking and carcinogenic smoke. Smokers don’t bother new photos on cigarette packs showing horrible and devastating effects of smoking on their health. Would you buy bread with such photos and caution: “Bread causes cancer”? Who in their right mind would buy himself diseases and death?
“One pack of cigarettes, please.
Which one do you want?
Those with a mother and a baby.
We have only this with a dead man.
And what about the rotten gums?
Yes, we have those.”
— Andraž Zorko (@Andrazus) April 21, 2017
A heroin addict in Slovenia spends on drug at least 600 euros, closer to 1.000 euros, a month. All of the three addicts, a smoker, a drinker, and a drugger, must somehow get that money. Every day, again and again. In that sense, they are very capable, especially heroin addicts. They are usually unemployed because they have “vocationally retrain” to professional addicts who don’t do anything else but just getting drugged building their carrier of addicts. Where they get 600 to 1.000 euros monthly? In a joke, I would say that only the police know that. 🙂
So, they are capable to gain money but very incapable to keep it. As a saying goes: “One thing is to earn money, and another one is to preserve it”. Addicts are good at getting it but very bad with keeping it as they spend it right away. A smoker rather gives four euros for the pack of stinking and deadly smokes than to buy himself four kilos of fresh fruit (in Slovenia). Looking from the business point, that is a very bad business. Let alone a heroin user, who changes good and healthy money for a small bunch of mouse poison, baby powder, crushed pills, and at least five times cut traces of heroin. Drug dealers are driving BMW, while impoverished addicts are limping around in torn and dirty rags. Smokers, drinkers, and druggers could use that money for something more useful instead of throwing it away and enriching their abusers.
Stop smoking, drinking, and drugging!
Awakening, releasing the old Ego personality, and creating a new, healthy and aware personality means conscious self-monitoring and deciding: precisely de-cisioning unuseful and harmful from useful and healthy.
Releasing harmful behaviors is in fact very simple and easy because you don’t have to do anything. 🙂 It is important and enough that you are aware of impulses. When an impulse nudges you to light a cigarette, drink a glass of alcohol or take a drug, and also to lie and/or hit somebody or something, stay calm and don’t do anything. Impulse will pass you in a couple of seconds, and you will succeed to stay calm and sober. After the first success, pay attention to the second wave :), and the third and the fourth wave, because your partial personalities such as Smoker, Drinker, Drugger, Liar, Aggressor, and other bandits won’t leave without a fight. They will provoke you, and the only thing you have to do is to stay calm and not react to their impulses, urges, and suggestions.
Imagine that somebody throws a stinking piece of garbage at you. What you gonna do? Will you try to evade it or expose yourself widely? It is so simple. When an impulse appears, don’t do anything. When a bell rings, don’t answer, because you don’t live at the old address anymore. When you will stop feeding addicted partial personalities, they will become significantly weaker. With decisive consistency, you will soon completely starve them out. Their impulses will be rarer and rarer, while you will be stronger and stronger.
If you smoke, drink, and drug, and you want to meet your addicted partial personalities, I suggest a simple exercise. Take a pack of cigarettes, a bottle of alcohol and drug, or all of three at once if you are multi addict, and put them on the table. Take a piece of paper and pencil, and loudly say: “I won’t smoke/drink/drug anymore!”, and then listen to the voices in your head. Very soon, you will hear your partial personalities: “Just this pack” or “Just today” or “It’s not to stop immediately, you rather gradually decrease it” or “You have already tried many times, and you fail, you won’t succeed this time either” or “What will other people say if you quit?” 🙂 Write all of their statements, and don’t fall for stupid tricks.
You can also hear some of the (invisible) karmicons servants near you or in you pretending to be “voices in your head”, who are here taking care that your karmic script will be seen through preventing you to smart up and release addiction and that you will regularly and heavily poison yourself. They will also persuade, “praise” and “support” you to continue with intoxication: “Why to stop when you are doing so well!” or “Just proceed” or “That’s it!”
No matter what you hear, don’t do anything. Don’t do anything, and you will do everything. That’s how easy it is to quit smoking, drinking, and drugging. You just don’t do anything: you don’t light up another cigarette, you don’t drink the next glass of alcohol, and you don’t take the next dose of the drug. Don’t do anything, and you are free.
Right after the exercise, throw all your cigarettes, alcohol, and drugs into the trash. At that moment, you can hear in your head: “What if you change your mind, and you will need it but you won’t have it?” or “Rather wait a little longer, and decide later” or “It is shame to throw away it, rather give it or sell it to somebody”. They will try to undermine your decision and prevent you to become a free person. Throw all the poisons away, now! Don’t think about giving or selling them to others because they will harm them too.
The second part of decision making is consistency with which we keep primary decision repeating it over and over again when needed. At the beginning of releasing addiction, you will be deciding every half an hour, again and again. Every time that the time comes to light a cigarette, drink a glass of alcohol, and/or take a drug, you just say “No!”, and keep repeating it. “No, no, and no!” Even if Satan himself would come to you and request that you light a cigarette, drink a glass of alcohol, and/or take a drug, just repeat: “No, no and no!” Say loudly: “I don’t smoke anymore!” or “I don’t drink alcohol anymore!” or “I don’t use drugs anymore!”, and tell Satan that you quit him and his devilish business. Saying loud your new status, you also say that to yourself and others that you have released harmful behaviors.
It is understandable that by changing your behavior you will also change your social habits and release harmful company. As you know very well, your co-smokers, co-drinkers, and co-druggers weren’t your real friends, they were just your company for the common intoxication. A good friend will never offer you poison because he wishes you the best. If the old company will call you, invite you and gift you with free poisons, decline invitations, and tell them that you have other plans. Maybe they will call you a couple of times more, and then they will stop calling. Be also very decisive in this important phase of your recovery, and close that doors forever. If you occasionally meet them, don’t hide or run away from them, calmly say a word or two, and then continue your way.
Strongly, decisively, and consistently!
Use my simple and very effective exercises for awakening for releasing smoking, drinking, and drugging along with all other addictions and harmful behaviors.
Constantly watch your thoughts, feelings and emotions, words, and actions. When you notice that they are harmful, stop them right there. Breathe in and out, and relax. Become aware of your Awareness. Write your planned or already done harm action into your diary of awakening, and decide that you won’t be doing that again. A decision is just a first step because a decision is just one single action. To be always, and everywhere decisive, you also have to be consistent. That means that you repeat that one-time decision into a rock-solid position making the same decision every time you need to. With this two steps approach, you will become decisive and consistent.
Release harmful characteristics before they release you!
I suggest you make the best decision in your life and start awakening. Decisively release all of your harmful habits and stop smoking, drinking, and drugging. Release also all your other harmful behaviors which are destroying your health, creating and relationship with others. Be decisive and starting independently about your life. Make your decisions true, sincere and fair, and beneficial to all. I guarantee you will be very satisfied and happy with your new, healthy, and benevolent personality. Your life will change for the better: you will be more healthy, calm, and happy, and your relationships with others will be much better. You will create and work more easily becoming more and more successful.
All the best to all.
Read more about awakening and exercises for awakening for easy releasing smoking, drinking, and drugging together with all other harmful behaviors, and become a strong, decisive, and healthy person in my book series Letters to Palkies Messages to my friends on another planet. You can get Book 1 and 2, and my other books on Amazon:
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