Dear friends, there is a big difference between the Ego as a false personality and a true personality. Ego is perverted and harmful, personality is natural and healthy.
Ego is a combination of selfishness, Importance, and Poorness. Poor Me, who whines and pity himself is very selfish too:) as he is strongly bound, addicted and obsessed with his Poorness and inferiority.
Ego is a maniac, and He is interested only in Himself. He “cares” about others only as much He can use and abuse them. Unawakened are on the Ego trip, harmful and destructive march on which they will do anything to fulfill their selfish wishes and needs.
Ego Frankenstein or false personality patchwork is a karmicons construct. This personality monster results from perverted experimentation with humans, deformation of the natural and enforcing the Evil into the natural Good.
The karmicons force incarnants to incarnate to lives in which they will live with fears, diseases, and injuries. They limit and block their natural abilities and talents so they will live as hard as possible. They will suffer in poverty, violence and die at the end.
One of the present visitors from other planets says that Ego Is a bleeding wound.
Ego, which is Latin for I, and is base for the therm egoist or selfish one, is false personality, false self and false I. It is assembled from many splits, confused and conflicted partial personalities with harmful behaviors.
Lying, aggressiveness, violence, narcissism, greed, envy, revenge, self-pity, complaining, criticism, cynicism, etc.
Ego-ist or unawakened identifies presents and acts as overvalued Important I or and undervalued Poor Me.
The Ego or false personality of the unawakened person is complex or patchwork of different confused and conflicted partial personalities who are constantly fighting for dominance.
Angry one would fight, Lazy one would just couch, Addicted wants to score, Lying one would lie, Greedy would grab, Envy would envy, Poor Me would complain, etc.
All these relatively autonomous Ego I’s are false, though they pretend that they are real and the best. The main trick of the liar is that he lies that he is telling the truth:)
Relatively autonomous means that all of them use the same body, mind, and wallet:) and they live at the same address. Despite that, they are very different and they have their own specific thoughts, words, emotions, and acts.
Among them is also false Spiritual one, who pretends that He is “spiritually evolving” when actually he is just controlling, blocking and sabotaging the person to really start to release harmful partial personalities – Ego – and develop.
A good example of false “spirituals” comments that I saw in one of the Buddhist social media groups in which they were praising the Ego as the god himself:)
It is very significant for such persons that they organize groups, organizations, and cults in which they can pervert commonly known facts by their selves. With their own and twisted interpretation, they sabotage them and others.
Common statement of all commenters was that Ego is the King:) and that is necessary for everyday life and for the “paying bills”. They claimed that life without Ego is not possible. That is not true, as you will see below.
Let’s see what Buddha said about the Ego.
“Ego never accepts the true.”
That is true as Ego is a Liar and false Self.
“Ego is just like dust in the Eyes. Without clearing the dust, we can’t see anything clearly, so clear the ego and see the World.”
Bravo! Ego-istic partial personalities distort the world and they deform it for their selfish and egoistic needs.
“When you notice your ego creating drama, ask yourself, what am I avoiding at this moment?”
Or, what am I running from and what am I fighting with?
The mentioned false spirituals who bow to Buddha as the supreme deity, they call the gurus “His Holiness”, which is the second name for the Ego:), claim that they can’t live without Ego.
It is really a big paradox that persons in Buddhist group claim that Ego, for who Buddha clearly said that is harmful and has to be removed, is Real with the capital letter and that need It for their lives.
One member of the group asked the right question. How the Buddha lived without Ego? On of the mentioned commenters answered that he lived some time in the Consciousness and some time in (harmful) Ego:) If Buddha really removed the Ego, he lived in a natural and healthy personality.
It is understandable that persons who in Buddhist language are blessed with the Ego or Egonandas:) can’t live without Ego as they don’t know anything other than Ego-istic life. They are afraid to release the Ego as Ego Itself is telling them that they can’t live without Him:) That is Ego speaking who claims that he can’t live without Himself:)
One of the visitors from other planets says that is quite opposite, it is not possible to live with Ego:)
Buddha noticed virtual emptiness of the Consciousness (or Awareness) (in fact It is full of Awareness) and in his ignorance about the basic characteristics of the Existence claimed that we as persons don’t exist. He said that everything is passing by and that only Awareness (or Consciousness) is steady and therefore Real. Our impressions of us, our personality or Ego is just ever-changing and disappearing flow of sensory phenomenons, visual pictures, thoughts, words, feelings, emotions, etc.
Buddha watched the Awareness with eyes:) so he “saw” that Is empty. You can get that feeling because there is nothing in the Awareness. But, when you perceive it with the attention or with the Awareness Itself – when you merge attention with the Awareness, you will realize that It is very full. The Awareness is full of the Awareness:)
Buddha was right when he said that the Awareness is the Truth, but he missed it by claiming that everything else – energy or material world is not true and just an illusion. While Awareness is always still, the energy world is always moving. That’s why Buddha said that it is not real and proclaimed it as empty. The Awareness was empty for him. The world was empty too. He could declare himself as empty as well so there would be only an Illusion:)
To be continued in part 2.
All the best to all.
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