I had a full head of incarnants, and I even didn’t know it.
Tonight, we were together in dreams, I and my darling Sanja. There were also a “mother” and some other person. We were all cleaning a big mansion. I wasn’t lucid dreaming so I wasn’t aware that I am dreaming. Despite just dreaming I hugged kissed my Sanja when we were alone in the hall. Juhuuu!
When I woke up, I called the messenger and told him to ask our space friends for the name of that mansion and the names of our incarnants from that planet. Regarding that there was a “mother” with us, I knew, that she thinks that we are her daughter and son, or her daughter and her boyfriend or vice versa. That also means that the two went together to incarnation. Forcefully, of course.
After a while, the messenger came and said that name of the mansion is Klerkburg, a boy is Lambert, and a girl is Dunja. I told him to ask our space friends for the name of the first being above the Karmic organization who, by the false karmic theory, first divided to a man and a woman who then went through lower and lower dimensions incarnating million times in million years. I also asked for the number of incarnants in my and Sanja’s incarnational verticals.
In an hour or two, the messengers came back with answers. Genderless light being from 9. or higher dimension who sits at the top of our incarnational verticals is Aglom. He also told me that there are 567 incarnants, humans from other planets, in my vertical, and 563 in Sanja’s incarnational vertical. Every one of those had at least one incarnation. I know that Fedja, my direct incarnant from planet Palki, had 18 incarnations, I was his last. Simon Horvat, direct incarnant of Fedja, has 3.500 incarnations, as much as his girlfriend Jasna Burzovski, who was my Sanja’s direct incarnant. Next, I know the number of incarnations, from my vertical, is Demijan Bohar from the Pleiades. He had 24.000 deaths, that is the term his group is using for incarnations. I visited them once in my lucid dreams, and they told me that. There was also his girlfriend Katarina, who thought that I am Demijan and hugged me at once.
Higher incarnants have even more incarnations so I assume that Aglom on the top of our verticals, has, by the karmic theory and practice, million or more life experiences of other people. Being so rich with experiences without even one personally incarnation or moved from his sofa:) That is how higher beings “spiritually develop” on behalf of our expenses, or as we say in Slovene, on behalf of our blisters:)
Besides 567 persons from my incarnational vertical, there was another girl on me, a special one. I don’t know if the karmicons united her with Fedja, my direct incarnant, before he went to incarnation in me, or with me, during my young age.
In one of my dreams, I saw that they put us together and we became one being. In 2018, I told to our space friends to extract her from me and send her home, which they did.
The karmicons had experimented with me almost everything possible. The only thing they didn’t do is to fix the speaking hump who would scream and yell at by-passers:)
Who are incarnants?
Incarnants are humans from other planets who live their lives like you and me. One day, the karmicons call them in their center where they tell them that in one month, they will go to incarnation. As we were used to calling into the army. They tell them to which planet they will go and how long their incarnation will last. Then they go home, and on the designated day, the karmicons teleport them from their home to their center, and after short preparation, they teleport them in the vicinity of a pregnant woman.
Unlike celebrating going to the army as it is very popular in the south of Yugoslavia, where it used to be a special honor as a boy will become a real man serving to Yugoslavia and Tito, leaving incarnants don’t party their departure. Quite contrary, Sanja told me that even adults cry when they have to leave their homes and darlings and go to foreign planets to be forcefully incarnated.
The short procedure before incarnations are for most of the persons who live on other planets. Some live in the karmicons prisons and similar closed institutions. They prepare longer for the incarnations, the same as actors for drama or movie plays. You can read more about their preparations in Michael Duff Newton books Journey of Souls and Destiny of Souls. In many regression hypnotherapy sessions, and under the strict control of the karmicons, Michael described what is happening before, during, and after incarnations in some of the karmicons closed institutions or false schools.
Both books are typical karmicons propaganda books in which they falsely present the Karmic organization as School of Life. Al that hypnotized persons told to Michael, was controlled by the karmicons so-called guides who take people to incarnations and back to institutions after deaths. They also take care that they do a life review. Those “guides” also take incarnants to the Karmic Court and to so-called elders who control incarnations behind the curtains. I call them hoodies as they have monks robes. They are extremely evil beings from higher dimensions who pretend to be our teachers and consultants.
How is possible to have hundreds of persons in your head? Before a higher being incarnates in lower, the karmicons first transform him into a small energy being and then put him in a child inside the mother. He then enters and exits a baby while keeping his full memory knowing who he is, where is he from and why is he here. He doesn’t want to be here but he can’t do anything about it. He wants to go home but he can’t.
When I say that the karmicons put him in the baby, they put him in one of the four energy cups in the head of our energy body. That means that there can be four different persons incarnated at the same time in one physical body and that all four of them can manage the body, think, speak, and act as they want. In the energy body, there can be even more of them, but they can’t manage the body. That is possible only from the four energy cups in the head.
A couple of days after the baby is born, the karmicons switch off the awareness and memory of incarnants. He falls to sleep and he sleeps the whole life without dreams. If the person in which he is incarnated and sleeps, goes to incarnation as well, during his or her life, the same happens to him or her. A person has a sleeping incarnant inside his or her head. After his or her incarnation, and after the birth of the baby, they will switch his or her awareness too. That means that that baby has already two sleeping incarnants in him or her.
When I count all of my incarnants in my incarnational vertical being the last and the lowest having all of them who were incarnating one to another and finally Fedja as my direct incarnant brought all of them to me, there were 567 of them in my head.
In 2017, we extracted Fedja from me and he took 566 incarnants with him. When we extracted Fedja’s direct incarnant, Simon Horvat, from the planet Brot form him, he took with him 565 sleeping incarnants in him with him. We have also extracted Simon’s incarnant. Now, all three of us, I, Fedja, and Simon are “empty” as we have no more incarnants in us. We also extracted Jasna Burzovski, the girlfriend of Simon, and direct incarnant of my darling Sanja out of her. Jasna is also free of incarnants as we have extracted her incarnant as well. We did a step further. In 2018, I told to our space friends to extract all incarnants from all Palkies and send them home and they did it. We will do the same on Earth and liberate you all from the incarnants who are sleeping in your heads without you even knowing it.
We are not just drama roles, we are real beings.
I told the messenger to tell our space friends to dismantle both of my and Sanja’s incarnant verticals, wake up all incarnants and send them home. Lambert and Dunja from our tonight dreams as well. I also messaged them to prepare two books, one for me and one for Sanja with the list and description of all of our incarnants, and give both books to Sanja. The messenger later told me that they will. I said to give the books to Sanja as they don’t give me anything. I proposed many beneficial things to them, but, for the time present, they don’t assist me here with anything.
I also told them to develop a special program to automatically make incarnational books with lists of all incarnants for all Palkies. Together with another program which will automatically compile all karmic scripts for the lives of all Palkies. When I transform into light being, we will give those books to all Palkies on our first planetary meeting.
We will do the same on Earth. When you hear news about mass healings and other miracles, you will know that it has begun. At the same time, we will start to lift Earthlings to space ship giving you all new bodies. Jac told me that it takes approx. 7 minutes. You lay down on the table, naked, and while speaking with nice space people, it’s done. You stand up and you have a new, young, healthy, and beautiful body. We will also remove all criminals, stop wars, and dematerialize weapons. We will take care of homeless people and refugees, and for all that have really heavy and unpleasant lives as in Africa and India. You will be very surprised, or maybe even not:) when many worldwide known politicians and other Important players in the Evil Elite game will be removed from the planet as well. Together with all coronavirus conspirators. Speaking about evildoers, you will be very surprised, who was among those who wanted to kill you. Except if you are among 0.1% of Elite, who was to survive the planetary genocide.
The karmicons DNA quacks
There were even more persons in me, some still are, but they are not incarnants, but implants. First was Alida from the planet Tar who came in 2018, January 1. she was in me 2 years and 9 months. After her, Zlatko came, he is in my head for almost 10 years. One year ago, Dalibor jumped in, so we are now three pilots team:) For some time, there was also Stevo in me, extremely negative boy. He was first on the right side of my energy body, and then in my head. He knew to literally materialize black, thick, and negative Evil energy and to envelop it around my heart when I was shining love.
I had another guest who was in my energy body on the left side behind my ribcage. Božo was a superb specialist for DNA and he had helped me a lot when a group of 30 to 40 persons experimented with my DNA. Against my will, of course. Božo saw what they were doing and warned them that that is not right. They arrogantly reacted and said that they are experts in the field. Božo then concretely told them what they did wrong, they literally jumped up to check it. It was unusual that they confirmed that they mistook. When I asked Božo what kind of mistake they did, he answered “fatal”. That means if the DNA change would stick, I could start barking like a dog in a day or two:)
Incredible, but true, the same group of self-proclaimed experts made in another three days made new three fatal mistakes, altogether four. Who knows how would their experiment end if there were no Božo to watch their quackery and to warn them to fix their fatalities. And, incredible again, after the departure of the first quacks, another one, this time a single shooter, came to experiment on my DNA as well. He tried to add another strand, the third one to my present two strands.
You probably heard that we have originally 12 strands of DNA, some even say 48, but the karmicons intentionally crippled us down to just two. As the joke says, they left us just so much of the mind that we don’t excrete outside our houses like animals:)
The new DNA mechanic also made two fatal mistakes in two days. When Božo told him for the second mistake and that that is not the way to do it, he packed his junk and left without words. Božo, thank you very much for your friendly help. When I and Sanja transform into light beings, we will visit you and bring nice gifts for you, to your darling and to your two little boys.
How can you find out who is incarnated in you?
I know that my writing sounds like a fantasy and that you can’t check some of my statements. You can’t just sit on bus number 1 and drive to Palki and ask for my girlfriend Sanja, her mother Katerina, and other things I am writing in Letters to Palkies. But, you can easily check all my exercises for awakening. Basic exercises are in the 1. Letter in the 1. book and advanced ones are in the 4. Letter in the same book.
You will also easily check my statements that the karmicons claim that we are not real beings but just incarnations of some other persons from other planets. I suggest you learn to lucid dream and check my words. Read at least these two articles, learn to lucid dream and you will too meet in your lucid dreams the family, partners, and relatives of your incarnant. You will see that they think that you are somebody else. You will realize, that they are waiting for you to die so their dear one can return to them. You will be very happy that you will keep your life after we end the Karmic organization so you will live forever. And, then you will also know that the planet Palki is real:)
Here is a link to the article How can you find out who is incarnated in you?
And here is a link to the articles Why is lucid dreaming so important?
It is important that you know the truth.
It is important that you find out that the Karmic organization really exists.
It is important that you know that they claim that we are not real beings but just live costumes for drama plays for incarnants from other planets.
It is important that you realize that you are Beautiful Being of Pure Awareness, Love, and Wisdom.
All the best to all.
P.s. If you will read only one book this summer, read Letters to Palkies🙂
Read more about the Karmic organization, incarnants, and incarnations in my book series Letters to Palkies Messages to my friends on another planet. You can get Book 1 and 2 on Amazon:
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