Negative karma and karmic debts
By the karmic theory and practice, all Earthlings are just incarnations of some other people from other planets. They supposedly did various harmful actions in their basic lives and inter-lives incarnations and karmic indebted themselves. Now, we have to pay their karmic debts with many unpleasantries in our lives. The karmicons collect some of those debts in our dreams.
Somebody from my incarnational vertical has been stealing shoes and wallets at parties. One day, he went to incarnation. After that, a person in who he incarnated, also went to incarnation. And so on and so on, all of these persons were incarnating lower and lower until the last one, my incarnant Fedja from the planet Palki, incarnated in me. I am the last one and the lowest one in this incarnational vertical. For the karmicons, all persons in this vertical are just one and same person, shoes and a wallets thief. For them, I am also that thief. 🙂 For unknown reasons, they have been collecting these debts from me in my dreams. Since they write the scripts for incarnations, they could also write to my script that a person or more will steal me so many shoes and wallets as the real thief has stolen from others. With that, the matter would be resolved. But no, they rather decided to collect the karmic debts from an unknown man to me from me in my dreams.
Karma and karmic debts collection in dreams
Here is my “sworn” statement:
I, Senad Dizdarević, declare, that I am not a member of the Karmic organization, I don’t have even one incarnation, I am without karma, and I don’t have any karmic debts. I don’t steal shoes and wallets, and I don’t take on me any debts from other persons.
Even though I don’t collaborate with the karmicons, they are tormenting me for long years with repeating scenes in my dreams in which I can’t find my shoes after visiting “friends”, and I walk out barefoot. The next karmic scene is when I found myself in a hotel without enough money to pay for the staying because I stayed too long. Last month, they added some new scenes in which I lose my glasses and phone.
I lucid dream for many decades so I remember very well most of my dreams. Even more, after my awakening in 2004, I can see partially in the energy field around me like in a half dark. Before I go to sleep, I see the karmicons servants coming near me, and preparing for the scenes in my dreams. Before they return to their planets after they executed all scenes collecting karmic debts, now, that I collaborate with our friendly space people, they immediately after the karmicons actions remove them to the isolation field (like an open prison place). After the first group, a second come, etc, sometimes even up to ten different groups who are all rehearsing and executing the same scenes in my dreams. Imagine, how unpleasant is to search for shoes and a wallet in dreams for long hours. 🙂
It seems that that thief was a pro who had stolen a whole cupboard of shoes and wallets as the karmicons have repeated those scenes more than a hundred times! As a lucid dreamer, I sometimes become aware that I dream, and I stop the scenes by intentionally wake up in my physical body.
You can read more about lucid dreams in my two articles:
“How to find out who is incarnated in you?” on:
and in: “Why is lucid dreaming so important? Free Book.” on:
The nightmares are caused by numerous reasons
We can read in the Slovene article “Surprising reasons for the nightmares (and how to stop them)” on:
that there are some other reasons for the nightmares.
“Some researches show the possibility that personal characteristics may affect the dreams. In 2001, scientists prove that unpleasant dreams are more often in more sensitive person dreams. Another study revealed that nightmares are almost regular in artists’ dreams.
Australian psychoanalyst Ernest Hartmann confirmed that nightmares strongly affect sensible, emotional, and creative persons. They have also longer and more vivid dreams, and the same goes for the unpleasant dreams. “
So-called dreams are in fact dream versions of the real planets
So-called psycho professionals, psychologists, and psychiatrists claim that dreams are fantasies caused by daily reasons. Dreams are in fact real worlds to which we travel every night with our energy body when we exit our physical body. Earthlings are not incarnating, and we don’t share a common dream world as the inhabitants of the higher planets do. We dream alone in the dream worlds of our incarnants.
That can be an additional reason for the nightmares. The dream world is a dream version of a real planet from where our incarnant came to us. If the planet is nice, its dream version will also be nice, and vice versa. When we take a look at Zdzisławs dreams, we can see that the planet on which his incarnant lived or is still living, is a real hell.
Zdzisław Beksiński was a Polish architect, sculptor, painter, and surrealist. He was an excellent example of the karmicons art of deformed, ugly, and unpleasant, the art of Evil, decay, and death. Zdzisław was a photographer of dreams who the karmicons used as a human brush to paint their distorted and perverted wishes, needs, and urges, and also their Evil fantasies and delusions. In his paintings, we can see the world as the karmicons see it. Their distorted images of the daily life of Death are the nightmares for us in our dreams. That is another way how Evil beings are enforcing evil in our daily and nightly lives.
Let us take a look at some of Zdzisław’s paintings in which we will learn about the karmicons deformity and their distorted perception of life, themselves, and others. These paintings are their autoportraits, images of Evil, which are intentionally causing discomfort, anxiety, and fear, down-toning a person to the lowest tunes of the swamp of Darkness. Watch them with Awareness, calm and relaxed, and don’t allow them to pull you inside, and permeate you with Death.
In the near future, we will revive Zdzisław and return him to Earth. I am looking forward that he will be painting different and nicer painting after the end of the Karmic organization and their heinous Evil pressure.
How to stop having the nightmares
You can stop some of the nightmares that you have because of the daily, health, and behavioral reasons with my exercises for awakening and releasing harmful behavior. For the time being, you won’t be able to stop the nightmares which are caused by the karmicons heinous and violent collection of the false karmic debts of the unknown persons from other planets in your dreams. We will stop those nightmares when we finally end the Karmic organization, the daily and nightly Evil mare.
On January 23., my space friends told me that we are already liberating 100.000 galaxies all around the cosmos! That is a fantastic success. I would like to see that Earth would be quickly liberated as well so Earthlings can also live free and nice. With the end of the Karmic Mare, and with new, young, healthy, and beautiful bodies, and without any fears and tensions, we will have very nice dreams, days, and nights.
All the best to all.
P.s. I invite all of you who want to check my statements about the karmicons to learn lucid dreaming. In lucid dreams, you will get precious information about your incarnant, and realize that there is a bigger game in play.
Read more about the harmful, destructive, and deadly Karmic organization which we have already successfully ended in our galaxy and solar system, and the fantastic life after It in my book series Letters to Palkies Messages to my friends on another planet. You can get Book 1 and 2, and my other books on Amazon:
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