Shall I call you an ambulance?
Here are some of the comments that have criticized me both at home and abroad. Interestingly, I found all the other comments, but not this one, in which someone explicitly says that I am the AntiChrist. It is possible that the author deleted it or that Satan hide it on purpose. Either way, other negative commentators also accuse me of lying, making things up, being crazy, negative and dark, working for the devil, and being a Satan, which are just many descriptions of the real AntiChrist.
Aniza Praznik (on my article that we have started moving dead Earthlings to six new planets):
Only when we follow Jesus, we will be saved. Satan can’t move anyone to other planets.”
The comment was later deleted, so I don’t remember if she added anything else.

Gasper Akasa:
“schizophrenic, for the closed ward in Polje” (Slovenian mental institution)
Mero Mero:
“Shall I call you an ambulance?”, “You’re a deluded swindler”
Franci Robič:
Petra Kodelja:
“Oh, my, how many drugs did that guy take who wrote the article?”
Here are some more English-speaking spitters and their spit:
Lauren McManus (after my YouTube interview on afterlife experiences):
»I watch this channel every night because I am super depressed and it helps. I wish I had never watched this. It sucked the life right out of me.«
Her deeply depressing and dramatic statement prompted 37 commenters to comment like “we are praying for you”, “don’t believe him”, “God is on your side”, “Jesus loves you” and “see you in heaven”.
Carolyn Aitken:
»I couldn’t finish watching it he’s deluded!!!«
»He may be a victim of mind control Like seriously…«
Angela S:
»This message seems more rooted in fear than love«
Beverley Barrett:

»It’s obvious that he sincerely believes what he is saying. Nevertheless, it’s obvious to me that he is the one being led astray and us away with cosmic goblins.«
Linda Taylor:
»I hope the hell he is wrong! I was looking forward to the tunnel and now this!«
Vanessa Wyatt:
»As a burgeoning astrologer, I would say that a ‘karmic con’ could be the planets in the sky with each of their influences on our lives based on their planetary movement at the time of each individual’s birth. To each his own as you believe, so it is.«
»I don’t buy this theory..but this would be a great book. I might enjoy this author he mentioned as fiction.«
He doesn’t like it as truth, but if it were fiction, then it would be good.
Christine Wade:
»I work in the Mental Health field. His story is not unique and he sounds like many of my clients.«
Ha, ha, ha, as if her patients are talking about Existence, Pure Awareness, simultaneity, Karmic organization, incarnation, and things like that.
»I think I just listened to the devil himself!!! I couldn’t listen to him!«
Finally, here is by far the best comment, in which Jolene asks why I came to America and didn’t stay at home instead:
Jolene Meyers:
»Why is he not in his own country first of all??«
Michael Taylor answered her:
»You don’t have to stay in your country. There’s such a thing as travel.«
I answered both of them:
»I live in my country: Ljubljana, Slovenia, Europe.«
I answered some of the commenters:
To @Jolene Meyers to her statement that I work for the devil:
»Is my prediction of a new way of life with new, young, healthy, and beautiful bodies, in peace, friendship, and love coming to Earth “work for the devil”?
Christopher Truswell lied and said that I claim that the meaning of life is pain:

»David Icke talks about some of the things this guy is saying, he’s an attention-seeking guest I think. The meaning of life is love! But this guy’s meaning of life is pain.«
My answer:
»I didn’t say that. The meaning of Life is natural life without limitations, poverty, diseases, crime, violence, and death. I left my Importance and Poorness long ago, so I am not after attention. My intentions are positive, I am presenting the truth about the Karmic organization, offering exercises for awakening and predicting new and fantastic life on Earth.«
Kae Marie, who warned me that Evil had disguised itself as Sanja:
»Senad Dizdarevič May God bless you despite your wayward beliefs. There is only one God who rules this mighty universe. He is Love. Trust in Him. He will lead you to the truth. Be careful of dark entities like your Sonia. Evil disguises itself in many forms to trick you. Amen« and to
Mii Mii, who recognized the egoism in my statement “you will be happy with all the things we have prepared for you”:
»Hard for this not to seem like just a change of ownership. Does this man not see – if we believe everything he says- how egotistical he is to be thinking he can propose or make decisions about our earth and all the inhabitants, starting companies, thinking of ideas for how others will live, etc. Does anyone else see an imbalance or a breakdown in logic?«
My answer to both of them:
»Your negative reaction to Good is understandable – you suspect that there is something behind our gifts because you are used to heinous and double fault play on this planet. You can read in my books and articles that I am a friendly person. The Karmic organization was the owner of this cosmos, who owned us and our lives. We are the new administration for this cosmos establishing a new way of life without the karmic limitations, such as poverty, diseases, crime, violence, and death. When you will be lifted to the spaceship to get a new, young, healthy, and beautiful body, you can reject it, if you don’t want it. In that case, you will be removed from the planet, as you will express that you don’t want a new way of life. What is selfishness in proposing a better life? Health, wealth, peace, friendship, etc. Is a better life an “imbalance” or a “breakdown”? How do you then describe present life on Earth? Balance? Let me repeat: friendly assistance is not selfish, and we won’t be the new owners of this cosmos – we will be Cosmic Friends. More precise: we already are as we have already liberated more than a billion galaxies. I can tell you that people on the liberated planets are singing and dancing in their new bodies, celebrating our common success. It will be the same on Earth. I don’t need you to believe in my statements, it is enough that you want a better life for yourself and others and stays open to new options.«
One of the rare good questions:
»How does he know the visits and information he claims to have received wasn’t deceptive?«
My answer:
»Many or even most of the visits were from Evil karmic-cons who was and occasionally still are violent to me. Besides that, many very friendly persons from other planets helped me create a bigger picture of the Karmic organization. I also communicate with Sanja, my girlfriend from the planet Palki, and other positive people from higher dimensions. I am a professional journalist and I don’t believe everything I hear. I have double and triple-checked with my sources to confirm my assumptions and received information. After the liberation of Earth, I will transform into a light being and will have a chance to check all of it again and to publish my findings.«
My answer to all of them

»My statement about new bodies for my subscribers means that all who showed interest in a better life will be among the first to get new bodies. Let me say it clearly: even if you never heard of me or like my work – if you are not a criminal, you will get a new body as well, but you will have to wait for it. First of the first will be all who are in hospitals and other people who are sick and disabled. I know that the space part of my work sounds fantasy. You don’t need to believe it, it is enough that you want a better life for yourself and others. Stay positive and open to new options, that’s all. If you want to partially check if I am speaking the truth, use my exercises for awakening and you will see their effectiveness pretty soon. After that, you would be able to indirectly assume that the other parts of my work are also true.
Your negative reaction to Good is understandable – you suspect that there is something behind our gifts because you are used to heinous and double fault play on this planet. You can read in my books and articles that I am a friendly person. The Karmic organization was the owner of this cosmos, who owned us and our lives. We are the new administration for this cosmos establishing a new way of life without the karmic limitations, such as poverty, diseases, crime, violence, and death. When you will be lifted to the spaceship to get a new, young, healthy, and beautiful body, you can reject it, if you don’t want it. In that case, you will be removed from the planet, as you will express that you don’t want a new way of life. What is selfish in proposing a better life? Health, wealth, peace, friendship, etc. Is a better life an “imbalance” or a “breakdown”? How do you then describe present life on Earth? Balance? Let me repeat: friendly assistance is not selfish, and we won’t be the new owners of this cosmos – we will be Cosmic Friends. More precise: we already are as we have already liberated more than a billion galaxies. I can tell you that people on the liberated planets are singing and dancing in their new bodies, celebrating our common success. It will be the same on Earth. I don’t need you to believe in my statements, it is enough that you want a better life for yourself and others and stays open to new options.
My work is based on long decades of concrete experience. I invite you to read about them in my books and articles. There are a lot of exercises you can check and confirm part of my writings. Many or even most of the visits were from Evil karmic cons who were and occasionally still are violent to me. Besides that, many very friendly persons from other planets helped me create a bigger picture of the Karmic organization. I also communicate with Sanja, my girlfriend from the planet Palki, and other positive people from higher dimensions. I am a professional journalist and I don’t believe everything I hear. I have double and triple-checked with my sources to confirm my assumptions and received information. After the liberation of Earth, I will transform into a light being and will have a chance to check all of it again and publish my findings.
Is my statement that poverty, diseases, crime, violence, and death will end and that all the good Earthlings will get new, young, healthy, and beautiful bodies “rooted in fear” for you?
If my presentation was too complicated for you, let me simplify it as much as possible: old life with limitations, poverty, diseases, crime, violence, and death will be ended, and a new way of life with new, young, healthy, and beautiful bodies, in peace, friendship and love are coming to Earth.«
Breaking news: a new AntiChrist has been discovered!

I interrupt the regular program to announce special news: the speculation is over, and the real AntiChrist has been confirmed!
We can read at
in the article »JUAN O SAVIN NAMES THE ANTICHRIST « ~ Sept. 6, 2022, about the secret historical project of the Elite, and not only the discovery but the deliberate and scientific creation of the AntiChrist:
»The two sets of “bloodline families” merged to create their “humanoid” that contains ALL 13 of the bloodlines. Diana’s side and Prince Charles’s side each had 6 or 7 and combined to make 13.
It is Prince William. Born on June 21, the solstice, longest day of the year under an eclipse in 1982. This was planned and planned for years!!!«
The author repeated “planned” twice to emphasize that the creation of the Royal AntiChrist was indeed planned.

Crazy, but there it is! All of you who found the formula for calculating the AntiChrist in the previous article to be the Evil one can now breathe a sigh of relief, because William, being a Prince and of royal blood, has taken over the main role of AntiChrist, thus automatically erasing all the results of all the calculations for all the other earthly AntiChrists, who once again become ordinary people. I wrote “ordinary people” because some will be very disappointed by the loss of their new dark rank – they have finally become Someone, albeit an AntiChrist, and now this Willi has taken the Black Crown from them.
The Black Magic process of uniting the bloodlines and enthroning the united AntiChrist was carried out at Balmore Castle in Scotland. The castle, where evil orgies are said to be frequent, is owned by Queen Elizabeth II of England, William’s grandmother, who else. We await the solemn announcement of the new AntiChrist from the English royal family. William will stand before the Queen and his grandmother will say to him, “Kneel, William”, smack him on the head with an inverted sword in the shape of a cross and say, “Stand up Antichrist!”
Let’s see who the author of the article with the media name Juan O Savin is: »Wayne Willott is a major player in the Conspiracy movement having established for himself excellent credibility as a QAnon.”
Is it possible that with AntiChrist we have the legendary Qanon too? Two in one move? Is Juan Q, or is he just spreading his theories? Wayne, or Juan, is a religious, Republican, and ardent Trumpist, or in our terms, a Janschist. What kind of conspiracy theorist would Juan be if he, too, did not be involved in a conspiracy theory? Conspiracy theorists say that JFK, John F. Kennedy, the 35th President of the United States, did not die in a legendary assassination in Dallas, but survived in secret and came back as Juan to help Trump lead America as his Vice-President. To make this conspiracy theory even juicier, it is very significant that JFK was a Democrat and Trump is a Republican. That is like saying that Tito did not die in the Ljubljana Clinical Centre, but went into hiding, and then came back on the scene as reincarnated Janez Janša during the Spring Revolution to help lead Slovenia as Kučan’s Vice-President.
Who I am not and who I am
Let me conclude this series of articles on the AntiChrist with a personal statement, making it clear once and for all who I am not and who I am:
“I am not negative, I do not work for the devil and I am not the Antichrist. I am a Friend and I work for the good of all good people. Words are words, facts are facts. When my words become facts, you will know that I have spoken the truth. Until then:
All the best to all.
P. S. As you know, Queen Elizabeth II of England died yesterday. The new King Charles III is Prince Charles, and the heir to the throne is none other than William, who is next in line to be King of England. He would, according to the latest proclamation, wear the AntiChrist’s crown, which would be black and upside down, in addition to the royal crown. The black spikes pointing downwards are symbolic of the black cross-thian tears that weep in anguish at the Antichrist’s destruction of the Catholic Church. William’s dual and White-Black role is a specialty of the Karmic Organization, which takes extreme pleasure in contradictions and conflicts, especially when they are harmful, destructive, and deadly to humans and animals. William, as King and Antichrist, would be the true face of this duplicitous, criminal and felonious organization at the same time, except that he knows nothing about his creators.
Read more about the fantastic future waiting for us after we end the karmicons blockade of Earth in my book series Letters to Palkies Messages to my friends on another planet. You can get them here, the whole series or single titles (below):
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