And I’m not Christ either
It is incredible that this even needs to be said, but it is no wonder, because in a world where more than four billion people believe in fictional beings, gods and devils, without any evidence, more than in real life, things are turned upside down and Good is Evil and Evil is Good. Believers believe that as bad people and sinners, they must go through hell on Earth to be purified and go to heaven. Those who fail to do so will end up in eternal hell. It is therefore understandable that the Good is bad for them, because it prevents them from suffering and serving the penalty for the sins of Adam and Eve’s expulsion from Paradise, Jesus’ death, and even their sins, and, by God’s mercy, climbing the heavenly stairs to Paradise.
After my interview with Jeff Mara, who has a YouTube channel where he and his guests talk about the Near Death Experiences, I was called a liar, a cheat, the devil, and the Antichrist by many viewers. They went crazy when they heard that there is a Karmic Organization, that our lives are staged, that God and religions have been invented by the karmicons to play the role of incarnates from other planets, and that after death no little angels are waiting for anyone, but only insensitive karmic people who, after reviewing their past life, turn them off or, in the vernacular, kill them again. They were even more enraged by my predictions that there would be an end to karmic Evil on Earth and that there would be a good life for all good people. “Senad works for the devil, he is of the devil, he is the devil, the AntiChrist!” If I had told them about the Evil and predicted the tragic and catastrophic end of the world, they would have praised me as a true prophet, but I dared to speak of the Good to come. AntiChrist!
As we see from the very name “AntiChrist” we have in it the old Karmic formula of the two opposites, Good and Evil. Christ is supposed to be good, AntiChrist bad. God and the devil. Ours and theirs.
We must know that both these dramatic and symbolic characters, since they do not exist as real beings, were invented by the karmicons themselves to enstupid the people, divide them into two opposing camps, pit them against each other, and drive them to fight against each other. By deliberately creating conflict and fighting among themselves, the participants create negative energy, and the karmicons, following the principle of “Where two fight, the third benefits”, profit at the expense of the enstupited and violent people.
Who is supposed to be Christ?
The term “Christ” comes from the Greek “khristos”, meaning “anointed one” or “one who has been anointed with holy and aromatic oil”, in this case, Jesus the Anointed One, ordained Prophet and King, with the holy name of Jesus Christ. Jesus is said to be the incarnation of his Father God, his Son, and at the same time the Prophet, Savior, and King of mankind.
According to the carmicons Cross-thian myth, Jesus was chosen by his Father to be the Savior of mankind and was tortured and killed on the cross to atone for mankind’s sins. As a story alone, it is pathetic, let alone for a human being to believe in such a fabrication. Especially if you know well the Karmic Organization, which has invented all the gods and devils, heavens and hells, religions, and sinners.
The Cross-thian religion is also called Christianity, after Jesus’ surname or holy surname Christ, and the believers are Christians. I use the term Cross-thianity and Cross-thians because it more accurately describes a religion that obsessively worships suffering, death, and the corpse on the cross. The cross is a symbol of the only possible way to heaven, and that is by suffering the mortal sin of betraying God in paradise, caused by Adam and Eve, the mythological father and mother of mankind, by which sinners can repay their debt to God, beg for mercy and return to paradise. After more than two thousand years of groveling and self-denial (“I am not worthy that You visit me” and self-pity (“Lord, have mercy on me”), they have not yet succeeded. From the project management perspective, this is the worst project ever. After more than 2 000 years, they still didn’t manage to finish it. Nor, it seems, will the Cross-thians succeed in returning to paradise, since their religion is in accelerating decline and will collapse before their fictional and imaginary god has mercy on them and lifts them to fairy-tale heaven.
Among the various Christs, there is also the so-called Christ Consciousness (also variant Krishna Consciousness in the Hindu Hare Krishna sect), which is said to be a divine or higher consciousness above the Ego and the lower (animal) consciousness of man. Symbolically, Christ is thus supposed to be the evolved and Good man, and the AntiChrist is supposed to be the undeveloped, Ego and Evil man or demon, like Satan.
And who is AntiChrist supposed to be?
“In Christian eschatology, antichrist or antichrist refers to the people whom the Bible prophesied would oppose Jesus Christ and replace himself in Christ’s place before the Second Coming. The term antichrist occurs five times in the New Testament, in the first and second letters of John alone.” (Source: Wikipedia)
The term Antichrist refers to those who do not believe in the Father and Son of the Bible, deny that Jesus is the Christ and who falsely represent themselves as prophets. By this definition, I would be an AntiChrist, since I do not believe in the Christian myth of the Creator, Adam and Eve, and Jesus, and I predict a good future for good people. However, since I do not believe in Cross-Christianity, I am not an Antichrist for myself, but I am for believers, who are very disturbed by my predictions of the end of suffering and the beginning of a good life. If I were to predict the dramatic and tragic end of the world, the destruction of the Earth, and the Judgement Day, I would be a good person for them. Crazy, but true.

In conspiracy theories, the Antichrist is also supposed to appear as an apparently positive person, for example, a humanist, a peace-lover, an environmentalist, a vegetarian, a tax-payer, and even an unsuspecting bystander, to gain the trust of the Christians of the Cross, but in reality, he wants to destroy the Catholic Church.
As we shall see, there are several Anti-Christs in the world, and among them are people living today. In an article entitled “The 7 Most Popular Contenders for the Title ‘Antichrist‘” on the website
among them are also superstars:
“1. The Pope
The all-time most popular contender for the title of Antichrist was not any individual but an office—the Roman Catholic Papacy. Martin Luther, John Calvin, Cotton Mather, William Tyndale, and a long list of other Protestants have considered the office of the papacy to be the Antichrist. But that has not stopped some Protestants from assuming that a particular Pope—from Pope Leo X to Pope Benedict XVI — is the Antichrist.”
Ha, ha, ha. What kind of religion is it where they consider themselves or their organization and its leaders to be AntiChrists?
“2. Nicolae Jetty Carpathia: Carpathia is the fictional antagonist in the Left Behind book series written by Tim LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins. While no one thinks Carpathia is the actual Antichrist, he is the archetype for what many believe the Antichrist would be like: a charismatic European leader who becomes the head of a global organization (usually the United Nations).”
Who do you think is the most charismatic European leader who, according to this theory, could become the leader of the United Nations and thus the Anti-Christ? A man, a woman?
“3. Nero Caesar
Many Biblical scholars believe that the number of the beast in Revelation 13:18 is a numerical reference to Emperor Nero, whose name in Greek when transliterated into Hebrew, retains the value of 666, whereas his Latin name transliterated into Hebrew, is 616. Even though the label does not appear in the Book of Revelation, Nero has frequently been considered the first—though the first of many—Antichrists.”
I assume that there are millions of people in the world whose letters of their name, translated into numbers, form the “Number of the Beast”, or 666. I didn’t count my name, because I was already been name AntiChrist even if the numbers don’t check up. 🙂
“4. Hitler
For obvious reasons.”
Hitler was the greatest Anti-Christ yet in terms of his hysterical screaming and psychopathic sadistic acts, although Stalin is not far behind.
“5. (Tie) Henry Kissinger / Mikhail Gorbachev
During the 1970s and early 1980s, the Secretary of State for the Nixon and Ford Administrations topped the “Most Likely to Be the Antichrist” lists. But Kissinger was bumped in the mid-1980s when the Russian apparatchik Mikhail Gorbachev arrived on the world stage. As a Soviet leader he filled many of the criteria on the Antichrist template (including high poll numbers!), though the strange birthmark was considered an obvious sign that Gorbachev wore the “mark of the beast.”

As we know from history, many women who had “beauty marks” (Karmic black humor), such as ugly nipples, were branded witches and killed.”
“6. Napoleon
Tsar Alexander of Russia called Napoleon the “Anti Christ and the enemy of God” because he liberated the Jews. But it was his improbable rise to power, anti-Catholic policies, and unquenchable hunger for conquest that earned the French Emperor his place on the list. For those who believe that Nostradamus predicted the rise of three Antichrists, Napoleon is often considered the obvious candidate to fill the first slot (with Hitler as the obvious #2).”
There will be no other way than to organize a World AntiChrist Championship. “And the AntiChrist of 2022 is …”
“7. (Tie) The American President
Every American president since George Washington has likely been suspected of being the one to usher in the end times. But Gerald Burton Winrod, a pro-Nazi evangelist from Kansas, deserves credit for the modern president-as-Antichrist trend. Winrod believed FDR was a “devil” linked with the Jewish-Communist conspiracy and that Hitler would save Europe from Communism.
Since Winrod’s day, almost every president has landed on the Antichrist suspect list. FDR, JFK, Nixon, Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton, and Barack Obama have all been named by various individuals and organizations. The one exception to the rule may be Gerald Ford. Despite being a world leader during the height of the 1970s End Times craze, it’s unlikely anyone ever considered Ford a serious contender for the title of Antichrist.”
The pro-Nazi Cross-thian evangelist claimed that the Anti-Christ, i.e. Hitler, would save Europe from the communist devil, the 32nd US President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. You need one to defeat the other.
Some include me in this colorful company of AntiChrists. Ha, ha, ha. For many, it would even be a compliment to be in the company of the most famous popes, emperors, and presidents, but not for me. According to the list of candidates, for the Cross-thians, we are all AntiChrists who do not kneel before the Cross and cross ourselves over and over.
To be continued.
All the best to all.
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