Let’s continue Satan’s commandments against humans from number 7 all the way down to the miserable and bitter end of hellish tactics and strategies, so that you will be better prepared if the Evil One tries to lure you away from the sunny side of life, or even snap you in a dark alley of despair.
“7. Satan causes some sickness and disease.
Jesus healed a woman once who was bent over and could not straighten herself. When some criticized him for doing that on the Sabbath, he said, “Ought not this woman, a daughter of Abraham, whom Satan bound for eighteen years, be loosed from this bond on the Sabbath day?” (Luke 13:16). Jesus saw Satan as the one who had caused this disease.
“God is sovereign over Satan. The devil has no free hand in this world. He is on a leash, and can do only what God permits.”
In Acts 10:38, Peter described Jesus as one who “went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil.” In other words, the devil often oppresses people with an illness. This too is one of his designs.
But don’t make the mistake of saying every sickness is the work of the devil. To be sure, even when a “thorn in the flesh” is God’s design for our sanctification, it also may be the “messenger of Satan” (2 Corinthians 12:7). But there are other instances in which the disease is solely attributed to God’s design without reference to Satan: “It was not that this man sinned, or his parents, but that the works of God might be displayed in him” (John 9:3). Jesus feels no need to bring Satan in as the culprit in his own merciful designs.”
Despite the Jews betraying the Sabbath and giving it to the Thief, Dr. Jesus rolled up His sleeves and healed on the sixth day. In so doing, He healed and made whole the week and all its days, and restored the Sabbath to the flock of good days.
As you may have noticed, in religious matters one must move into a special state of mythological and magical thinking where anything is possible. Only in this way can a rational person gain at least some insight into the religious frenzy of the bewitched and hypnotized believers. Such an ability is already shown to be necessary for the very next paragraph since god is also supposed to be the devil, who deliberately inflicts sickness, suffering, and death on people. Since god has the devil on a leash and only occasionally allows him to torment people, it is in fact god who inflicts the vast majority of evil on people. Before, we knew who was going to attack us with apocalyptic locusts and other end-of-the-world things, but now we know where, from whom and why disease comes. The faithful are already honoring this knowledge by praising “Glory to god, hail the disease!”
The author of the above article warns us not to do the devil an injustice and blame him for all diseases. These must be strictly distinguished between the devil’s and god’s – the devil’s being bad and god’s good. According to this creed, the one who is stricken with a disease by god and stung with a “divine thorn” can be happy, since this is a divine sign that everything is going according to god’s plan for him. God has chosen him for sanctification and anointed him with the disease so that he will slip more easily through the thick bushes of worldly life into the promised heaven. Hospitals are thus not institutions for healing, but holy temples for the sanctification of candidates for salvation. If you see a sick person, do not, under any circumstances, give him mercy or even wish him to be healed, for you could spoil his successful ascension. Do not be envious or jealous, but rather pray silently that you too may become sick, so that god may take you into his team of champions for heaven.
To know exactly whose sickness is whose – the devil’s sickness weighs down the sick and drags them into the abyss of hell, while god’s sickness blesses the afflicted and lifts them up to heaven – Jesus, who in this story acts as Father and Son, disguising Himself also as the Holy Spirit if necessary, made it clear that we should not accidentally blame Satan for the sicknesses he causes. Instead of blaming Satan, believers should thank Jesus for having mercy on them and giving them the disease. Instead of “Curse you, Satan!” or in modern English “F… you, Satan!” they should thank the Crucified with the standard hymn of praise, “Praise the Lord!” On their knees, of course, to get a better grip.
One of the best movie scenes I’ve seen so far was from the Hannibal series (2013). The sinister ogre first looks in the cookbook and chooses one recipe, then takes a business card from the Rolodex and goes to get “food”. Same god and the Devil sit together at the table, holding a catalog of diseases and injuries and a list of inhabitants, choosing the best combination. Maybe they also play the lottery and pull both out of a witch’s hat, or better still, out of a human skull, to make it more mystical and magical. It would not be strange if they both chose the same man, each of them afflicts him with one or two diseases, and then bet on how long the afflicted man will last.
God: “Lung cancer!”
Devil: “Follow and raise: a stroke, kidney stones, and impotence!”
God (devilishly laughing): “Let’s give him blindness too, so he won’t see how much it hurts.”
No wonder some people say that they don’t know who is worse, the devil or God.
Jesus said to those who were planning to kill him, “You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and has nothing to do with the truth” (John 8:44). John says, “Do not be like Cain, who was of the evil one and murdered his brother” (1 John 3:12). Jesus told the blameless church at Smyrna, “The devil is about to throw some of you into prison. … Be faithful unto death, and I will give you the crown of life” (Revelation 2:10).
To put it in a word, Satan is blood-thirsty. Christ came into the world that we might have life and have it abundantly (John 10:10). Satan comes that he might destroy life wherever he can and in the end make it eternally miserable.”
Speaking of the truth, Jesus should have told his murderers the whole truth, which in this case is: “You are from your father the devil, who is the son of god, and your will is to do your father’s will, that is, the devil’s, and also your father’s will, that is, god’s. Both were and are murderers from beginning to end, and that is the real and whole truth.”
The text should also continue differently: “Do not be like god, who murdered all men, the greater part of whom he killed himself, according to god’s plan, and the lesser part of whom he struck down with the black hands of his infernal son Satan. The devil threw some of you into prison, but god imprisoned everyone, including the devil. Even me, he tortured and killed on the cross, but not you, outcasts, cursed and ugly sinners. Be faithful to me even unto death, and I will give you death.”
The evangelist Matthew answers John the Evangelist reminding him about Son’s first coming:
“Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to turn a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law—
A man’s enemies will be the members of his household.’ ” (Matt. 10:34-36)
While it is true that Satan came before Jesus because god preferred him, because he desperately needed him to tempt believers and sinners alike, Jesus also caused enough strife with everyone. “Leave all that you have, put the cross on your sinful backs and follow me!”, he commanded the believers, and with one stroke, he tore their families apart, girded the sword of the cross on them, and drove them into battle against the unbelievers of all the faiths and infidelities of this world. Soon after he had driven them away, he fled to heaven, where he and the Father sit and watch as the cross-bearers fight in their name in knee-deep blood and fratricidal butchery. “Under the cross or under the cross!” they hysterically bargain, and violently or hypocritically baptize a person, preferably an infant, before he has developed his own wits to say “No, it is out of the question, for I am not mad!” or they put him in a grave and nail a cross to him so that it is known that he was slain by the Sword of God in the form of a cross. Fortunately, the Crusades, where unbelievers were crucified and killed with holy and bloody cross-swords, are over, while in the new times’ people are crucified and baptized with the Holy Word, or the black-magic spell of drawing a cross on a baby’s forehead and branding it with a wet brand. In some places, they also slap him on the bottom to make him yelp so that he remembers that wearing a cross is not a walk in the park, but a thorny path.
The cross-thians are failing miserably in their fight against Satan and unbelievers, as their Church is collapsing, the number of believers is falling, while the number of sinners and unbelievers is increasing rapidly. If Jesus were to come down to earth today, he would be very disappointed with them, because they have nothing to show him. They could take him in a Mercedes popemobile to the rich man’s Vatican, present him with gold-plated cardinals and toast him with Dom Perignon champagne. Jesus would have been sick with shame and would have quickly run back to heaven. “What have you done to me with my Cross, you greedy Pharisees?” he would have crossed himself and he would have been gone.
“9. Satan fights against the plans of missionaries.
Paul tells of how his missionary plans were frustrated in 1 Thessalonians 2:17-18: “We endeavored the more eagerly, and with great desire, to see you face to face; because we wanted to come to you … but Satan hindered us.” Satan hates evangelism and discipleship, and he will throw every obstacle he can in the way of missionaries and people with a zeal for evangelism.”
In today’s language, we would say that Satan is a socialist and a communist, fighting against liberal globalism and the imperialism of the Catholic Church, which has sought to subjugate the whole world. No wonder the religious right equates the left with the devil and fights both with a burning cross.
Cross-thian missionaries are very fond of illiterate and poor people, such as Africans. They think that the missionaries will give them food and clothing, but the missionaries will bring them the Word of God, not bread, but the Bread. To make it easier for them to hear it, they also give them food and bribe them. On their knees, of course. Given that most of the abuse by Catholic priests is homosexual, it is obvious that the Catholic Church is a Club of faithful homosexuals who have sexually abused children and adolescents with impunity for centuries and have had the full support and protection of the Church in doing so. If the pressure from families and communities was too big because of a particular priest’s appetite, the churchmen moved him to another parish where he continued his sexual abuse of children and young people unhindered. If he overdid it there too, he was transferred again to another congregation, and so on. The Church was still on his side with this rotation, and the holy predator had new and fresh victims all the time.
After centuries of sexual abuse of hundreds of thousands, and more likely millions, of children and young people, it is obvious that the missionaries had most to do with spreading the Word of the Flesh, not the Word of God. First they “baptized” the candidates, then they converted them to the cross-thian faith.
What are missionaries really doing, and what spiritual disease are they really spreading? They themselves say that they are proclaiming the Gospel or “good news” to the people. For them, the “good news” is that humans are bad, cursed, and sinful people, exiled from paradise, who have to accept the guilt of the actions of imaginary mythological beings, have to suffer terribly, submit, pray fervently and beg for mercy on their knees, all the while paying their dues handsomely and filling up their bottomless bishops’ hats. For whom is this good news? Who in their right mind would accept such an offer and convert to such a deformed man? No wonder religions, and especially cross-thianity, are in decline, because there are fewer and fewer people who will fall for such propaganda and make a deal in which they will be only exploited in a nasty way.
“10. Satan accuses Christians before God.
Revelation 12:10 says, “I heard a loud voice in heaven saying, ‘Now the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God and the authority of his Christ have come, for the accuser of our brothers has been thrown down, who accuses them day and night before our God.’” Satan’s defeat is sure. But his accusations haven’t ceased.
It is the same with us as it was with Job. Satan says to God about us, They don’t really love you; they love your benefits. “Stretch out your hand and touch all that [they have], and [they] will curse you to your face” (Job 1:11). Their faith isn’t real. Satan accuses us before God, as he did Job. But it is a glorious thing that followers of Jesus have an advocate who “always lives to make intercession for them” (Hebrews 7:25).”
Satan does not need to accuse the cross-thians, because god knows they are bad, having created them that way. Believers do not love god, they fear him. They do not respect god but have an awe of him. The fear of god’s punishment is for believers the worst fear on the scale of all fears, for they fear god more than spiders, open places, and closed taverns. For believers, god is the true Plague of God, which makes them tremble day and night in holy stress. Despite having the attorney Jesus to defend them against Satan, it does not bode well for sinners, for god will punish them mercilessly and hand them over to His Black Son Satan for lifetime care in hell.
What “benefits” have a god given to the cross-thians? Religion, faith, sins and sinfulness, the curse of expulsion from Paradise, guilt feelings for Adam and Eve and the death of Jesus, the Cross, suffering, forced behavior of ritual worship of mythological creatures, submission, humility, self-denial and self-pity, fear of god and the devil, Judgment Day, perhaps Heaven and certainly Hell? Does this make the faithful not love god because they prefer his “benefits”, or does it just anger Satan and remind him of their sinfulness, in which they worship him far more than god?
How do I defend myself from Satan?
Believers should fight the Prince of Darkness with prayer, the cross, and faithfulness to Jesus. The classic prayer “Our Father” is recommended for daily defense against the Black Darkness: “Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come to us, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.”
And in Latin, for those believers who think they will please god more if they ask him in the Church’s language: »Pater Noster, qui es in cælis: sanctificétur nomen tuum; advéniat regnum tuum; fiat volúntas tua, sicut in cælo, et in terra.
Panem nostrum cotidiánum da nobis hódie; et dimítte nobis débita nostra, sicut et nos dimíttimus debitóribus nostris; et ne nos indúcas in tentatiónem; sed líbera nos a malo. Amen.«
While the self-defense of the believers against god’s Dark Son Satan is a whole, complex and complicated battle, it is much easier for the unbelievers to defend themselves from the devil by simply not believing in him.
To be continued.
All the best to all.
Cover: Leprosy, one of god’s gifts for humans or is it from his Dark Son, Satan. Photo: novice.svet24.si
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