Opinions, beliefs, and attitudes are only claims for the existence and, indeed, non-existence of god, but they are not proof. To become evidence, claims (hypotheses or assumptions) must be proven and proven with concrete evidence. Theologians, especially those who think they are cunning and claim that there really is no material and scientific evidence for the existence of god, but there is also no evidence to prove that god does not exist, are already using this false claim as real evidence: if you cannot prove that god does not exist, then god does exist.
This is not true, of course, because there is evidence for the non-existence of god, but not for the existence of god. The proof that god does not exist is very simple, logical, and understandable. Religion claims that god, as Creator, created everything that exists out of nothing (“ex nihilo”). Everyone knows that nothing can be created out of nothing. Existence, All That Exists, is Proof that Nothing doesn’t exist and that there is no god who created the World out of Nothing. We are all living proof of the non-existence of god, every time we knead bread out of flour, make ice cubes out of the water, and make soup out of powder from a soup bag. We make something out of something. We make nothing out of nothing. Even god, if he existed, but he does not, and if he was omnipotent, could not make anything out of Nothing, let alone Everything.
When asked how he made Everything out of Nothing, religion answers that it is a mystery. Ha, ha, ha. There is no mystery, it is just a shallow, and flimsy excuse. If religion doesn’t know it, that doesn’t mean that hiding its ignorance means that god made Everything out of Nothing anyway. Their claim of the creation of Everything from Nothing presupposes that there was once an Absolute Nothing in which there was no one and nothing and even without that. Then the Creator, who did not exist, first created Himself out of Nothing. Then, out of the same Nothing that does not exist, He created the World.
Who is so naive as to believe in this obvious impossibility? Only believers, no one else. How can they believe this lie? By switching off common sense and switching on irrational faith, by which they can believe many more irrational and demonstrable things, such as the mere “creation” of a great Magician who pulls the Rabbit of All Things out of the hat of Nothingness.
In addition to the Nothing from which the Creator is said to have created the Creation, there is of course another question: if the Creator created the Creation, who created the Creator? For theologians and believers, this is where their creation of the Creator ends. Here again, they excuse themselves on “Strange are the ways of the Lord” and this is for them another proof that God does exist.
God exists because the Bible says so
God exists because I said so and with god, I am more powerful and can command and control others and live comfortably at their expense. Thus the Church abuses the idea of god, that by his “omnipotence” he rules the “Kingdom of hod” on Earth, setting himself up as the world ruler and even the “moral authority” who is supposed to know right from wrong, Good from Evil, right from wrong, while it is itself lying, corrupt, corrupting and bloody up to and beyond the sinful ears through violence and murder.
Let us now look at the “evidence” for the existence of god that Artificial Intelligence ChatGPT has gathered from internet sources:
“1. Cosmological Argument: The cosmological argument for the existence of God is based on the idea that the universe must have had a cause, and that cause is God. This argument states that everything that exists in the universe has a cause, and therefore, the universe itself must have a cause. According to proponents of this argument, this cause must be a self-existent, uncaused, eternal being. They believe that this being is God, who created the universe and set everything in motion.”
For the cosmos, i.e. the effect, to have a cause means, of course, that the cause, as the effect of something before it, must also have a cause, and so back and back to the infinity of the “mystery of god”.
Pure Awareness, which enables us all to be aware, conscious, and attentive, and the Energy out of which All that exists is made, cannot be created and destroyed. This means that the Creator does not exist because He cannot. It also means that god is not the “Cause” of the creation of Everything. If god was an eternal being, his “Creation” would also be eternal, which of course means that it was never created, but would have existed from ever. By claiming that god is eternal and Creation was created later, and out of Nothing, the karmicons, members of the Evil Karmic organization that ruled our cosmos, deny their claim, since Something, in this case, their Creator, and Absolute Nothing cannot coexist. Either there is Something or there is Nothing, in that Absolute Nothing, in which there is nothing, and even this, cannot exist, because for existence something must exist, and in the case of Absolute Nothing, there is nothing that exists. The additional fact is that once something exists, Absolute Nothing can no longer exist, because Existence cannot be destroyed into Nothing.
“2. Teleological Argument: The teleological argument for the existence of God is based on the idea that the universe exhibits signs of order and design, implying the existence of a designer, who is god. Proponents of this argument point to the intricate structures and processes in the universe, such as the laws of physics and the complexity of life, as evidence of a designer. They argue that these features could not have arisen by chance, but must have been deliberately planned and executed by a conscious, intelligent being, who is god.”
For god to have planned the creation of the cosmos, he would have had to have lived before it and then created it from Nothing, which is of course impossible.
“3. Moral Argument: The moral argument for the existence of God is based on the idea that the existence of objective moral values and duties requires a moral lawgiver, who is god. Proponents of this argument believe that there are certain universal moral principles, such as the principles of right and wrong, that exist independently of human opinions and beliefs. They argue that these moral values could not have arisen from natural causes, but must have been imposed on the universe by a transcendent being, who is god.”
Until a few years ago, the only “god” in this cosmos was the Karmic organization, which ruled absolutistically for millions of years and controlled some 20 million inhabited planets. The Karmic system was based on the lie of a Creator and the necessity of Evil as a counterbalance to Good. The main activity of the Karmic organization was to ensure Evil throughout the cosmos. They did this by deliberately imposing Evil in all possible forms into human and animal lives through forced incarnations and pre-written scripts for lives. They used fundamental systems of Evil such as the Politics of Hostility, the Economics of Exploitation (Capitalism), the Justice of Punishment, and the Religion of Separation (of believers and non-believers) for absolutist control.
“4. Personal Experience: The argument from personal experience states that individuals have reported spiritual experiences that they attribute to god. These experiences can include feelings of awe and wonder, a sense of connection with a higher power, and transformative moments of insight. Proponents of this argument believe that these experiences provide evidence of god’s existence, as they cannot be explained by natural causes or psychological factors.”
Personal hallucinations, alcohol and drug delusions, and religious apparitions and hearsay are not evidence for the existence of god, but merely expressions of misinterpretations of simple phenomena. Once upon a time, people believed that god was angry when thunder and lightning crashed and appeased him with human and animal sacrifices. This was a time when they could not yet explain weather phenomena by “natural causes”, just as today they still do not understand that religion is a karmic deception.
“5. Prophecy: The argument from prophecy states that fulfilled prophecies are evidence of god’s existence and involvement in the world. Proponents of this argument point to instances in religious texts where specific events were predicted and then came to pass, as evidence of god’s foreknowledge and control over the world. They believe that these fulfilled prophecies demonstrate god’s existence, as they cannot be explained by chance or human agency.”
This is the same as declaring a movie scriptwriter a god because he “knew” that the main character would “miraculously” defeat the villain at the end of the film. No wonder some predictions come true because they were predicted and realized by the karmic masters, who were the authors of all the scripts for human lives and knew everything in advance before human beings were even born.
“6. Miracles: The argument from miracles states that events that cannot be explained by natural causes are signs of divine intervention. Proponents of this argument point to instances where individuals have recovered from incurable diseases, natural disasters have been averted, or other seemingly impossible events have taken place as evidence of god’s existence. They believe that these events, which cannot be explained by natural causes, are evidence of god’s power and influence in the world.”
“Miracles” are also just karmic interventions in people’s lives. They do so with cutting-edge technology that can, for example, heal a person in seconds. Our space friends use such technology to revive people and animals dead for thousands of years. If an everyday man appeared today in the Middle Ages with a mobile phone, he would immediately be proclaimed a god, or at least an emissary of god who came to perform miracles, which would be seen as proof of the existence of a god. Is your mobile phone “proof of the existence of god” for you?
“7. Scripture: The argument from scripture states that religious texts provide evidence for the existence of god. Proponents of this argument believe that religious texts, such as the Bible or the Quran, contain truths and teachings that are directly inspired by god. They argue that the coherence and consistency of these texts, as well as their impact on human history, demonstrate the existence of a divine being who is the source of their teachings.”
The Bible, for example, is not even remotely “coherent and consistent”, but is a mere repository of lies, stupidities, and nonsense, which has been patched up and distorted over the centuries by hundreds of human writers, writing at the behest of the Church, to manipulate, subjugate and abuse the faithful to the last cent of their fate.
“8. Complexity: The argument from complexity states that the complexity of the universe and life suggests the work of an intelligent designer, who is god. Proponents of this argument point to the intricate structures and processes in the universe, such as the laws of physics and the complexity of life, as evidence of a designer. They argue that these features could not have arisen by chance, but must have been deliberately planned and executed by a conscious, intelligent being, who is god.”
Existence did not come into being by chance, because it never came into being in the first place. Existence is eternal and has existed from ever and ever and will exist forever. In some places, it is more organized, meaningful, useful, and usable, in others less so. It is what it is. If Existence had been created by an aware, intelligent, and Good Being, it would never have created Evil, but all would have been only Good. Thus we see that there is also Evil in Existence, and this is although it is opposed to Life and Existence and fights maniacally to destroy both.
After the liberation of Earth, our space friends will show you what they can do. I tell you that no god can compare with their knowledge, abilities, and technology.
“9. Purpose: The argument of purpose is a common argument for the existence of a deity. Proponents of this argument assert that the existence of a purpose for life and the universe suggests a personal creator, who is God. They argue that the idea that everything in the universe has a purpose, including human beings, cannot be explained by chance or natural processes. Instead, they argue that this purposeful design can only be attributed to a higher power with personal intent. Furthermore, proponents of this argument argue that the existence of a purpose for life and the universe gives meaning and significance to our existence, something that cannot be explained by natural processes alone. They argue that this purposeful design is evidence of an intelligent creator who has a specific plan for humanity and the universe.”
The purpose of Existence is existence, and the purpose of Life is life. The purpose of our lives has been created by the karmic masters with scripts for our incarnants and imposed on us through incarnations. We have already abolished the Karmic organization and have mostly changed the karmic scripts for the inhabitants of our new cosmos. Only the Earthlings are still living according to the old karmic scripts, which we will change after the liberation of the planet. Given that the karmic Evil Ones are Evil beings who have imposed Evil on us as “necessary”, “beneficial” and “indispensable” for life and personal development, and that they are the creators of a god they invented for their own selfish purposes, it is clear that their god is an Evil being who imposes Evil on us as the “meaning and purpose” of our lives, which is, of course, a plain, ugly, and corrupt lie.
“10. The argument from desire is another common argument for the existence of a deity. Proponents of this argument assert that human beings have a natural desire for god, which is evidence of his existence. They argue that the desire for transcendence, meaning, and purpose cannot be fully satisfied by worldly pursuits and must come from a higher power. They argue that this innate desire for god is evidence of his existence and that this desire is fulfilled only when individuals seek and connect with him. Furthermore, proponents of this argument argue that this desire for god is universal, present in all cultures and societies throughout history, and cannot be explained by cultural or social factors alone. Instead, they argue that this desire for god is a reflection of our innate spiritual nature, which is a product of god’s existence and his relationship with humanity.”
For all those who feel a “desire for god”, this false feeling is imposed by the karmic script and via their incarnant, which is an insidious and hypocritical manipulation. The Karmic people have the technology to program people to desire anything, including a cosmic lie called god. Believers are programmed and hypnotized, which is why they also so blindly believe and have faith in the fictional creature named god, without any evidence.
To be continued.
All the best to all.
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