In my three-part article, What is the difference between the old and the new god? here is the 1. part:
out of thousands of different fictional gods, I have presented the two most typical karmic gods, the old and dictatorial god Yahweh, who is a psychopathic sadist, and the new god of Oneness, who is supposed to be the only one who really exists, since all humans and all animals are just parts of him.
Let us look at an example of a channeled message from Jesus or his “Higher Self” Sananda, in which he presents a more recent interpretation of “god’s will”. Let me make it clear that Sananda does not really exist and that the following message is from a karmic servant, a man from some karmic center on some planet, who sits a few feet above the channeler Jahn Kassl and pretends to be a “son of god”.

»Sananda: The Will of God
Today I am giving a deeper understanding of what it means to live in the “Will of God. It is an unalterable fact that all of us, on all levels of creation, are based on God’s will.
Nothing comes into being or happens without this divine intention and so we are all eternally connected. I give this wonderful truth today to deepen your understanding of it.
So now let us go back in “time” to how everything began – to the reality of being of the eternally inseparable God-being.
In the beginning, there was God and we all were He. A part of the all-encompassing reality of love.
This reality existed before all and truly from eternity to eternity. There was neither a beginning nor time. It was and is eternal.
Let me simplify it a bit and say that in the beginning, only God existed in His highest expression. And we all were that expression and dwelt in Him. But God began to create levels of experience. So He created the planes of being.
His light manifested very subtle, but also gross expressions of His nature. And while this was happening, a flurry of activity began in the eternal unity.
Finally, the splitting off and detachment from the unity began, and the divine consciousness attained reality in dense matter. Thus, the form of planet Earth became the essential realm for us to experience God. To experience ourselves as divine in dense and solid matter.
Very special “rules” were created for the earth and the great “experiment” began: what happens when gods move away from oneness?
How will these experiences shape the universe? Thus, we have all been born on earth countless times and have come closer and closer to the challenges that have been set for us.
God’s will, which was and is also our will, is being realized, and gradually people are beginning to realize what a great service of love they are performing on earth.”
The karmicons have also invented a new World Myth for the new god of “Oneness”, which is completely different and, according to their 50:50 approach, yin-yang and Good and Evil, the opposite of the old Myth of the “Creator” who created Everything out of Nothing. Yahweh, the old god, is portrayed as Good, even though He is Evil in His own words (jealousy, anger, and revenge are expressions of Evil), and humans as bad, sinful, and cursed and therefore separate from god.
The new god is not only not separated from people, he is people. According to the new myth, there is no one else but god. According to this cosmic lie, I am god and you are gods too.
Eternally ago you decided to step into the dense vibrational plane of the earth and earth-like planets. You all wanted to experience your divinity on this level of creation and so you came to experience, to learn, and to grow.
Everything is God’s will.
This will is not a distant dictate to which you should submit, but this is your true freedom! Because your will and God’s will are identical. There is no separation in this regard. There is only your ignorance of what your will actually is. And the more you surrender to God’s will and His light, the stronger is your merging with Him, the sooner you get back into your primal knowledge about your oneness with God.”
Although the karmicons present the new god of “Oneness” also as the god of “Love”, their corruption broke through so they added at least a little darkness to the Myth: “His light expressed very subtle but also gross expressions of his nature.”
Rough, of course, means Evil. The new Myth in no way changes the reality of our lives, which is the same as it was before, under the old god of Evil, Yahweh. With the New Myth, the karmicons have just added another fabrication, a lie, and false hope for the naive New Age believers who are trying to reunite with god in Oneness after firstly and allegedly separated from Him.
Here is another logical absurdity: if god decided to separate, it was his decision, not ours. If there is only god in this Myth, then whatever he decides is his decision, since there is no one else. The karmic people, in their old and ugly habit, protect god and shift the responsibility for bad deeds onto humans. They are supposed to have done them because they have “forgotten” that they are gods and abandon themselves to the ego. This is of course not true because the karmic people themselves have written all the scripts for human lives and thus made them do bad things.

Let me repeat that none of us ever lived before this life, we did not incarnate, let alone voluntarily – all incarnations are forced – and that after death, or after the end of the incarnation cycle, no one is reunited with a god in Oneness. The main reason for this is that god does not exist at all, but is just a karmic cosmic Lie to subjugate, and exploit believers.
“It is always your ego consciousness that pretends to fall into willlessness when you choose God. But in fact every step towards Him/Her strengthens your power and your will. Because every step brings you closer to your origin and starting point. The eternal and all-giving will of God. So you only give up your ego, but never your will. So do not be deceived and do not grant your ego presence this power.
Without God you are nothing, through God everything.
This is also self-explanatory, since you can be everything only through the awareness of your divinity. And without that, you are nothing.
There your ego-consciousness can suggest to you what it likes. You are nothing and you feel it in your body. Your restlessness is the sign of it. If you are in God, you are in yourself. And in you is God.
Your self knows it and your ego covers this up so that it can live. There is great wisdom in grasping this reality. If you make it your own, you will lose the chains that prevent you from giving up what your ego makes you believe. Your ego consciousness has no overview and no hair will bend to this will.
But your all-embracing divine consciousness is powerful and omniscient. In the eternal being everything that has been, that is and that will be submits to this power. From this power you come and even more: This power is you!”
Blah, blah, blah. If you are in god, you are in a lie. Believers are no stronger than non-believers. Quite the reverse because the fear of divine punishment and hell frightens them, drives them to despair, and diminishes the natural personal strength that comes from freedom, autonomy, and sovereignty.
“God’s will and your will are ONE, as soon as you have found your agreement with your original essence. You need not fear the steps that lead to the dissolution of your ego, for your reward is immeasurable.
Worry only about the Kingdom of God and everything else will be given to you. The kingdom of God is in your heart. Make sure that your heart becomes strong and free from delusions. The more you succeed in this, the more beautiful and fulfilling your existence will be. Your actions bear the signature of your heart.”
You will be most strengthened if you let go of religion if you are religious, or if you awaken to Pure Awareness, in which you will easily realize that there is no god. By awakening and stepping out of the Karmic Matrix as a Cosmic Hoax, you will realize that you are a Wonderful Being of Pure Awareness, Wisdom, and Love.
“And truly, once you have reached this point, God’s fullness pours over you and you will never thirst again and your hunger is satisfied forever. If you go the way to the Father, which is always the way into your heart, this fullness, which takes care of itself, day after day – is certain to you.
It is one of the most fundamental commandments in the Creator’s order that you are taken care of. Your life is given everything to flourish. No man shall suffer lack if he surrenders to the Father’s will. Through this surrender you will be transformed and gradually the veils will lift, you will reach the source.”
God cannot be “Father” if there is no one else but Him. Even according to this Myth, his “children” are only his fantasies, not real beings. According to this Lie, god is marching towards himself, since there is no one else on the way and at the end.
Although the Myth of the god of “Oneness” speaks of an eternity in which the god is said to live from ever to forever, here the karmicons refer to him by the “Creator”, which refers to the creation of the World. Eternity and creation do not go together, either one or the other, both are impossible. For this reason, also there is no “Source,” for in eternity, there is no source or beginning, but the Everything already is.
Even in the old religion, we can see that it was not important for the karmic people to be accurate in describing religions, as we can see in the many errors, and nonsense in the “holy” books. In psychoanalytic language, one could say that this was their unconscious way of telling that they were lying.
“Surrendering to the Will of the Father” is about the sick need of narcissists, psychopaths, and sadists to be indulged, to be abused, and to even be glorified and worshiped.
To be continued.
All the best to all.
Read more about the fantastic future waiting for us after we end the karmicons blockade of Earth in my book series Letters to Palkies Messages to my friends on another planet. You can get them here, the whole series or single titles (below):
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