God is a karmic fabrication to fool, subjugate and abuse people
The essence of the Karmic System is their theory and practice of Good and Evil, which is rooted in the false claim that the Universe is in the balance of two opposing energies, negative and positive. We can see that all the karmic scripts for personal, partnership, family, organizational, national, and planetary lives are written according to this easily recognizable formula, according to which all people are a little evil and a little good, preferably evil, of course.
Interestingly, the schizophrenic karmic split is also contradictory in itself, since such clear and easily identifiable things as Evil and Good are not the same for everyone equally. For the Evil Ones, Evil is Good, because they are convinced that they are the “good” people who do “good”. Serial killers who murder prostitutes, for example, are convinced that they are helping them to go to heaven as quickly as possible to a better life. Criminals also have a high opinion of themselves and think they are entitled to other people’s property, preferably in a violent way. Thus, in two steps, we have arrived at a religion that, directly and indirectly, represents the greatest Evil in the history of our cosmos and all the planets in it. Religion (one word for all religions) is the typical Karmic hierarchical ideology of Significant Superiority and Poor Inferiority, where the Karmic people first invented god as some super-being, the Lord of Life and Death, whom they use to rule, subjugate and abuse the believers and the non-believers alike. To god, they have added religions as mixtures of ritual fear and worship of sacred fiction.
God does not exist because he cannot exist

Even though god as Creator does not exist, because Pure Awareness allows us to be aware, conscious, and attentive beings, and the Energy that all the material world is made of, including our bodies, cannot be created out of Nothing, which is easily understandable even to a five-year-old child, the karmic masters have literally programmed the faithful with pre-written karmic scripts to believe, have faith in, and even ritually worship this cosmic lie and colossal nonsense.
The Karmic religionists have divided people into believers and non-believers, god’s Chosen Ones and the poor unbelieving renegades, pitting them against each other and thus enabling the eternal struggle between “Evil” and “Good”. For believers, believers are “Good” and unbelievers are “Evil”, and vice versa.
Such a fundamental conflict allows for an eternal front between the faithful and the unfaithful and ensures perpetual strife, fighting, and butchery. The most Evil has been done in the name of god in the history of our cosmos, which makes religion the most Evil, harmful, destructive, and deadly ideology there is. Religions make people think that they are bad, sinful, and damned and that they must suffer to pay back their sins to god. The religious are incapable of living on their own, free and independent, because, without god, religion, and, for example, the Bible, they do not know how to live at all. Without the GodHead, they are headless. The religious require a so-called structure, or vertical hierarchy, with god at the top and the religious at the bottom, who must do his bidding. A mandatory part of such a system is the punishment of offenders by a strict but “just” god.
Such distortions make them unable to understand non-believers who live horizontally, see themselves and others as equals, and decide freely and independently about their own lives. Because of the growing differences, contradictions, and conflicts on the planet, we can see that there is a growing and stronger polarization and division between believers and non-believers, which could lead to the division of the population of each country into two states, a believing Slovenia, in our case the Home Army (Domobranija with 2. WW traitors and nazi collaborators), and a non-believing Slovenia, which would remain as it is since the majority of the population of Slovenia is non-believing, free-thinking and non-political. Let me repeat – although at first glance it may seem that the Slovenian struggle between the religious, the right-wing, the Home Guard and the Janschists, and the non-religious, the left-wing, the freethinking and the non-political, is about political interests, it is in fact about the primordial struggle between the religious and the non-religious. For god, religion, and the Church, and against this unholy trinity of karmic Evil.
In the new cosmos, we’ve already abolished god
After the abolition of the Karmic Organization a few years ago, the liberation of all planets except Earth, and the creation of a completely different life in our new cosmos, we have also abolished, together with the Karmic Organization, all gods, religions, and the Evil that they were imposing on human lives. Religions exist only here, on Earth, where they still divide, provoke and force people into bloodthirsty struggles. It is only on Earth that people are still hating and killing each other in the name of god, even though the religious do not have a single real, true, and material proof of the existence of god, which they can use to prove immediately, to everyone and beyond any doubt the existence of a fictional being.
All wars are wars for god
Although we can see various conflicts, disputes, and wars between different individuals, nations, and countries, the underlying conflict is always the same – between the believers and the unbelievers. In the USA, the conflict between Republicans and Democrats is really a struggle between the believers and the unbelievers. Russia invaded Ukraine to purge it, as an orthodox country, of Satanists or heretics. In Slovenia, since the Second World War, there has been a struggle between the faithful traitors and nazi collaborators Home Army (domobranci) and the unfaithful leftists, the libertarians, and the non-political. At the center of all this conflict, violence, war and death is a god who, like Yahweh, the god of the Jews, the Christians, and the Muslims, declares himself in the Bible to be a jealous, angry, and vengeful god, who demands that the faithful kill the unfaithful and the heretical, or the different religious, even among these three religious peoples, who share the same god and the Bible’s Old Testament. Such is the power that Yahweh, a god who does not really exist but is a mere karmic fiction, has over the faithful who blindly bow down to him, worship him, and obey him without a second thought. Although they have no real proof of its existence.
Proving that god exists and proving that god does not exist is a parallel front that has been waged between believers and non-believers since the beginning of history. As long as religions have been in absolute power, such conflicts have ended badly for non-believers, who have been declared infidels, tortured, and killed. After the separation of the state and, for example, the Christian Church, unbelievers find their claims of the non-existence of god less threatening. On the Internet, we can see that American and English universities regularly organize public debates on religions, with speakers defending them and others claiming that religions are false. The center of these debates is, of course, the existence and non-existence of god. It is important to remember that these debates have also been organized in advance by the karmic people and that this is another example of their black humor, which they use to make a fool of the religious in particular, who they force to prove the existence of god, without having any proof for their claims other than their faith. Or, to put it more bluntly: because I believe there is a god, there is a god. You can substitute “god” with Superman, Batman, and Spiderman, it is the same. And then the religious believe it, try to rationalize the sacred nonsense, and even force others to believe that they too must believe in such a fabrication and false claim.
What does artificial intelligence say about the existence of god?
There are thousands of books and articles on the internet dealing with the existence and non-existence of god, so for this article, I have used an artificial intelligence ChatGPT to help me. To come up with the information I will present below, it would take me a lifetime of doing nothing but reading religious books and articles. ChatGPT found and listed the evidence for the existence and non-existence of god for me at lightning speed.
As interesting as the term “artificial intelligence” sounds, it is not an independent “intelligence” that knows more than we do and knows the hidden secrets of god, in this case. ChatGPT is a computer program that collects, organizes and presents ordered data from available sources.
First, let’s take a look at the pre-prepared karmic “evidence” for the existence of god. Before that, of course, there is an introduction, which should explain what would be valid evidence for the existence of such a being in the first place.
To be continued.
All the best to all.
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