In Part 3, we looked at the “proofs” for the existence of god, which for centuries have been used by theologians and laymen alike to try to prove the existence of a fictional being, while in reality they themselves too have been using nonsensical and false evidence to prove that god does not exist. The perfect example is, of course, the “proof” that god exists because the Bible says so. The second and equally characteristically nonsensical “proof” for the existence of god is religion: “Because I believe that god exists, god exists!”
Both “proofs” are no different from the following “proof” statement: “Blah, blah, blah, there is a god!” Instead of “blah, blah, blah” you can write anything.
Having worked together with theologians and religious laymen to prove that god does not exist, ha, ha, ha, let us now look at the arguments and evidence that claim that god does not exist.
Let me remind you that the statements and proofs for existence and non-existence, like all religious books, were written by the karmic people themselves to deliberately create contradictions and conflicts between believers and non-believers. The purpose of my writing on this subject is to explain the karmic backroom workings, their double and duplicitous game, and to present the truth about the religious deception and the actual non-existence of a god that does not exist because it simply cannot.
God does not exist because it is impossible

Pure Awareness, which is not material, and Energy, of which all material objects, nature, and human and animal bodies are made, and which constitute Existence, All That Is, cannot be created and destroyed. Both are eternal. This means that god as Creator does not exist because it is impossible. All the Energy that exists already exists. This means that apart from the fact that it was never created and will never be destroyed, none of us create anything because everything already exists. We are only experiencing what already exists. Because of our limited sensory skills, things appear to appear and disappear, but in reality, they are always in place. The Eternity of Energy also means that everything that is happening is happening simultaneously and that we are only discovering, experiencing, and knowing what is already there. Because we are part of Existence, we also have the feeling that we are creating, but in reality, we are just connected to the individual parts of Existence, so we seem to create something out of something else, when in reality it already exists, has always existed and will exist until eternity.
Evidence against the existence of God
I prompted the artificial intelligence ChatGPT to write 10 paragraphs of evidence against the existence of god for a book on the existence and non-existence of god:
“1. The question of the existence of a deity has been debated for centuries and remains a topic of philosophical and theological discussion. Despite the various arguments and evidence put forth to support the existence of god, there is a growing body of evidence and reasoning that suggests the non-existence of a supreme being.
2. Many skeptics and non-believers argue that the lack of concrete, empirical evidence for the existence of god is strong evidence against the idea of a supreme being. They point out that there are no scientifically verified observations that support the idea of a deity, and that religious beliefs and experiences are subjective and cannot be independently verified.
3. Another argument against the existence of god is the problem of evil, which states that the presence of suffering and evil in the world is incompatible with the idea of an all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-good deity. If god exists, why does he allow evil to exist? This argument suggests that either god is not all-powerful, or he does not care about human suffering.
4. The existence of multiple and conflicting religious beliefs is also often cited as evidence against the existence of god. If there is a single, all-powerful deity, why do different religions propose such vastly different beliefs and interpretations about god? This argument suggests that religious beliefs are culturally and socially constructed rather than reflecting objective truth.
5. Scientific discoveries, such as evolution and the big bang theory, are often used to support the non-existence of god. Evolution suggests that life and complexity emerged gradually over millions of years through natural processes and that there was no need for a divine creator. The big bang theory provides a scientific explanation for the origin of the universe, further undermining the need for a deity.
6. The concept of a personal god is often challenged by the argument that a deity who is all-knowing, all-powerful, and all-good would not be influenced by human prayer or worship. If god is all-knowing, he would already know what we need and would not need to be petitioned for help. This argument suggests that prayer and worship are not necessary or effective in communicating with god.
7. The argument from naturalism states that the natural world is self-sufficient and that the existence of god is not necessary to explain the existence and complexity of the universe. According to naturalism, everything can be explained by natural processes and laws, and there is no need to invoke a supernatural deity.
8. The philosophical argument from skepticism states that the existence of god is an unprovable and untestable claim, and therefore cannot be taken as a matter of fact. According to this argument, claims about the existence of god are based on faith and cannot be verified through observation, experiment, or evidence.
9. The existence of religious conflict and violence throughout history is often used as evidence against the existence of god. If there is a single, all-knowing deity who is the source of morality and goodness, why do religious conflict and violence persist? This argument suggests that religious beliefs and practices are the sources of conflict and violence and that god does not play a role in shaping human behavior or morality.
10. In conclusion, the arguments against the existence of god are diverse and multi-faceted, drawing from both empirical evidence and philosophical reasoning. While there are many arguments for the existence of god, these arguments against the existence of a deity provide a compelling counterpoint and raise important questions about the validity and reliability of religious beliefs.”

If the karmic people wanted to tell the truth about fictional gods and religions, they could, but they were not interested in the truth, but in the contradictions and conflicts that have caused severe religious hatred, violence, and many deaths of believers and non-believers alike. After the end of the karmic blockade of the Earth, we will show you concrete evidence in the form of karmic scenarios for religious figures and pioneers of new religions such as Buddha, Jesus, if he lived at all, and Mohammed. In the scripts, you will see how the karmic cons, even before the birth of these figures, prepared fictional stories which were then inserted into the scripts of their incarnates, who in turn brought them into their lives by incarnating into the above initiates of religions. They also predetermined who would be a believer in which religion and how fanatical they would be in their hypnotized and programmed religious frenzy. After liberation, all Earthlings will be lifted aboard a spaceship to our space friends, given new bodies and personalities. We will literally sober the faithful, explain the karmic manipulations, present concrete evidence, deprogram them, and return them from an imaginary and delusional reality to a real reality devoid of gods and religions.
Evil is part of God, Evil is God

Fascism and neo-Nazism are spreading in Europe and around the world. Far-right parties are present in more and more parliaments and power. The religious right is in firm cooperation with the Christian Church, which is their close and constant collaborator. The Church collaborated with Mussolini’s fascism and Hitler’s Nazism in the fight against the infidel and inferior Jews, Slavs, Romans, LGBT, the mentally ill, and all those who resisted their religious, racist, nationalist, homophobic, sexist dictatorship.
Dr. Martin Premk has well pointed out that besides fascism, Nazism, and Stalinism or communism, there is also Catholicism as a totalitarian ideology of Evil. Although the Nazis were not classical believers, because Hitler said that the Germans did not need a god, thinking that they had enough of one, namely him, they were very mystical and superstitious, which is also a peculiar form of religious delusion, which often develops into a real and organized religion, but they cooperated well with the Church and the Vatican.

Fascist-neo-Nazi Christianity, or Catholicism, is the totalitarian ideology of the future, based on which the religious right wants to build new states. The believers are inherently independent and totally dependent on the authority of the Master and his Command, and therefore they demand a so-called Structure or “Order”. Only the fascist-neo-Nazi Church with the absolutist dictatorship of Catholicism, with the Church-State, the Crusaders as the army, and the Inquisition as the police, can give them this. They want and fight for the Church-State of the Middle Ages, bloody crusades against infidels and Muslims, and the Inquisition’s burning of women at the stake.
Despite the increasing efforts of right-wing politicians all over the world to split countries and the planet into religious and non-religious parts as quickly as possible, and then to wage a final war of believers against non-believers and exterminate them forever, (Hitler had a name for the same plan, “The Final Solution”, which he wanted to carry out with the 2. World War, but failed to do so) there is a high probability that the karmic blockade of the planet will end sooner, and that on the very first day of liberation, we will remove all political, military and religious leaders from the planet, abolish religions and right-wing political parties, and put an end to their harmful, destructive and deadly effects on individuals and society once and for all.
Lucky us, that there is no god

It is good that god is just a fictional being because we should never know what a real god would be like if he is so Evil in his fictional version.
Although the Christians themselves claim that 99.9% of believers will go to hell, they still believe and have faith in god. What the Christians are saying, but even for this they have no proof, according to their old and nasty habit, is that the only person who has managed to get to heaven so far is Mary, the mother of Jesus, if Mary and Jesus lived at all. This means, of course, that all those who have died so far have ended up in hell, and all living believers in Christendom are marching straight into the Devil’s Pit. No wonder so many Christians are kneeling and praying for god to have mercy on them. They would do better to ask themselves to stop torturing themselves with hellish fiction and coercive behavior and to live free and relaxed without faith.
Fortunately for them, god does not exist because he cannot. Pure Awareness and Energy are eternal because they cannot be created and destroyed. This means, of course, that the Creator, who is supposed to create Everything out of Nothing, does not exist.
The deceased religious Earthlings, upon coming to our space friends, immediately realize that god does not exist and that they have been tricked and deceived. After the liberation of Earth, Sanja and I, together with the Silini (that is the name of our space friends, I learned today), will write a book on the history of the Karmic Organization and present their Evil workings, which also includes specific and pre-written scenarios for the believers, including the originators of religions such as Buddha, Jesus, and Mohammed, so that you all can see that gods and religions were just plain and ugly karmic fabrications that were forced into our lives through our incarnants.
God does not exist because he cannot
Let me repeat a simple fact that everyone can understand, even the religious: god does not exist because he can’t. Pure Awareness, which is not material, and the material Energy which constitutes Existence, All That Is, cannot be created and destroyed. Both are eternal. This means that god as Creator does not exist because that is impossible. All Energy that exists already exists. This means that apart from the fact that it was never created and will never be destroyed, none of us create anything because everything already exists. We are only experiencing what already exists. Because of our limited sensory experience, things appear to appear and disappear, but in reality, they are always in place.
The Eternity of Energy also means that everything that is happening is happening simultaneously and that we are only discovering, experiencing, and knowing what is already there. Because we are part of Existence, we also have the feeling that we are creating, but in reality, we are just connected to the individual parts of Existence, so we seem to create something out of something else, when in reality it already exists, has always existed and will exist until eternity.
How can you learn that there is no god?

If you want to learn the truth about god, religion, and faith for yourself, I highly recommend that you learn to wake up dreaming. In lucid dreams, you will meet family members, friends, and acquaintances of your incarnant who will tell you who has incarnated in you and when, according to the karmic scenario, he is supposed to go back home to his planet. The date of the end of his incarnation is the date of your death.
The karmic people told all the incarnants, people from other planets, before their incarnation, which planet they were going to, what their name would be there, and the exact date of the end of their incarnation, which is the date of the death of the person they are going to be incarnated into. This means, of course, that they knew all this in advance because their whole life or incarnation had been prepared before they were born, down to the last detail.
This is true for all people, including Buddha, Jesus if he lived, and Mohammed, the originators of religion. They were not messengers of god, but merely people incarnated by other people from other planets. Just like for you and me, the scenarios for Buddha, Jesus, if he lived at all, and Mohammed were prepared in advance. Part of these scenarios was, of course, the gods, who are just as fictional as these three religious figures.
I suppose there is a chance that my suggestion to learn to lucid dream, get information about their incarnant, and thus confirm the fact that their lives have also been staged in advance, will be accepted, especially by the non-believers. The faithful, in their holy fear, will avoid long and wide any possibility of getting even the slightest shadow of solid proof that god, religion, and faith are karmic fabrications because for them any questioning of the existence of god would mean heretical doubt and mortal sin. They would rather remain ignorant and continue to dogmatically worship, perpetuate and justify their holy ignorance with shallow, transparent, and flimsy excuses like “it’s a sacred mystery”, “it’s not to be pondered, let alone spoken of” and “strange are the ways of the Lord”.
This is also the essential difference between knowledge and faith: knowledge knows because it has all the necessary proof for its knowledge, while faith believes because it has not a single proof for its claims, ideas, and delusions. Faith is only proof that the faithful do not know and that they worship their ignorance. To obscure and hide the obvious and proven ignorance, they present it as the highest value: holy faith.
You can read more about lucid dreaming and the process by which you can get information about your incarnant in my article How do you use lucid dreaming to find out who is incarnated in you? at

Fortunately for everyone, the time of the karmic Evil, of which religions are an important, harmful, destructive, and deadly part, is unstoppably coming to an end. Across the cosmos, we have already abolished the Karmic Organization, its gods, religions, and faiths, and deprogrammed, sobered, and brought the faithful back from their imaginary delusions to the real reality.
I look forward to Freedom Day coming soon for Earthlings and for all of you, especially the faithful, to realize that there is no god, that religions and faiths have been nothing but karmic lies, manipulations, and abuses, and to embrace this Truth with great joy, relaxation, and enthusiasm, just as other faithful throughout the cosmos have already embraced it with great joy.
All the best to all.
Read more about the fantastic future waiting for us after we end the karmicons blockade of Earth in my book series Letters to Palkies Messages to my friends on another planet. You can get them here, the whole series or single titles (below):
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