Yesterday a sin, today a virtue. Interesting how the “immutable” dogmas of Christianity change over time. Which of god’s 10 prohibitions will become the new commandment? Which of the 7 deadly sins will fall first and become a virtue? Which one would you bet on?
Homosexuals can exercise priestly ministry if they are celibate, the Vatican has ruled
Let’s look at the harmful consequences of homosexual priests for the Church, for the faithful, and for children and young people who are forced into religion by their parents and thus handed over to sexual predators for sexual abuse.

Copilot: “The recent Vatican guidelines allowing homosexuals to become priests if they remain celibate have sparked much debate and concern.
Here are some of the possible harmful consequences for the Church, the faithful, and their children:
1. Internal conflicts: The changes may lead to internal conflicts within the Church, as some members will find it difficult to reconcile their traditional beliefs with the new guidelines.
2. Public perception: the Church’s position on LGBTQIA+ issues has been controversial. This change could further polarize public opinion, with some seeing it as a positive step towards inclusion and others as a departure from core doctrines.
3. Impact on the faithful: Believers who hold traditional views on sexuality and celibacy could feel marginalized or disillusioned, which could lead to a reduction in attendance and participation in churches.
4. Children and young people: Church teachings have a significant impact on the upbringing of children and young people. This change could cause confusion or conflict for young believers trying to understand their faith and sexuality.”
Yesterday heterosexual priests hated homosexual priests, but today they will have to turn the other cheek. Yet a little while longer, the Church will force them to “know” them too and to be reconciled in the sin of Sodom and Gomorrah.
Where is the Church we once knew, wonder the older heterosexual priests? Is it even a Church anymore or a club for homosexual priests? Are we all going to be homosexuals now?

I will post the answers as soon as I have them.
Positive effects of homosexual priests in the Church
For the sake of a balanced treatment of this burning subject, an attempt to understand the Pope and his biblically contradictory decision, or, in the vernacular, for a joke, let us see what the useful consequences of this invitation are.
Copilot: “The Vatican’s decision to allow homosexuals to become priests, provided they remain celibate, has some possible beneficial consequences:
1. Inclusion: This move can be seen as a step towards greater inclusion and acceptance in the Church, which is in line with Pope Francis’ message, “Who am I to judge?”.
2. Different perspectives: Allowing homosexual priests could bring different perspectives and experiences into the priesthood, which could enrich the Church’s understanding and approach to different issues.
3. Addressing the priest shortage: The Church is facing a shortage of priests. Opening the priesthood to homosexuals could help to address this issue by broadening the pool of potential candidates.
4. Positive public image: This decision could improve the Church’s public image by demonstrating a willingness to adapt and become more accepting of contemporary social values.
5. Support for LGBTQIA+ Catholics: For LGBTQIA+ Catholics who have felt marginalized or excluded from the Church, this could provide a sense of belonging and support.”
With this statement, the Pope has opened the Vatican’s doors in both directions. Now, homosexual priests can come inside and homosexual priests can finally come out of the closet. They can present themselves publicly as members of the LGBTQIA+ movement.
To celebrate this historic turning point, which is making the Bible burn, the Vatican could organize a Pride Cross Parade. Homosexual priests would sing, dance, and publicly “know” each other in sado-mazo robes. They would show “the city and the world” (urbi et orbi) how priests live when no one is looking.
Vatican: celibate homosexuals can become priests

The Pope’s decision to invite homosexual priests who are out to join those who are in marks the second of three phases. It is a part of the Church’s transition from a closed to an openly homosexual organization.
1. The “banning” of the homosexual priesthood because of Yahweh’s destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah and the biblical threat to all men who lie with another man as they would lie with a woman. Despite the official ban, up to 80% of priests are said to be homosexual unofficially. This means that the Christian Church is a homosexual club, hosting a few heterosexuals who are actively persuaded to join them in sin.
2. The Pope’s permission for homosexuals to become priests is an invitation to all homosexuals who are out to come in. In the Church, they can find their new colleagues, friends, and lovers. This way, they make new and exciting homosexual experiences, unrestricted and uninhibited sexuality, and even longer-lasting partnerships possible for all. Marriage and adoption of children are also possible later on, but only for celibate homosexual clergy couples.
The Christian faithful must respect the Pope’s decisions, as the “Holy Father” is considered infallible. Right-wingers will vote FOR.
The Christian Church was, is, and will be the home for the homosexual priests
The Pope’s statement is also an official recognition and acknowledgment of the reality of the Church, which has always been homosexual. At the same time, it is also a call to help fellow homosexuals to help the Church as there are fewer and fewer priests, especially heterosexual priests. The few that there used to be are more and more marrying women and exchanging the cross of celibacy for the pleasures of heterosexual life.
The well-known Slovenian philosopher Slavoj Žižek says that sexual abuse is a way of survival for the Christian Church.
This is true, because by homosexually abusing boys, they forcibly turn them into homosexuals, indoctrinate them in the “mystery of the faith”, and recruit them as new priests. Those baptized with sin will continue their perverse personnel policy, abusing other boys, thus continuing the Christian tradition of evangelizing with the flesh.
Read more about the “Christianity and homosexuality” at
I also write about this survival strategy of the Christian Church in the 2. Book of my new Book Series “It’s Finally PROVEN! God Does NOT Exist The FIRST valid EVIDENCE in History”.” in the sub-chapter “Sexual abuse or how celibate priests have sex“.
A link for more info and order is at the end of the article.
3. Commitment and Condition. Anyone who is not homosexual cannot be a member of the Church. This also applies to women, who must be lesbians to become nuns.

Special test for homosexual priests
Candidates must pass a theoretical and practical examination.
1. The simple and optional question of whether you are (homo)sexual is answered orally.
2. The candidate watches a homosexual video in front of a three-member commission of homosexual bishops, symbolically representing god, the son, and the holy spirit.
The candidate is naked, and a nude nun in a stripper outfit measures his blood pressure, heart rate, and pupil dilation. In doing so, she “inadvertently” touches the candidate’s erogenous zones. If he reacts and his “pressure” rises, he has fallen, because he is not a true homosexual.
This is the end of the public part of the test. The unannounced and secret part of the test follows.
3. A paid prostitute, on a regular contract with the Vatican, tries to seduce a candidate for the homosexual priesthood into sin. He urges him that this is the last time and he should indulge himself while he still can. He also pays for his drinks and invites him to the hotel for a farewell round.
Some people fail this practical test, but pay the prostitute and pass the exam. Everyone got their money’s worth: the prostitute got paid twice, the homosexual priest got sex, and the Church got a new colleague.
Someone present from another planet said that some homosexuals will sign up for the priest test for fun. They may even unintentionally succeed and wake up after the party as true and sworn priests.
Religion is a fight for power, money, and sex

In the end, all cults and sects turn out not to be about god, religion, and faith, but about power, money, and sex.
Throughout history, the Church has openly used force as a distorted natural power. It has stolen as much money as it can. Now it has come out of the closet and publicly presented itself as a homosexual club.
The Vatican will also have to change its salary policy, increasing the salaries of homosexuals and reducing those of heterosexuals. This is called internal missionarism. They will bring as many lapsed heterosexual priests as possible back to the true path of homosexuality by various painful measures.
The rainbow flag will now mark St Peter’s church. Homosexual priests will wear pink robes so that all will know who is who. The faithful will pay them a special contribution, known as the pink euro or pinky.
Finally, let me remind you that homosexuality does not exist because even in relationships between two men, it is a relationship between an incarnated man in a man’s body and an incarnated woman in a man’s body.
You can read more about this karmic manipulation in my article “Homosexuality doesn’t exist as a sexual relationship (1/4)“. The article has 5 parts, here is the link to the 1. part:
Homosexual priests, and the End of the celibacy
To end the Christian spin about homosexuality, the debauched priestly orgies, the massive sexual abuse of children, mostly boys, of the faithful – non-believers are not crazy to hand their children over to homosexual priestly maniacs – or, in the vernacular, “traditional Christian values”, here is a joke on celibacy.
The priest says to his colleague: “Did you hear that they are going to abolish celibacy?”
He replies disappointedly, “We are too old to see it, maybe our children will.”
All the best to all.
P. S. A few days ago, a new man appeared in the place above me, where the other karmic people are. At first I thought that Cloud had changed the tall karmic man who has been here for a long time. Today in a dream this man came to me. I saw that he was not the tall and young karmic man, but someone else.
There is a possibility that Cloud has brought someone from their community. Since he can no longer hide behind karmic people, there is a possibility that he has brought a Cloud. He would also use him as a human shield, a mask and a mouthpiece to hide behind and speak through.
I called Cloud and asked him if he had a new puppet. This also told him that I knew about the new manipulation. I also told him to stop making a fool of himself and taking advantage of others.
Next time I will send you a new article on the blockade, in which I will describe this failed project in more detail.
One day and one month closer.
Read more about the fantastic future waiting for us after we end the karmicon’s blockade of Earth in my book series Letters to Palkies Messages to my friends on another planet. You can get them here, the whole series or single titles (below):
Here are my other books for personal development:
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