Unawareness is everything that we are not aware of. Yet. For the unawakened, that is at first place Pure Awareness, their Essence, and true Identity.
It is unbelievable that we can live without being aware of who we really are. The karmicons limited our natural awareness to control, manipulate and abuse us.
Lucky us, I have created exercises for awakening and realizing how Beautiful we really are.
During the awakening, we experience a different kind of awareness. As unawakened we think that we are already players but we are still just a role for our incarnant. With awakening and awareness of Pure Awareness, we become aware that we are true, original and independent sovereign Being and true Actor.
Unawakened lets impulses and urges of partial personalities and are using other people as means which they are subordinating them as Important and over-ordinating them as Poor for satisfying their selfish wishes and twisted needs.
Some of those urges are socially unacceptable so they repress, hide and deny them. That’s why the field of unawareness is very wild, chaotic and conflict place to be:) Here is the Drama of all dramas, and Wish that is forbidden to be wished and satisfied.
In fact, the unawakened is that field himself, just a bunch of instinctive, mental and emotional impulses that must be satisfied now!, but some of them must not be because they are forbidden:)
Unawakened looks like he is aware but in fact, he is only conscious. Instead of true and full awareness of Awareness of his awareness is limited to attention. Unawakened is conscious but still unaware of Awareness as true Him.
Despite this difference, there is a common characteristic of aware and unaware awareness and that is a discontinuity. Our everyday life is interrupted with dreaming when we literally become unaware or only conscious for many hours and we forget ourselves. When we wake up, we realize again that we are alive.
Light beings from higher worlds don’t sleep and dream so their awareness or consciousness (not all of them are awakened) is continuous.
They don’t have physical bodies to exit so they can’t go out. In fact, they are already out:) that’s why they don’t need rest because they can’t get tired.
The shallow and slight consciousness or attention is regularly interrupted with more or less dramatic jumping from one to another partial personality.
Different partial personalities are fighting to suppress and shut down the awareness of experiences, needs, and wishes of their opponents. Lazy can easily deactivate the Sporty who was preparing for training. He reminds him of all the hard work, take his shoes off and lay him on the couch before the TV. Train now:)
With exercises for awakening, the unawareness of the Pure Awareness is slowly becoming more and more aware, unknown more known and strange more close.
With awakening, we are lifting the veil and in daylight; we see our partial personalities for whom we thought yesterday that was ourselves.
We learn to recognize impulses that are agitating us, and mechanisms that our partial personalities used to use for defending and attacking purposes to adjust the reality and unpleasant translate to bearable or unbearable if they want to dramatize.
We stop to push, suppress, hide and deny their ideas and urges away from us and we are not afraid of them anymore. We give partial personalities a chance to express what they want but we don’t materialize their selfish and harmful wishes anymore.
We face them calmly and relaxed in our mind and body as our internal reality and we hear their words; we feel their emotions and we watch the body reaction to their drama shows.
When you feel the impulse to smoke a cigarette, drink an alcohol and drug a drug (or curse, beat and crush) we aware notice it and we don’t do it. So simple. How to stop smoking? You just don’t light another one. Yeah, but… Yeah, but no!
It is very important to know who is really doing the harmful behavior? Who is smoking, drinking and drugging? Who is despite the common knowledge that these are very harmful, destructive and deadly practices for everybody killing all with his selfish and nasty habits? That is a partial personality with a name Addict.
Awaken doesn’t harm anybody. Until you are addicted you are unaware and a slave to a Harm. With awakening and releasing of partial personalities, you will become completely free and independent.
It is important that during the awakening we don’t fight with partial personalities, giving up to them, and making compromises with them. Partial personalities can’t be completely balanced nor integrated into the whole personality as some of the so-called psycho professionals are theoretically claiming in their practical ignorance. Such a personality would be mental-emotional Frankenstein who is falling apart.
With awakening, we slowly sharp the perception and expand the awareness so the unawareness is becoming more and more aware.
Unawareness of unawakened one is composed of his body feelings, emotions and thoughts. He thinks that he is aware because he can feel and think but in fact; he is completely immersed in unawareness. He himself is unawareness which thinks that is aware. He feels and thinks that that is him. He still thinks that he is a partial personality, one at the time, and he lives in total oblivion. And he even doesn’t know that:)
Unawakened doesn’t know his real Being as unchanging internal Peace and Happiness so he can’t distinguish between Him as Pure Awareness and just body feelings, emotions, mental activities and partial personalities as false selves.
Awakened one knows the difference because the Pure Awareness is ever still and on Its unchanging base he can easily watch the changing of feelings, emotions, and thoughts.
Unawakened doesnt’t have his steady and still state of condition and always influenced by energy changes from the partial personalities in their agony in the fight for survival.
Unawakened is glued with the mind, emotional and physical body and is ever changing the mix of different feelings, emotions and thoughts. He has no firm base and he can’t see the difference and compare and distinguish between real Him as the stillness of Being of Pure Awareness and ever-changing energy, emotional and mental swirls of partial personalities activities.
Awaken one is a Constant who simultaneously observe changings of feelings, emotions and thoughts and unawaken is just letting him to the oblivion of all the different changings.
With awakening, we find our true Self so we end the Big Wish for Love from outside and from others. We are aware that we are Beings of Love so we don’t search for it, buy and enforce it but we live it and express it.
As awakened we become aware of who we really are. We know the difference between the Actor and the roles of partial personalities. We don’t fulfill their selfish and harmful wishes anymore. We have released all of them with their twisted wishes, urges, and illusions.
We don’t depend upon fulfilled wishes and we are happy with fulfilled and with unfulfilled as well because our Happiness is who we are.
Dear friends, I invite you to awaken from the unaware mixture of partial personalities into your Natural State of Pure Awareness and realize how Beautiful you are. You will be amazed by your self and very Happy.
This is a part of the 2. Book of Letters to Palkies Messages to my friends on another planet.
You can get the Book 1 and 2 on Amazon:
All the best to all.
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