Jeff: I was looking into your other books and there’s a question there about what is the difference between being awakened and being a tool.
Senad: By the karmic scripts, we have been all very limited and literally debilitated. As a joke goes, we can be happy that we don’t bark around the house.
The karmicons have also limited our awareness to narrow attention and to monkey mind jumping from the object to object. We are so occupied with fighting for survival and don’t have time to think about our true nature. We are literally trapped and imprisoned in mind losing ourselves in fears, doubts and worries.
Out of the mind box, there is an eternal and infinite Awareness, which is our true Nature. We are aware beings and not mind monkeys the karmicons have turned us into.
With awakening, we are slowly getting aware of this enormous field of Awareness, which is everywhere around and inside us permeating all cosmos. As awakened beings, we move from limited attention to unlimited Awareness. It’s like living in a box thinking that’s all there is. One day, you come out of it and see that there is much more out there.
Unawakened are imprisoned in their mind, so the first step in personal development is to exit the mind. To do that, you have to first learn to stop your mind at will and live in inner silence. With the regular practice, and in that silence, you will sense some unusual presence, something very deep and enormous, and at the same time very kind and gentle. That is Pure Awareness.
Awakening means to exit the mind and to make a big step from limited attention to unlimited awareness. By releasing all your harmful behaviors, thoughts, feelings and emotions, words and actions, you create a new personality of an aware, honest, kind, friendly and loving person.
When you become an Aware Being, everything changes because you realize who you really are. Awakening is in fact enlightenment realizing that you are not just a karmic tool for producing negative energy and gathering experiences for some other people, but you are a real, original, and sovereign Being. You are a beautiful being of Pure Awareness. That is the greatest personal realization and revelation, that is the best you can experience in your personal development. It is perfect, it is wonderful. I created special exercises for awakening to help everybody to release the old Ego self and to create a new personality of an aware and loving person.
Jeff: I am glad you did that because I was about to ask it sounds like you would do that from meditation but is it meditation your exercises or is it something different.
Senad: Meditation is good, also yoga and physical activities like sport, but they are not enough to become aware of Awareness. The main thing in awakening and personal development is that you have to become aware of Pure Awareness.
To be aware of Awareness is like a closed loop. It’s like you are watching something and then you become aware that you are watching it. Like a super self-reflection. Like a reflection of a reflection. You are watching a tree and at the same time, you are watching yourself watching a tree.
It is the same with awareness. You can start with the simple awareness practice of being aware that you are alive and present. Then become aware that you are aware of your awareness.
At that moment, you close a loop and you move from the attention to awareness. When in Awareness, be there in that calm and perfect state for a minute or two, and if you can, even longer. In the beginning, you will shift between Awareness and attention, perception and mind.
Even a second in Pure Awareness is enough because, at that moment, you exit the karmic Matrix and break the karmic script. When you are in Pure Awareness, you are out of their reach because Pure Awareness is not material and it is not Energy so it can’t be reached, changed, or harmed. Let me add that besides being immovable and immaterial it is also not a being, it’s just a state. When you are in that perfect and natural state, you are out of any harmful mental and emotional influence, you are free at last.
In the beginning, you will be one second in awareness and then you will be again pulled back into mind worrying this and worrying that. With regular practice of observing your thoughts, feelings and emotions, words and acts, you will quickly notice that you are losing yourself again in the mind drama and quickly stop the mind, become aware of Pure Awareness and move to your natural state of being.
The next time, you will stay Home for one minute, and then for 10 minutes, half an hour, a whole hour until after six months or one year, depends on how deep are you in the oblivion, you will become permanently and firmly seated in your original and natural post being and living in Pure Awareness.
Jeff: Once you are there, do you feel happy and content all the time and there’s no more suffering.
Senad: It is a bliss state, literally. In the beginning, you will need some time to get used to it because an unawakened person is used to be all the time in the mind, as he lives by thinking everything. He literally propels his life with thinking and overthinking. When when you stop the mind and move to the silence, for some people, that could feel very strange, even like being dead because nothing is happening there and it’s always still. In time, you will get used to it and you will enjoy it more and more because it is the only place where you can be completely relaxed and calm. With regular practice, you will learn your physical and energy body to be relaxed all the time. Your energy body will change, your chakras will be cleared and harmonized and you will feel much better. With a relaxed physical body and harmonized energy body and being in Pure Awareness, you will be in natural ecstasy, in bliss. It’s fantastic, it’s wonderful.
Jeff: Are these exercises available for anybody to see them on your website?
Senad: Yes, you can find them in one of my articles: How to become Wonderful Being of Pure Awareness? Free Book and exercises for the awakening. on my webpage:
They are also in my 1. book of Letters to Palkies Messages to my friends on another planet series. In the 1. Letter, there are basic exercises for awakening, and in the 4. Letter, there are advanced exercises. Some are exercises and some are new and very useful approaches. My exercises are not just like ordinary exercises, they are the new, original and complete way of life. Awakening is not just 3 times 10 minutes a week exercising and watching at the clock when the meditation will be over like many meditators do. They decide that they will meditate for six minutes, they close their eyes and then they open one eye to see how long it has already passed. That’s not personal development, that’s just pretending.
My exercises are a whole new way of life. One of the advanced approaches to life is how to get rid of all the problems you have. Very simple, you stop using the word “problem”. Instead of a problem, you rather say errand.
When you say: “I have a problem”, your energy and physical body prepare for the problem – it will be something unpleasant, complicated, usually, it will cost you a lot and so on. When you say: “I have an errand”, you stay completely calm and you just do what you have to do. When you have a problem, as a song goes, you have two problems, you have a problem and then you have a problem with the problem. When you are done with the problem, you can stay ours and days in that bad feeling with the after problem effect. When you stop using the word “problem” and everything that goes together and around with the problem disappears together with its negative energy. Free of the problems, you are just taking care of your errands and that’s it.
Jeff: That’s a good way to look at it.
Senad: It’s a practical, simple and very useful new way of living.
Jeff: This podcast went by really fast I mean we are almost at one hour so before we go where can people find your books.
Senad: On Amazon, the whole series or single titles (below):
You can also subscribe to my free newsletter with articles for self-development and to be up to date with the news about the liberation of Earth from the Karmic organization. All my subscribers will be among the first to get new, young, healthy and beautiful bodies. Subscribers, their partners and their families. I invite you to subscribe here:
Jeff: Besides writing, are there any other things that you are doing that you want us to know about.
Senad: In the time present, I am creating a new model of life for the whole cosmos (it’s a work in progress). I also send messages to all new galactic administration groups with suggestions for better administration of their galaxies, solar system and planets. I am daily sending messages to my Sanja as we can’t speak directly. I also create a lot of business ideas and send them to Sanja via informers from other planets who are around me and via our space friends. We have a company on the planet Palki, we own the auto industry, hotel resorts, and many other projects. I am the co-founder of our company regularly creating new ideas for our company. I also write articles and books.
Jeff: All right, well, before we finish up, do you have one last positive message that you can share with everyone.
Senad: Dear friends, know that despite it may look that things are going very bad for the whole planet for the time present, especially with the corona pandemic biological terrorist attack on Earthlings, it will be much better. Good times are coming to Earth. I can tell you that you will be amazed and very excited with all the wonders and miracles we have prepared for you. Even if you are living in pain and if you die, don’t worry. We will bring you back together with your loved ones. We are already reviving thousands and thousands of years, long-dead people, from the whole cosmos and we will do the same on Earth. So, don’t worry, it will be much better once that karmic blockade is finished. I suggest you use my exercises for awakening to learn to relax your physical body, to harmonize your energy body and to become a more and more aware person. It will benefit you a lot as you will become a more kind, more friendly, and more loving person. Being awakened, you will contribute to the development of the whole planet.
Jeff: Well, thank you for that information and that message. Senad, you gave us some fascinating information today I really appreciate you being my guest I wish you the best and hopefully, we’ll get you back again to talk some more.
Senad: Jeff, thank you very much, it was really nice to talk with you. I am looking forward to doing some more shows with you. I wish all the best to you and to your darling and also to your family. All the best to all your viewers. All the best to all.
Jeff: Thank you very much and have a great rest of your day over there.
Senad: You too, bye, bye.
Jeff: Bye, bye.
All the best to all.
Read more about the fantastic future waiting for us after we end the karmicons blockade of Earth in my book series Letters to Palkies Messages to my friends on another planet. You can get them here, the whole series or single titles (below):
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