9. »On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know … … that everything is perfect Right Here, Right Now. And Right Here Right Now
7. On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know … … that it sometimes looks like “one thing after the other, “but really, it
Let’s take a look at 12 new emails from Neal, in which he hypocritically recommends Evil to the faithful as the best thing in life. Neal’s New Age god
4. “On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know … … that your prayer has already been heard. The Larger Part of You that
Dear friends, what have you tried so far to make your wishes come true? Did you know that all you have to do is just say what you want
Dalibor went home! Before we continue with the karmic lies that Neale Donald Walsch has been publishing in his books, videos, and emails, I bring you great news about the
In today’s review of the new karmic lie coming through Neal Donald Walsch and his false god, I will present five emails describing the Day of the Death as
A perfect example of karmic manipulation of people and making them stupid by forcing them to repeat magic words is the Slovenian sect Hepi Hepi (Happy Happy). As we
Toltec nagualism, as a particular form of Central American mysticism, is based on the myth of the Eagle as Creator and Lord of Life and Death. The Eagle is