God Created Evil
Despite believers being god’s advocates claiming that god is a good being and that he does not create Evil because he supposedly cannot (!), even though the Bible is full of blood up to the knees, because it incites believers to kill all those who oppose him, and Evil is supposedly only done by bad, sinful and cursed people under Satan’s command, their “holy” book sets them up to lie. Yahweh, the jealous, angry, and vengeful mythological god of the Bible, himself says that he created Evil: Isaiah 45:7 [7] “I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.”
In reality, Evil was created by the Karmic Masters, members of the Evil Karmic Organization, who also created all evil religions, gods, ideologies, organizations, groups, and individuals. Fortunately for us, together with our space friends, in 2021, we have succeeded in abolishing the Karmic Organization throughout the cosmos, only on Earth their Evil is still present in various forms. Immediately after the end of the Controller’s blockade, we will make sure that the harmful, destructive, and deadly behavior of evil individuals, groups, and organizations, such as the Chrossthian Church, will also be put to an end forever on our planet.
Good is stronger than Evil
Evil always loses because it is against Life. Evil is limited in time and space, it lasts for a while in a certain area, but Life is eternal and everywhere. Any rebellion against Life, Existence, and the Natural Order is a lost game in advance. The Karmic Organization, an Evil, criminal, and terrorist organization, has already lost this fight, now it is the turn of the Controllers, a small group of space criminals, to block our Selenian, friendly space friends, to liberate also Earth, the last planet still living, suffering and dying according to the karmic scenarios, and to help also the Earthlings, to give them new bodies and to relocate them to new planets. The Karmic Organization disappeared, even though they thought that because of their superior abilities and superior technology, they were omnipotent, that the rules did not apply to them, that they could do as they pleased, and that nothing would ever happen to them because of the Evil they had caused in this cosmos. They were wrong and because of Evil they did, they disappeared forever. The same will happen to the Controllers. They too are extremely arrogant and contemptuous of us.
One of the main characteristics of the Important Ones is to belittle others. Because of their grandiose delusions of their Importance and their contempt for others as worthless, they are out of touch with the real reality but live in fantasy delusions of their own superiority. Being unaware, ignorant, stupid, and violent, they are incapable of understanding the fundamental qualities and workings of Existence and Life, because they imagine themselves to be above everything, including them.
Existence, by the Change it has sent into our cosmos, has shown everyone that the time of Evil, of Evil systems, organizations, groups, and individuals, is coming to an end, and through me has called on everyone to stop Evil, to awaken and to change. The Karmic people have responded to my calls with more violence, as have the Controllers, who I have told hundreds of times to lift the blockade and return to their own cosmos, as this project will not end well for them. They ignore my appeals, they make fun of me and they continue with their violence against me, my Sanja, and my friends Jac and Zlatko, who are on Earth against their will. This is although the Karmic Organization has disappeared before their eyes in the seven and a half years since the blockade was put in place. Of the initial 100% blockade, only 1% and fewer remains, as it has steadily decreased over the years and finally reduced to a blockade of the Earth. At the beginning the Controllers blocked 20 million planets, as many as the Karmic Organization controlled, but today, after seven and a half years, they control only one planet. It is clear that the blockade is coming to an end, and so will their violence against us. Because of the Evil – the damage, destruction, suffering, and death of people and animals, like the Karmic cons, the Controllers will disappear from this cosmos forever.
We have captured Karmicons, screened them, and rejuvenated most of them to five years, given them new physical and energy bodies, and new personalities, opened up their talents and abilities, and returned them to their parents. The Controllers do not have parents as they are energy beings created by the division of male energy beings. In their part of the old cosmos, only males live, as there are no females. They live without mothers, sisters, and partners. They have no planets, cities, towns, or houses. They do not go to schools, they do not educate themselves and they do not evolve. They do not create or do anything. They do not develop and do not progress, they just stagnate and decline. Mostly they just move from one place to another. They told me that they had watched the human wars in our part of the cosmos, that that was the most interesting thing to them.
With the Change that has come into our cosmos to abolish Evil and create a new way of life that is attuned to Pure Awareness, Existence, and Simultaneity and is good for all, they have been given the opportunity for the first time in their lives to do something good or to do anything at all. They rejected this historic Opportunity and rejected the Gift of Existence for Good and Eternal Life, sided with Evil, rebelled against Life, and set up a blockade to prevent the abolition of the Karmic Organization, a criminal, felonious, and terrorist organization that has been organized and systematically destroying, torturing and killing humans and animals for millions of years. Although Existence, by reducing the blockade to a single planet, Earth, has clearly shown them that It has sent Change into our cosmos to make Evil disappear forever, the Controllers are still clinging to the blockade of our space friends.
No one is more powerful than Existence, and neither are the Controllers. Existence is All That Is and there is no one above it. No one is higher and more powerful than Existence and no one tells Existence what to do. The same is true in the case of the Controllers and blockages. Existence, like the karmicons and all other men, has called them by the Change to decide whether they are for Life or Death, for Good or for Evil, for Eternal Life or Disappearance, and the Controllers, in their Importance, arrogance, and grand delusion that they are the Greatest, the Highest and the Most Powerful, have decided for Evil, for Death, and Eternal Disappearance. They will get what they have chosen. The Karmic people have chosen the same and have already got it. The Karmic Organization has already disappeared completely, only a few karmic servants are still around the Earthlings, who will be removed, rejuvenated to five years, and handed over to their parents on the very first day after liberation. In the process, they will disappear as if they had never existed, for nothing will be left of them. In a few minutes, in their place will appear, little boys, kind and friendly, who will carry on with their lives, which were forcibly interrupted when they were about five years old by the karmic agents of the karmic centers, kidnapped from their parents, transported to other planets, placed in karmic centers, had their memories blocked and were deliberately distorted in their personalities and turned into evil beings who destroyed other people’s lives on karmic orders. The same is waiting for the Controllers, but because they live above the 8th dimension and cannot be directly captured by us, it is not yet clear what will happen to them immediately after the end of the blockade. Here are six possibilities of what will happen to them:
1. Suicide – when they lose control, they collectively kill themselves. This is the least likely option.
2. They surrender to us.
3. Higher beings from a neighboring cosmos hand them over to us, remove them and dissolve them into themselves or dematerialize them.
4. Higher beings from a higher cosmos hand them over to us, remove them and dissolve them in themselves, or dematerialize them.
5. We develop or acquire higher abilities and capture them.
6. They go off to their own cosmos. This is the most likely possibility.
Whatever happens to them, they will remain on our list of dangerous beings who must be immediately captured, stopped, incapacitated, and transformed into children. Unless they are removed, dissolved into ourselves, and dematerialized by higher beings from the neighboring or higher cosmos, we will capture them sooner or later, because we are evolutionary-oriented and will certainly develop the abilities that will enable us to capture them. Like the karmic controllers, the Controllers will be held accountable for the Evil they have caused in our cosmos and will disappear forever during the transformation into children. The day will come when they will be wiped out forever and they will no longer abuse, harm, destroy, torture, and kill anyone, anywhere, anytime. Nowhere, never, ever!
To be continued.
All the best to all.
Read more about the fantastic future waiting for us after we end the karmicons blockade of Earth in my book series Letters to Palkies Messages to my friends on another planet. You can get them here, the whole series or single titles (below):
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