9. »On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know … … that everything is perfect Right Here, Right Now. And Right Here Right Now is all there is. Forget about the past. It does not exist, except in your memory. Drop it. And stop worrying about how you’re going to get through tomorrow. Life is going on Right Here, Right Now — pay attention to that and all will be well. Embrace the present moment with gratefulness and wonder, and you will turn it into whatever you have been waiting for.”
Are you perhaps sick or injured, poor or in debt, lonely and sad, suffering and dying, and experiencing yourself and your condition as “perfect”, or do you want things to change so that you can be healthy, young and beautiful, rich, in a love relationship, and happy and joyful and live forever? Is that even a question?
Are you humbly grateful for limitations and suffering, or do you experience them as mere violence and injustice? Do you think that by being grateful for Evil you will turn it into everything “you have been waiting for”? Have you really and hardly waited for the evil to be upon you and now experience it as a blessing from god?

Is that how you imagine god? Is this the advice you need?
I am not and will never be grateful to anyone or anything for the violence that has been done to me and I will do everything I can to end it as soon as possible, and for good.
Fortunately for us, we have already abolished the Karmic Organization that imposed Evil as Good, especially with god, religion, and faith, and that dumbed down and forced people to be even more grateful to god for their suffering. On the new planets, there is no more god, religion, faith, lies, and violence. People live in peace, health, friendship, and love and are grateful for Good, not for Evil. After the liberation of the Earth and the relocation to new planets, all Earthlings, especially the religious, will also understand that they have been imposed upon, abused, and exploited, and finally, they too will live in truth, love, and wisdom.
10. »On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know … … that life was meant to be FUN! It’s hard to believe sometimes, but it’s true. It’s all about point of view. Even our most difficult moments bring us gifts. And so life may call upon us to be a bit “philosophical” now and then; to embrace the “low’s” with the “high’s.” The trick, of course, is gratitude. Therein will you find both your peace and your joy.”
Do the most difficult moments, such as pain, really bring you “gifts”, or do you just suffer through them and wish they would pass as quickly as possible and never come again? Are you grateful for Evil and all its expressions in your life, is this the “Trick” to find peace and joy in sickness, poverty, violence, suffering, and death?
How backward, naïve and stupid does one have to be to say such a thing? And how crazy does one have to be to believe in the religiously distorted and perverted claims that Neale uses to convince the faithful that they owe god a debt of gratitude for all the Evil that he is psychopathically and sadistically perpetrating on them? Since there is no god, they are in fact submitting to the karmic, corrupt, violent, and deadly maniacs who have invented a god in their own image.
11. »On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know … … that mastery is not measured by the number of terrible things you eliminate from your life, but by the number of times you eliminate calling them terrible. The Buddha brought suffering onto himself, to look into the face of it, to see if he was that, and, if not, to see who he then was. Jesus allowed himself to be crucified, to demonstrate who he was. And what do you think you are doing here?
Why bother with this relative world if not to know yourself in your own experience? And how else to do that except through the encountering of that which you are not?”
We are all trying very hard to have as pleasant a life as possible, with as few inconveniences as possible, but Neale, in god’s name, “advises” us to summon Evil upon ourselves, to cross paths with it and show it who we are. In doing so, he gives us the example of Buddha and Jesus, as if they were examples of personally evolved beings. Both were karmic puppets used to found new religions that have for millennia enslaved, abused, and exploited the faithful.
According to Neale, Evil is necessary for our self-knowledge, because we can only know ourselves in “that which we are not”. The Good does not need Evil to know themselves, for we know ourselves in the Good, in what we are, and not in the Evil, which we are not. The Sun does not need darkness to shine, and Good people do not need Evil to be Good.
12. »On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know … … that challenges are what you came for. And you are never, ever, given a challenge you cannot overcome. The purpose of life is to give you a chance to be the grandest version of the greatest vision ever you held about Who You Are. When challenges arrive, then, move straight to clarity: This is what you came for. Now rise to this occasion, and know that you have every resource with which to create the right and perfect outcome.”
None of us came here, to begin with, let alone to face the challenges or to face the Evil One in all its forms. The script for our lives has been written by the karmic masters, not for us, but for our incarnates. To the karmicons, we are not real beings, but only living costumes for the incarnations of our incarnants, for whom we are only “past lives”, only dramatic roles, and not real beings.
Have you overcome all the “challenges” you have encountered so far? Of course not. You have survived them if you are still alive, but you have not overcome them. Life with a capital letter is not meant to be about fighting Evil and overcoming “challenges”, but about living in the Good. Fighting Evil is not an opportunity to create “the grandest version of the greatest vision you’ve ever had of who you are”, but an imposed existence, a struggle to survive and suffer to a miserable death.

When “challenges” arise, do not tell yourself that this is what you came here for, because that would be a lie, but realize that this inconvenience has also been imposed on you by karmic people and do your best to eliminate it as soon as possible. As you well know, you will not have all the resources at your disposal to “create the right and perfect outcome”, as Neale lies, but you will most likely experience at least minimal inconvenience in the very act of trying to eliminate it. You may be very happy if there are no consequences, which is of course very rare. If nothing else, the trauma leaves an unpleasant memory, which for the unawakened is a concrete energetic, emotional, and mental scar.
Don’t be naive, foolish, or religious – Life is not meant to suffer in Evil but to enjoy the Good.
At the time of writing, this message has arrived, in which Neale again praises Evil and suffering, and presents it as a gift and a blessing.
13. »On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know … … that nothing is as bad as it seems. Nothing. There is a benefit and a blessing hidden in the folds of every experience and every outcome. That includes every and any ‘bad’ thing that may be happening to you right now.
Change your perspective. Know that nothing happens ever that is not for your highest good. All that needs to change for you to see this…is your definition of ‘Highest Good.’«
Are you sick, injured, in pain, suffering, and dying? As if that wasn’t bad enough, Neale torments you with nonsense and lies to your face that it’s “not as bad as it seems”. Drunk with divine delusion, he reveals to you the “Secret of Life”: your suffering is a true blessing! Evil is not bad for you, it is good! You just have to change the definition and declare black to be white. With this magic trick, you will turn Evil into Good, and even into the “highest good”.

Dear friends, do not fall for the religious frenzies, such blatant lies, and nonsense, and clearly distinguish the beautiful, healthy, fragrant, and delicious red apples from the ugly, poisonous, stinking, rotten, and wormy black pus bulbs from Neal’s and god’s Garden of Hell of Evil.
To be continued.
All the best to all.
Read more about the fantastic future waiting for us after we end the karmicons blockade of Earth in my book series Letters to Palkies Messages to my friends on another planet. You can get them here, the whole series or single titles (below):
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