7. On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know … … that it sometimes looks like “one thing after the other, “but really, it is Blessing After Blessing.
I know I know…you don’t experience it that way. But that’s because you don’t see it that way. In this business of life, “What you see is what you get.” If you think you are looking at struggle, struggle is what you will experience. If you decide that you are looking at a gift (even if you can’t see it clearing in this exact moment), a gift is what you will get. Just wait. You’ll see. I mean that literally. You will see.”
Only believers, with their distorted and perverted vision, can “see” that Evil in all its negative guises is “blessing after blessing”. Everyone else sees things as they really are: good is good, bad is bad.
I wonder if religious Ukrainians see war as a “gift” from god or as harm, destruction, and suffering. As their houses are bombed and their relatives and friends die, do they wonder whether this is god’s blessing or punishment? Do they wish for more of god’s “love” or do they just wait for god to stop taking advantage of them with his “gifts” and “blessings”? Now they have been waiting for more than a year and have not “seen” anything yet.
8. »On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know … … that nothing is ever as bleak as it looks. Everything, in fact, is a blessing. I know I know… that is sometimes very hard to believe. How can a sudden, calamitous event in one’s life be a blessing? It takes a longer view, I know, to see this wonderful truth. Even a diagnosis of a terminal illness could be seen as another gift from life when experienced from a particular perspective. It is an opportunity for us to express once again, at the next highest level, Who We Really Are. And, if it turns out that, at the Soul level, we have indeed decided to leave our present physicality in this particular way and time, that, too, would be an expression of our Highest Self. And so, all “calamities” are blessings, not yet understood by the Mind. God knew this was a good day for you to hear this…”
This is yet another example of karmic lying, misleading and imposing Evil as Good, and fooling people into thinking that black is also white. Only the color-blind religious can believe this, the rest of us who have retained our common sense and natural eyesight is good at distinguishing colors and know what is Evil and what is Good. For those of us who do not want to suffer, disasters are not blessings.
Diseases are not a gift of Life but are common karmic violence against human beings. Healthy people, and especially Awakened and Aware people, do not need Evil, disease, poverty, violence, and suffering to express who we are. The Good express themselves most readily, easily, and best in the Good, in Truth, kindness, friendship, and Love. Conversely, the Evil Ones express themselves best in Evil, as do karmic criminals, torturers, psychopathic sadists, and murderers. We, on the “Soul Plane”, have decided nothing, because we are not souls and have no soul. “Soul” is a karmic term for incarnant, another human from another planet, and we do not incarnate and we are not our incarnants, but real, original, and independent beings.
Even the “Higher Selves” are just karmic lies, referring to the original dividers from the 8th dimension, energy beings who split into several lower energy beings, who then further divided and incarnated into lower beings, into humans – into us. According to the false karmic theory, all beings, including the sharer and the sharers, who make up one karmic vertical, are just one being – just the sharer, while the rest of us are just his roles and tools for gaining experience for him. After the abolition of the Karmic Organization, no one divides or incarnates anymore, so we all have our true identities and become original and independent beings. This of course also means that we will live forever, as we will no longer be turned into (or killed by) our incarnants by the karmic people, and the whole incarnation vertical, which also consists of tens of thousands of people from different dimensions and planets, into which one divider from the 8th dimension has divided, will become a single being – a sharer or divider.
A mentally and emotionally healthy person already knows that disasters are not “blessings” and that they never will be. Even believers who are karmically programmed to believe that Evil is Good will learn this after the liberation of the planet. They also believe that they are bad, sinful, and cursed and that they have to suffer to repay their debts to god, and only then will He take them back to Heaven. For the faithful, such suffering is necessary because without it they cannot go to heaven. That is why they worship Evil so fanatically, glorifying poverty, sickness, and suffering, because for them the Way of the Cross is the Way to Heaven. Or, in Latin, “Per aspera ad astra” or “The Way of Thorns is the Way to Heaven”. The thornier the better, say the believers, and they whip themselves hard on their sinful backs once again, pretending that god is watching and appreciates their sacrificial servant’s effort to please him and sanctify his »glory«. Hallelujah! (praising Jah or Jahweh, selfish, jealous, angry, and vengeful Jewish, Christian, and Muslim »god«, but in truth just a fictional karmic character, constructed for the enstupidment of religious believers)
To be continued.
All the best to all.
Read more about the fantastic future waiting for us after we end the karmicons blockade of Earth in my book series Letters to Palkies Messages to my friends on another planet. You can get them here, the whole series or single titles (below):
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