This is one of the questions that a reader sent me. I have edited her questions a little because she wrote them in telephone jargon. The others are:
“Has there been any reduction in the Earth blockade?
Have the higher beings given way, announced new intentions, or made it known that they have agreed to unblock the earth?
Is everything ready for the unblocking? You have been at the end of the project for some time, why the silence, or why nothing is happening?
If the karmicons had the intention to unblock the earth, why do they continue to incarnate humans? Are they working with a fig in their pocket to maintain their control by deception, and deliberately lying, about unblocking the earth?”
Before I answer her questions, which are very likely yours as well, let me reiterate that I know very well that my writing about the Karmic organization, planet Palki, our space friends, the Black Clouds, the blockade of the Earth, and the preparation for the liberation of our planet is outlandish. At first glance, one might think I have no evidence for these claims. Fortunately, there is a way for you to check some of my claims and see for yourself that I am telling the truth.
Learn to lucid dream and you will know the Truth about the cosmos

Every field of research has its methods. If we want to weigh apples, we need scales. If we need the measurements of space, we take a tape measure. If we want to look at the micro-structure of tissue, we use a microscope.
You need a special lucid dreaming method to ‘weigh, measure, and micro-analyze’ my claims. In your dreams or dream versions of real planets, you mingle every night with the inhabitants of the planet from which your incarnant comes. Just learn to lucid dream so that when you dream you are aware that you are dreaming, and then you can ask them whatever you want. Prepare the questions before you go to sleep so you will remember them when you are aware of the dream.
The inhabitants of the other planets are already living in a new way and can answer your questions: “Have you all got new, young, healthy, and beautiful bodies? Did you all get a free estate, a house, and a million euros? Do you all live in couples? Is there an end to incarnation, poverty, crime, violence, and wars? Does no one die anymore? Have all the dead been brought back to life?”
I have learned to lucid dream in one week, and if I can do it, so can you.
Here are the links to my two-part article Learn to Lucid Dream and Discover Your Incarnant with instructions for lucid dreaming:
1. Part:
2. Part:
Write down everything you learn in your dream in your lucid dream diary. Thank you for sending me your findings, as I am very much looking forward to seeing more Earthlings realize that we too have a fantastic future ahead of us.
When will the Earth blockade end?

Now for the answers to the reader’s questions.
“Has there been any reduction in the Earth blockade?”
The blockade has been reduced from the original 100% to less than 1% in 10 years. The Black Clouds first blocked our space friends completely, then the blockade was gradually reduced in time, and now only Earth is under blockade.
Previously, they blocked all our activities, and all over the cosmos. Then they released the blockade of Palki, the first planet in our old cosmos, where we started to heal all sick people. We proceeded to close down the karmic centers on the planet, to stop incarnations, and to bring all incarnated Palkies back home. The only one who has not yet returned is Jac, who is not incarnated but was sent to me by the karmic people in 2006 – he also thought I was Fedja, my incarnant from the planet Palki, in the beginning – to observe me and then report on my activities to the karmicons.
After the closure of all karmic centers, in the autumn of 2018, all Palkies got new, young, healthy, and beautiful bodies. This was followed by free estates and houses, a million euros, partners for singles, and many other goodies.
For two years we operated only on Palki, all other planets were under blockade. Then in 2019, the Black Clouds released the blockade of the other planets, and we freed and regulated everything except Earth.
Why our planet is still under the blockade is not clear. Earth should have been first, as this is where it all started in the first place.
“Have the higher beings given way, announced new intentions, or made it known that they have agreed to unblock the earth?”

The Black Clouds, energy beings in the form of black clouds from higher dimensions, do not communicate with us. We keep sending them messages, but they don’t reply. The only personal encounter that I can remember, in which I have spoken with the Big Black Cloud (that’s what I call him) was in my dreams. When I asked him about the blockade, he said, “A blockade is like a river, only it’s short.”
That river has been flowing for 10 years now.
The day before yesterday I sent him another of the hundreds and hundreds of messages, reminding him that they came to me to help and benefit, not to block and harm. I asked him what had happened to change their original intention, and put up the blockade in the first place. We needed help, not blockades. I also reminded him that this year is 10 years since they arrived and 10 long years of blockade. I suggested to him that they lift the blockade immediately, completely and permanently.
Along with this message, I also came up with an idea for a poster message, which our space friends put next to the written message.
On the left-hand side of the poster was a bottle sealed with a cork stopper, with a label saying ‘Blockade’, and inside were little black clouds trying to get out of the prison. There are a lot of them, crowded together, squeezing each other and trying to get free in any way they can. Some are banging on the glass, others are trying to push the cork out of the bottle. Their faces are sad and desperate.
On the other side of the poster, the bottle is broken, the label with the word “Blockade” is torn, and black clouds fly freely and joyfully on all sides. Underneath is the inscription: ‘End the blockade immediately, completely and forever!’
Except in the aforementioned dream, the Big Black Cloud has never once answered me, at least not in waking life. Nor has he ever replied to my messages, which are also posted on the big monitor in the spaceship of our space friends.
One day, we will find out who the Clouds are, how they got to me, why they set up the blockade, if they came to help, why they kept the blockade of Earth for so long, why they did not reply to our messages, and why they finally lifted the blockade?
“Is everything ready for the unblocking? You have been at the end of the project for some time, why the silence or why nothing is happening?”
We are fully prepared for the liberation of the Earth. This is a huge project, and all the supra-planetary groups from all over the cosmos will help us.
We also have a special group that has created a new animal cosmos, taking care of the dead Earth animals, and they will also raise, organize, and relocate all the living animals from our planet. First, the sick people and those who live the worst will go to the new planets, then gradually the others, and finally the rich. First the villages and rural areas, then the cities.
All you subscribers to my newsletter will be among the first to go.
Those of you who have helped me financially and will continue to help me will receive valuable gifts. I take this opportunity to invite you once again to invest in my work to publish books in as many languages as possible to let as many Earthlings as possible know that the hard times are coming to an end and that a paradise life awaits them too on new planets. To make one of the best deals in your life, contact me via the contact form on my website:
I guarantee you will be delighted with the financial return on your investment, and other fantastic gifts. The greatest value you will get is working with us because in cooperation with our space people, who are also business partners of our company Me and my Mum, we help all our friendly business partners to space business success by providing advice and technological support with the most advanced space technology. Let me just give you a hint that with this technology, among other miracles, we are healing the sick and raising the dead.
Let me tell you that investing in my work is one of the best decisions of your life and one that you will be extremely satisfied with.
We have been at the end of the project since 2021 when we liberated the whole cosmos. In 2022, we discovered a few more planets, and we will sort them out in a short time.
To get a better idea of the work we have done, look up at the starry sky, and try to count all the stars you see. We had to scan the whole cosmos, all the stars and planets around them, from the 3rd to the 8th dimension. We moved all the people who lived on 20 million planets to new planets because the previous ones were not good enough. So we created a new cosmos of 2,000 galaxies, 20,000 solar systems, and 200,000 planets.
We have also created a new animal cosmos, and we have everything in place for the new dream cosmos, but it is still blocked by the Clouds, along with some procedures to align the new physical bodies and energy or dream bodies, and to align the new material planets with their dream versions. The cosmos has been free for many years, only the Earth remains under blockade.
We continue to evolve in the new cosmos while waiting for the blockade of the Earth to end. If I do not write anything about the unblocking, it means that there is nothing new. Nevertheless, I am constantly sending messages to the Clouds to finally end the blockade of our planet.
“If the karmicons had the intention to unblock the earth, why do they continue to incarnate humans? Are they working with a fig in their pocket to maintain their control by deception, and deliberately lying, about unblocking the earth?“
The Karmic people are not blocking the Earth, because we have already abolished the Karmic organization and captured its members, so they are no longer functioning. The only karmic people who are still active are those who are around people on Earth.
Our planet is blocked by Black Clouds, energy beings from higher dimensions. The Clouds have higher abilities than our space friends, so we can’t prevent their actions. We have to wait for them to lift the blockade of Earth by their rules, just as they have lifted the blockade of other planets. Until then, we will send them constant, regular, and abundant messages to lift the blockade immediately, completely, and forever.
There is no more incarnation, because we have closed down all karmic centers, captured the karmic masters, and confiscated the technology and devices for incarnation. This has raised the question of how the newborn children on Earth will live without incarnants. Will they even be present and will they be all right? I asked our space friends about this, but their answer was also blocked.
I assume that incarnants are not necessary for human life at all and that children can live with their energy bodies. We are all thus “plugged in” to a common Pure Awareness that allows us to be conscious, attentive, and aware.
The only question that remains is that of the energy body, which the child can get from the mother along with the physical one.
Since 2022, when we abolished the Karmic organization and incarnation throughout the cosmos, the new children on Earth have no more karmic servants in their vicinity to plant harmful thoughts, feelings, and emotions according to karmic scripts, and to cause disturbances, malfunctions, failures, illnesses and probably deaths using special devices that look like small mixing consoles in audio and video studios.
Every day, with approximately 180,000 dead Earthlings, between half a million and one million karmic servants fly off the planet with them, so that the karmic swamp of Evil is daily being emptied and reduced.
As soon as there is any news about the lifting of the blockade and the liberation of Earth, I will let you know.
I suggest that you use the time until you move to the new planets as usefully as possible, start waking up with my awakening exercises, learn to lucid dreaming, and realize through personal experience that I am telling the truth.
All the best to all.
P.S. Let me also say that I am ready to take a polygraph test at any time to prove that I am telling the truth.
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Read more about the fantastic future waiting for us after we end the karmicons blockade of Earth in my book series Letters to Palkies Messages to my friends on another planet. You can get them here, the whole series or single titles (below):
Here are my other books for personal development:
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