Books and films about The Shadow
The Karmic people have also written several books and made films about their violence against people. First, they created them themselves, then they added them to incarnational scripts written for the earthly authors, who then wrote and filmed them again, not knowing that they were only recreating the karmicon’s works made long ago.
A: Books:
1. Hermann Hesse, Demian, about the search for the true self within oneself.
2. Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray, who ages in place of the protagonist.
3. Robert Louis Stevenson, (the good) Dr. Jekyll, and (the evil) Mr. Hyde, represent the true duplicity of the Karmic System of Good and Evil.
B: Films:
1. Identity (2003), about dissociative identity disorder or multiple personalities, which also questions the criminal responsibility of the individual split personalities.
I recommend this film, as it is an excellent representation of karmic split personality and all the complications that arise from multiple personality disorder.
2. Plurality, from 2021, about a man who wakes up from a coma with four criminals and murderers inside him.
3. Shutter Island (2010), where we can see how traumatized people create partial personalities to protect themselves from harsh realities.
To see more films like this, here is a list of 20 titles similar to Identity:
How can you easily get rid of the Shadow with my Awakening Exercises?
With the Awakening Exercises you will learn to observe and recognize your partial personalities, gradually let go of their harmful behaviors, and become aware of yourself as a Being of Pure Awareness, a beautiful Being of Love and Wisdom.
1. Observe your thoughts, feelings, emotions, words, postures, movements and actions.
2. When you notice that you are thinking harmful thoughts, feeling uncomfortable, expressing negative emotions, speaking harmful words, tensing your body, or doing harmful behaviors, stop immediately. Stop and, if possible, sit down or lie down. If necessary and possible, leave the scene of the harmful activity.
3. Breathe in and out and begin to relax. Breathe deeper and slower.
4. Pay attention to your body and relax the tense parts until you are completely relaxed. It is best always to have the same approach. Start at your feet and slowly work your way up to your head.
5. When your body is relaxed, feel your energy field with your attention. The easiest place to feel it is on your hands and soles. You will also feel the energy body slowly calming down.
6. Become aware of your Awareness. Become aware that you are aware. This will shift your attention from the physical and energetic body to Pure Awareness, to your Being.
At the same time, you will notice that you have immediately and easily stopped the mind and all thoughts. The physical and energetic body will also become completely still. Be in Pure Awareness for a while and enjoy.
7. In this state, then review the harmful behavior and happenings. Do not comment on it, do not look for the culprits, and do not judge anyone. Just review it neutrally from beginning to end.
While doing so, observe if you react mentally, emotionally, sensationally, or physically to the events. Harmful thoughts, unpleasant feelings and emotions, and tension in the physical body may reappear. If any of these occur, repeat the exercise from the beginning. No, you know how to do it.
8. Write the harmful behavior in your awakening diary. This will help you clear the harmful behaviors from your mind and body and also serve as a reminder for the next time similar behaviors occur.
9. Make a decision not to do it again. You may benefit from the statements “I am a loving being”, “I do not curse, I do not scold, I do not lie, I do not judge, I do not steal, I do not trample…”, etc., and “I am kind and friendly to everyone and always, and I speak the truth.”
10. Observe your thoughts, feelings, emotions, words, postures, movements and actions.
With regular practice, constantly observing and correcting yourself will become your new way of life.
I suggest that you print out the exercises and stick them in a visible place, for the partial personalities and the present karmic servants will do everything to prevent you from getting rid of them, remaining oblivioned, frightened, insecure, restless, anxious, worried, sad, angry and violent.
You can also download the exercises on your mobile phone to always keep them with you.
In truth, we are Wonderful Beings of Pure Awareness, Love and Wisdom
When after a few months, half a year, or a year – depending on your initial state, personality damage, and especially dependence on harmful substances, people, and objects – you drop all partial personalities, awaken and stabilize in Pure Awareness, you will realize how Wonderful you are in Truth.
The Awakened One has no Shadow, for He is a brilliant Being of Pure Awareness without a single negative thought, feeling, emotion, word, or deed.
This shows and proves that the Karmic people are plain liars who have been pushing their mixed model of personality “development” on us, causing personality to decay, for through Evil no one becomes Good, but only more evil, negative, harmful, hateful, violent, destructive and deadly. Only in the Good can we become Good. This is the true path to self-knowledge of ourselves as Good, aware, truthful, honest, kind, friendly, and loving beings.
I wish you to successfully abandon the artificial and false karmic identity of the incarnational role, the Shadow, and its harmful partial personalities, awaken, and become aware of yourselves as Wonderful Beings of Pure Awareness, Love, and Wisdom.
All the best to all.
Read more about the fantastic future waiting for us after we end the karmicons blockade of Earth in my book series Letters to Palkies Messages to my friends on another planet. You can get them here, the whole series or single titles (below):
Here are my other books for personal development:
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