The essence of lucid dreaming is setting an intention before sleeping
For those of you who do not yet know how to lucid dream, I invite you to learn and for all regular lucid dreamers to participate in a worldwide project to get personal experiences with the inhabitants of other planets in our cosmos and to learn as much as you can about your incarnant. This will confirm my statement that we are not alone in the cosmos, and will also help you to realize that I am telling the truth and that better times are coming for Earthlings too.
Before going to sleep, make it your intention to find your hands in your dreams. “I will find my hands in my dreams.” Repeat this 10 times.
You can also repeat this intention during the day, lifting your arms and looking at your hands. You could set anything as the intention that will trigger your lucid dream, but your hands are always close at hand, so the easiest and quickest way is to find them, realize that you are dreaming, and begin to carry out your intentions.
If you are serious and regular, you can find your first hands in just one week. When you find your hands for the first time and look at them, you will see that your fingers are slightly bending, disappearing, or lengthening. You may also feel the heat in your palms. This means that you have only just begun to become independent in your dream job and are still partly changing with it. To complete your independence, choose four objects in your surroundings (this is a very useful tip from Carlos Castaneda’s book The Art of Dreaming) and then alternate between looking at your hands and the four objects you have chosen in turn, in a clockwise direction.
Do this exercise several times, even in waking time, to remember it better for your dreams. First, look at your hands, and after about 10 seconds, or when your fingers start to change, look to the left at, for example, a tree, then a street lamp, then a parked car, then a house, and back at your hands. Keep circling like this for a long time until the image stabilizes and your hands stop changing. You can do this exercise at the beginning of your lucid dreaming practice and before you set out to explore the dream planet, as it will be very useful to stabilize the dream world, keep you alert, and thus allow you to get as much information as possible. Later on, when you are an experienced lucid dreamer, this exercise will no longer be necessary, as you will be entering the lucid dream directly.
Lucid dreams can be very vivid, so sometimes, and especially at the beginning, you won’t know exactly whether you are lucid in a lucid dream or reality. To check and confirm that you are indeed lucid, do a Reality Check. You can choose anything for the test, but I use the easiest and most convenient method and see if I can reach through a wall with my hand or soften an object on a table with my hand. I do this by deliberately softening my hand and then going through the wall with it. When softening objects on the table, I do the same thing – I soften my hand, then place it on the object and slowly press it down to the table. If the test is successful, I am dreaming lucidly. When the test is completed, go ahead with the plan you made before going to sleep, when you set your intentions for what you will do in your lucid dreams.
Within a month or so you will have a pretty good idea and will find yourself in the dream world. By that time you will be able to get the first information about your incarnant and thus personally verify and confirm my claims. Of course, you do not have to wait a month to ask people in the dream world for information. If you remember on the first night, ask them immediately.
Set your intentions before going to sleep and repeat it several times:
1. “In my dream I will ask people what is the name of this planet: Hello, what is the name of this planet?” (pointing around with your hands)
2. “In my dream I will ask people what name they know me by: Hello,
do you know me? What is my name here?”
3. “Then I will ask them about this person in the third person: How old is he? What does he look like? What does he do? Where does he live? Is he married? Does he have children?”
4. “I will ask them about their new life: ‘Did you get new bodies, free estates and houses? Did you get a million euros?”
5. “I will also ask them about Seno: “Do you know Seno, who Seno is, and what he has done for you and your planet?”
All the inhabitants of our new cosmos, which is made up of 2,000 galaxies, each with 10 solar systems and each solar system with 10 planets, have been given my book series of Letters to Palkies Messages to my friends on another planet. Not only do they know me and my work, but they live in a paradise created by me, our company from the planet Palki Me and my mom, and our team from the new Cosmic Administration, together with our fantastic Selini, space friends from the 6th dimension.
Let me also add here the real possibility that you will meet your incarnant in your dreams, as we have already returned home all the inhabitants who were incarnated on other planets. You can also make it your intention to ask people about your incarnant, and then if they know where he is now and if they can call him.
As you will see, some people still have old energy bodies in their dreams, as we have not yet been able to reconcile the dream worlds with the real worlds and the energy bodies with the new physical bodies due to blockages. However, you will see more and more people with new bodies who are fantastically beautiful, young, and fit. Whether you meet them in their old bodies or their new bodies, they will tell you that the tremendous changes on their planet have happened, so you will easily confirm what I have said. If you wish, and if you remember, if they have an old body, say to them, “Show me your new body.”
Dear friends, let’s prove that people live on other planets too
When you wake up from a lucid dream, stay in bed for a while with your eyes closed. Recall all the information you have been given and repeat it a few times so that you remember it well. Then get up and write everything down immediately.
You can post your experience in a short form in my Lucid Dreaming Facebook group on the website:,
for longer messages, send me a message using the contact form on my website – it’s under articles. I will read them and compile them into one article or a series of articles and publish them on my website and include them in my books.
With my and your personal experiences, we will confirm together and for the first time in the history of humanity the existence of life on other planets, the existence of the Karmic organization and its end as we have successfully ended it, the forced incarnations of the inhabitants of other planets (incarnants) to the people of Earth, and the new fantastic life after the liberation of the Evil Karmic organization that awaits all good Earthlings after the end of the planetary blockade.
You can read about the work of the new Cosmic Administration in my articles, especially in the Cosmic, Solar, and Planetary Reports on my website. Type “Report” in the search box and you will find them easily.
I wish you all regular, stable, and long lucid dreams and much success in your search for information about your incarnants, life on other planets, and the new model of life in our new cosmos.
If you have any questions, post them in the Lucid Dreaming Facebook group or write to me via the contact form on my website.
All the best to all.
Read more about the fantastic future waiting for us after we end the karmicons blockade of Earth in my book series Letters to Palkies Messages to my friends on another planet. You can get them here, the whole series or single titles (below):
Here are my other books for personal development:
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