Karmic Evil is easy to recognize, especially in religions, when they lie to people that the life of sinners on Earth must be hard to be easier in Heaven. The harder the better. The more one suffers on earth, the more one will enjoy heaven after death. Then, after death, they are killed in cold blood once more and turned into their incarnant, and thus erased from Existence forever. Fortunately, the Karmic organization is no more, so we are done with this insidious lying and cruel violence forever. Only the Earth is still suffering, but we are one day closer again.
“Strive for the Kingdom of God within you and your life will find fulfillment in abundance. The more you worry about earthly matters, hold on to them, or even tense up, the weaker your energy of love can flow. These blockages cause your suffering and every lack.
If you give your being into the hands of the Father in Heaven, into His trust, you relax. Do not worry about tomorrow. Stay anchored in the now and work from your heart. The Kingdom of God is within. Trust and surrender to the power and knowledge of your heart. In this way, you enable the light to unfold its effect.
Your energies can flow freely again and you experience the constant presence of God. The feeling of being powerless and at the mercy of God, of losing control, are the signs of your surrender. As soon as you let go completely, the curtain opens and the harmony of your being spreads out before you in all its majesty.
All fearfulness gives way, powerlessness becomes power. Now you know the why. All that your ego felt as a threat, your Self experiences as grace. Where your narrowed consciousness felt trepidation, your awakened self experiences – liberation.
Everything is upside down. Up is down and down becomes up. The solutions to all your problems, personal and global, lie in regaining your awareness.
There is no God outside of you. He is within you.”
We can all see that even the most fanatical believers have not achieved “harmony,” let alone ecstasy or bliss. The religious hate the non-believers and those of other religions and simply want to wipe them off the planet. The Crusades, the Inquisition, the Conquista, forced baptism and jihad show how personally backward, primitive, and violent the religious really are.
The RC Church and other religious organizations only encourage them to do so, just as, for example, the Slovenian Church, following the example of the Vatican, which collaborated with the fascists and the Nazis, all the same, called on the religious Home Army to betray Slovenia, slavishly bow to Hitler and collaborate with the Nazis. Today, dressed up as janšisti (after Janša, far-right leader), they continue the “cultural struggle” against the infidels, the leftists, the phantom communists who are long gone, the freethinkers, the non-political, the immigrants, the southerners, the prostitutes, the single mothers, the childless women, the members of the LGBTIQ+ community, welfare recipients, environmentalists, NGOs – the list of enemies grows longer every day – and all others who do not submit to god, to the Church, and to the selfish and greedy clergy and politicians who abuse the faithful for their own private interests.
Many personal and social inconveniences, contradictions, and conflicts have been settled in the new cosmos by exposing the Karmic organization, false gods, and the abolition of religions. In the new cosmos, none of this many-headed Evil remains and people are truly living in paradise, harmony, and happiness.
If you want to experience bliss and live as blissful, awaken to Pure Awareness and realize how Wonderful you are in Truth.
God is not outside of you (as claimed in the old religions, such as Christianity) and God is not inside of you (as claimed in the New Age religion of the new god of “Oneness”). God does not exist.

Love is eternally placed in your heart, and in this oneness, you are again a fully conscious creature of the divine order.
Please always remember, God’s plans are not known to you, but they were familiar to you. If you come close to this knowledge, you understand yourself as divine and in unity with the Father/Mother in Heaven.
There is a silent agreement between you and God: He fights for your love and you resist, but he fights until you can no longer resist his wooing, until you succumb to his charm. You surrender and in this fusion you find – yourself. What is true devotion and how do you attain it? True surrender means to die. To surrender and let the ego go completely. Falling like a mustard seed into the earth to bear abundant fruit. It is the rebirth into being.
The awakening of the heart, the death of your illusions brings about this transformation. Surrender means unconditional and trust. Your Father in Heaven takes care of you. This knowledge makes you omnipresent and there is no more adhesion of ego. Devotion means letting go of everything. Your ideas, opinions, fears, worries and doubts.
Your false programming, brought forth by your many lives. To become whole, who you are, you have to die the last of all deaths. Everything is taken care of if you surrender, and this last death carries the seed of birth, of your rebirth. To bear abundant fruit, for the benefit of mankind. This process takes place step by step. Until you suddenly realize that you are another. Until you realize that the seed you planted long ago has grown into a shady tree.
Your devotion causes the transformation of your issues. Until finally everything is redeemed and until you have accomplished this transformation.”
Part of New Age mythology is also a different concept of god, who is both “Mother” and “Father”. The karmicons removed the holy spirit for the new religious Myth, as they no longer liked the smell of the old Yahweh. The old family of god with three men, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, is history, the new family of god has a father and mother and of course “children” who are supposed to be all of us. The old god was strictly separate from humans, but the new god is a father, a mother, and children, he is the One and Only.
Part of the religious delusion is the illusion that god is always watching over us and looking after us. The only ones who were above us were the karmic psychopaths who made sure that their Evil scenarios came true. They are the ones who programmed us because we did not write our own scripts for incarnations.
The “death of all deaths” is a reunion with god in Oneness, whereby the individual disappears as they are “transformed” into god again. I also call this “suicide by god”. Only believers are so crazy that they still try to surrender, die and reunite with god because it means their personal and eternal death. Fortunately, their stupidity will not be fatal for them, because after death or when the planet is liberated, we will sober them up, tell them the truth, and allow them to live a beautiful life in eternity.
You are in unity with all life, God’s will is now your freedom. Through this freedom you love and radiate your light. Your divinity becomes visible, you have arrived.
Beloved children of man, children of light, you are all of divine origin and we are all eternally connected. Beyond time and space, beyond all your imaginations.
God the Father is calling you back into his arms. You have performed your service of love excellently.
Reflect and free yourselves from the great deception, the reality around you. Summon us, we, the brothers and sisters who have gone before you, will be there whenever you need us to come into your clarity.
We do not need sleep! Whenever you call, you are assured of our company. So that you become who you are. Be ever and from the beginning of time.
Greetings to me and my love accompanies you everywhere, because your heart is my home.
**Translation to English by EraofLight.com
**Channel: Jahn Kassl
Source: https://eraoflight.com/2021/05/24/sananda-the-will-of-god/
There is no god, and “god’s will” is just a karmic violence against us. In physical limitations, pain, injury, poverty, loneliness, crime, violence, war, suffering, and death, no one is free. The only great deception happening on Earth is the result of Karmic Evil.
There are no “brothers and sisters” among the Karmic evils who cannot wait to be called upon to help us. You can check this for yourself: call on god, Jesus, and Sananda for help and see what happens. Nothing!
In the above-channeled message, we can clearly see the difference between the old and the new religion and between the old and the new god. Yahweh, the old, jealous, angry, and vengeful god, killed everyone in turn, hence the knee-deep blood in the Old Testament Bible, while his son Jesus was already more positive according to the Black and White karmic approach, and hence the New Testament gospels are already less bloody, but still false. Nevertheless, the “only begotten of the Father” did not forget that he was Yahweh’s son, and so, in his own words, he came to Earth to break up families, not to bring them together and unite them.
Sananda, the new and channeled New Age Jesus, is much more friendly, addressing Earthlings as “brothers” and offering to help them: “Just call and I’ll be happy to help you”. This “help” is, of course, a karmic scam, because the karmic agents pretending to be gods, Jesuses and Sanandas cannot and will not help you. They are here to make karmic scenarios come true for you, despite your frustration and suffering.
The New Age channeled messages from the gods, the Jesuses and Sanandas, and other “ascended masters”, act as a kind of family and friendship love letters to humanity, according to which our “heavenly father” and “heavenly brothers and sisters” are supposed to take care of us, while the worst atrocities are happening in our reality. This is another good example of karmic psychopathic sadism, giving people false hope while perversely torturing and killing them. About every 5 seconds a child dies on Earth, many from starvation, while “Heavenly Father” and “brothers and sisters” “can’t wait for us to call them” to “help us”.
There is an obvious logical flaw and nonsense in the help offered, since the god of Oneness, who is supposed to be the one true god, has chosen to divide Himself into several people and experience Evil as well. Why would he offer to help himself if he himself chose to suffer? Perhaps so that he would suffer even worse, waiting for false help that would never come? And of course, what kind of god is this who would send himself through the hell of Evil, suffering, and dying in severe torment? Satan.
New gods, which are unlike and far more eloquent in their karmic approach than the invisible and inaudible Yahweh, abound on the internet. Circle of Light God, HeavenLetters God, Prime Creator, Mother God, Divine Mother, Father God, Father/Mother God, The Source, Source Creator, Lord of the Universe, The One, and other god models. It’s a real god’s buffet shop, go ahead, help yourself. Cash or credit card. For here or a takeaway. Standing or on your knees.

Among the new New Age gods of Oneness – and I remind you, they all claim to be the One and the Only, just like the old gods – is the nameless god of Neale Donald Walsch, who is heavily criticized by classical Christians. Neal’s god is too neutral since he does not demand obedience, humility, and submission, he does not curse or threaten hell, and he has no plans for human beings. Even for Neal, he has no plan, which I think as a classically indoctrinated Christian surprised him greatly and perhaps even unpleasantly because his god had abandoned him and left him to his own devices, something the old Yahweh would never have done. Yahweh has a plan for each of His servants (in reality it is a karmic scenario), possessively and obsessively keeping them on a short chain and torturing them at every turn.
The new god is phlegmatic and cares little about what humans will do. The adherents of the New Age mythology of the god of Oneness are not believers at all, there is no Bible and there is no hell. There is no Church, there is no Bible and no one has to get down on their knees to beg for mercy. People, who are just him anyway, can do as they please, because that is part of god’s “plan” by which he will know himself in various experiences.
Interestingly, this god also presents himself as the “Creator” who created everything, including himself. As the Creator of All, He should of course know the whole future, since He is supposed to have created it. When Neale asks him “Where are we going?”, the god replies » omnisciently «, “I don’t know, we’ll see when we get there”. Ha, ha, ha.
Such obvious nonsense is also part of the new Mythos and the new god. The main reason for the many absurdities in the Bible and also in the new religion of the god “Oneness” is of course the deliberate karmic brainwashing of the believers, to break, manipulate and force them to abandon their own common sense and believe in god and the Bible, despite the obvious absurdities and nonsense. Once a man gives in, breaks, and believes in such nonsense as a god, they can do whatever they want with him.
To be continued.
All the best to all.
The cover features the Hindu god Vishnu, who resembles the Christian Yahweh.
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