Pure Awareness, which enables us to be aware, attentive, and present, and Energy, of which all planets, humans, animals, and material objects are made, cannot be created and destroyed, so there is no such thing as a Creator or god. Everything in Existence, which is eternal, happens simultaneously and has already happened or will be happening forever.
The old god and the new god, are both equally false
As if we didn’t already have the old god over our heads, the karmicons have imposed a new one, which we will meet in the second part of this series. In fact, the new one is the old one, because he is older, higher, and more powerful than the old one – than Yahweh, the jealous, angry, and vengeful god of the Bible.
Interestingly, Jews, Christians, and Muslims should share one and the same god, despite the multitude of thousands of gods. For millennia, the faithful of Earth believed in Yahweh, even though the karmicons already had a new and more modern god in store for them to believe in.
There were approximately 4,200 religions on Earth in 2021. Can you imagine going to a god shop and choosing one to take home? Which one would you take as your own? Would you put one, two, or maybe a whole bunch in a basket? Or maybe you’d skip the sour and bitter section and go for the sweets instead? Apart from the exotic ones, which claim that the world stands on a tortoise standing on four elephants and these on eight lotus leaves, religions can be divided according to their god. A minority conceive of god as some impersonal Universal Force pervading All That Is, while the majority see their god as a concrete person. We will speak of the old Yahweh and the new, channeled god of Oneness, who is said to be the Master Creator, the One and Only, and All That Is.
Yahweh is a psychopathic sadist
To begin with, let us look at the ancient Abrahamic and Biblical god Yahweh and His Story. This god is said to have created Adam and Eve, the first humans to live in paradise. Because they were reading a book in the library of Eden that he commanded they should not, he punished them, cursed them, and banished them to hell on Earth.
Strange that he was so angry with his children because he could have had mercy on them; he could have taught them how to live properly; he could have given them a second chance; he could have erased their memory of the apple information. Of all these options, which are far better than his angry and violent reaction, he chose the worst, the most violent, and the worst option for his first children. If we consider that later he also punished his next child, the “only begotten” son, Jesus, for the sins of other people, by torturing him and killing him on the cross, then we know what kind of god we are dealing with. Save yourself, and run for your life!
Let’s look at what Richard Dawkins says about Yahweh in his book God as Delusion:
“The God of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction: jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully.”
The god of the Bible, Yahweh, is the Father, and believers are His children (in Islam, believers are God’s slaves). There is a difference between the old god and human beings – god is the Master, and believers are only His sinful children who must serve Him. Yahweh appears in three forms, as god the Father, as his own son Jesus, and as the Holy Spirit, who acts as the mediator of god’s messages and the performer of various miracles. God first transformed Himself into the Holy Spirit, who immaculately impregnated the virgin Mary, and then into His own Son, Jesus, with whom Christianity began.
The Bible is the Story of the Old god and His Holy Wrath
According to the Bible, the Old god first appeared to the people as a burning bush, when he ignited before Moses and gave him the 10 “divine” commandments. Because Yahweh, the jealous, angry, and vengeful god, does not perform them himself – he incites in the Bible to kill all those who are not to his liking – his worshippers, who are made in his image, do not perform them either. The 10 commandments are essentially a manual for sinfulness, listing the most serious sins. It would not be strange if Satan, the Tempter, and Father of Sins, also helped god write this manual. Satan is a key figure in Christianity, for without him there would be no hell. Satan is Yahweh’s illegitimate Black Son, who was also created by Yahweh Himself and out of the black under the fingernails.
Since god does not really exist, both gods, or all gods, are played out by the karmicons themselves. Anyone living above the 5th dimension can turn into anything – other people, animals, objects, and even burning bushes. Our space friends, with whom I personally work, live in the 6th dimension, their highest members are in the 8th dimension, and on visits to the Palki for fun, they often turn into hosts who then happily hug and take photos of “themselves”.
The Divine Self-Immolation was not Yahweh’s last divine visit to Earth, for the next time He came disguised as Jesus, tortured Himself with a Roman hand and killed Himself on the cross, revived after three days, gave new instructions to the faithful sinners, and flew off into the Heavenly sunset. From then on, he neither calls nor writes.
The Old god also has his Old Story or Old Religion. Let us look at the Christian Story as one of the most widespread and distinctive religions, both of which have their origins in the Jewish religion, both of which are largely copied from the older ones, and the Egyptian religion in particular:
1. The Creator creates the Creation from nothing (ex nihilo).
It is not clear who created nothing and from nothing created Him.
2. God is the absolute Lord of Life and Death, dictator, accuser, judge, and executioner, who decides people and their fate.
3. Yahweh creates Adam and Eve and places them in Paradise. Having received information from the talking serpent or Satan – what was the Beast doing in Paradise – that they should not have, Adam and Eve commit Original and Deadly Sin, for which they are symbolically killed by their own father, banished from Paradise, and descended into Hell, where Satan reigns. Adam and Eve became the parents of sinful humanity, who must suffer in an Earthly hell for the sin of their parents to atone for Original Sin and possibly return to Paradise or end up in hell forever.
4. Because His children were so sinful, god had to incarnate as His own Son and come to Earth to discipline sinners.
5. On December 25, the Virgin Mary gave birth to a child, and this coincidentally was on the same day as the goddess Isis gave birth to the Holy Child Horus in Egypt long before.
Given that there are 365 days in a year, the karmicons could think of no other day for such a great event as the birth of the Son of god. The reason they did not, and that they set it on the same day as the birth of Horus, is of course simply a mockery of the faithful, forcing them to believe it to be true despite such an obvious “coincidence”.
6. Mary’s son Jesus, who is both god and his own son, was imprisoned for saying, among other things, that he came to break up families, not to bring peace. He is tortured, crucified, and killed.
7 Jesus lies dead in a rock tomb for three days and then comes back to life, announces the good news that he has conquered death, gives basic instructions to his first believers, and then flies off to heaven.
8. Although Jesus, or god incarnate, is said to have atoned for all human sins by dying on the cross for Satan, human beings continue to be sinful for the original sin of Adam and Eve, for the death of Jesus, for the sins of their predecessors, and their own ongoing and daily sins.
Those who are cleansed of their sins through suffering on the cross will go to heaven, and others to eternal hell. On the Day of Judgment, god the Judge will raise all the dead and at the same time judge the living. The good ones will go to heaven, and the bad ones to eternal hell.
Just in case, there will be no more apple trees in paradise.
Unbelievable, but true. Why did He go down if He did nothing since everything is the same as it was, except that He died on the cross in the meantime?
The Christian Creator and Creation Myth is a collection of myths, fables, and legends that have been written, copied (stolen from other religions and faiths before them), and corresponded to by hundreds of writers over the centuries. In 325 AD, at the Council of Nicaea, the bishops literally rewrote the Bible. They excluded what they didn’t like and decided for themselves what would be the new “original Word of god”. Even though the faithful know that the “holy book” was tailored by the Churchmen of the day, they pretend that the Bible is the original god’s message. At the Council of Nicaea, among other things, they ruled out the incarnation. In doing so, they have limited believers to one life and increased their control over them, saying “it is better to hold them than to hunt them”. Who will chase them through many incarnations, “now let us clench them in our fists”. Hundreds of different writers have made the Bible full of contradictions and nonsense, and it is also full of violence and blood up to the knees. The Bible is a penal code used by the Church to frighten, control and subjugate believers. The “Holy Book” showed its true colors during the Inquisition when it was used as a manual for torturing unbelievers and women who were declared witches by the Inquisitors and burned at the stake.
As one visitor from another planet says, it is already hard to believe this as a story, let alone to believe it as truth. This and all the stories or religions were invented by the karmicons and forced into the lives of the people on the planets through preconceived scenarios for the incarnants. All these fabrications are clearly a karmic mockery of the faithful in the sense of “look what we are doing to you and you still believe that this trash is god’s Word”.
Christian believers must accept the Bible as the Holy Book and the Word of god, and blindly believe everything it says without thinking. They must fear, reverence, worship, and adore god, or He will punish them mercilessly.
The main characteristic of the old religion is faith, which is the unquestioning belief that everything written in sacred books is true. Along with believing without thinking or doubting, belief is also very important and includes various rituals such as prayers, crossings, offerings or sacrifices, meetings, processions, candle lighting, bowing, kneeling, and lying down. As we can see in the Christian Church, the old religion is full of image and cheap kitsch, set design, costume design, and “holy” props. It is also a very dramatic and tragic religion, with a pathetic worship of suffering, death, and the corpse on the cross, which takes precedence over the imaginary resurrection and ascension of Jesus. The Christian religion is a strong emphasis on form over substance, which clearly shows that this religion is nothing but an empty, false and fictitious myth.
The old religion is full of mysteries or so-called mysteries – anything that is obscure, doubtful, suspicious, contradictory, nonsensical, and foolish is said to be “strange are the ways of the Lord” in the sense that people are too limited to understand god’s Plan as if there is one. The Ancient god Yahweh is also Omnipotent, Omniscient, and Omnipresent, even though He cannot create a rock that He could not lift.
The Old Religion is primarily for illiterate, uneducated, unstable, and easily led people who are easy to manipulate, intimidate, exploit and abuse for all sorts of purposes, including political ones.
Believers in the old god are right-wing, in Slovenia, they are the Home Army and the janschists
Believers in the old god live with a sense of guilt or carry their cross through life, which is the obligatory suffering and atonement for the sin of Adam and Eve, for the death of Jesus, and their own everyday sins. They teach their children from birth onwards that they are bad, guilty, and sinful for the death of fictitious creatures and that they are obliged to pay for these sins by submission, humility, and obedience. Children and young people must also obediently comply with all the demands of the priests, which enables the crucified sexual predators to commit numerous, regular and constant sexual cases of abuse.
According to the Bible, Yahweh’s worshippers are His children, with whom He is not pleased, even though He has made them in His image. Christians are supposed to be god’s Chosen People and imagine that this makes them superior to other nations and believers. Interestingly, Christian believers imagine themselves to be god’s chosen people, even though they are bad people and sinners whom He has punished, cursed, and banished to an earthly hell.
The idea that Christians are something special is also the main reason for the Christian delusions of grandeur, racism (hatred of people of a different color), nationalism (hatred of other nations), xenophobia (hatred of foreigners), homophobia (hatred of homosexuals), sexism (hatred of women), and all sorts of other hatreds that the Church has practiced since its inception.
The Old god is, in his own words, a jealous, angry, and vengeful god and as such a typical right-winger, so his worshippers are also like that, in our case they are the crusaders and the janschists. In Slovenia, we also see the enormous hatred, intolerance, and violence of the religious right-wingers, the militiamen, and the janschists towards members of other political parties, especially the left-wingers, the freethinkers, and the non-political. The religious also have a strong hatred of the infidels (who unconsciously envy them for their freedom from god’s terror) and the heretics – the members of other religions.
The old religion is also the greatest source of Evil on Earth. The Christian Church has committed the worst possible crimes against humanity in the name of god. It was especially evident in the Crusades, the Inquisition’s torture of non-believers, and the hunting down of women, who were declared witches and burned at stake.
Christian hatred of the Jews is also very important in historical conflicts and wars. This is mainly practiced today by neo-Nazis, even though Christianity is rooted in the Jewish faith, with which they share the Old Testament or part of the Bible. It was because of a completely unfounded and paranoid psychotic threat against the Jews that Hitler started World War II to kill and exterminate all Jews. His hatred of the Jews is continued by neo-Nazis, including in Slovenia. It is well known that Janša supports Israel, so it would be interesting to know how he views the Slovenian neo-Nazis who support SDS, him, and janschism and are fiercely against Jews.
The Christian Church is also a business, presenting itself as the Church of the Poor when in reality it is the richest organization on the planet. It falsely presents itself as a moral authority that knows and decides what is right and what is wrong, while at the same time it has itself caused the most Evil in every conceivable form in the history of the Earth. The clergy is also very hypocritical, as they are supposed to be chaste and sexually abstinent celibates, while they have regular sexual relations with other priests, with nuns, and mostly with prostitutes. They fight loudly against so-called homosexuals, while up to 80 % of priests are homosexual, many of them proven and convicted sexual predators who have been abusing children and adolescents in an organized way for centuries.
To be continued.
All the best to all.
Cover photo: Aleteia
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