The symbolic meaning of illness
In the article Illness in Literature: Diseases are Symbolic on, we can read some advice for writers and the use of diseases in literature. They can be used as symbols to describe a character, his condition, and his life.
“Literary Diseases
Here are the principles that govern the use of symbolic disease in literature:
1. Some diseases are less useful than others.
Example: Syphilis was a common disease in the late nineteenth century, but it didn’t show up in many works of literature because of its negative connotations. Victorian sensibilities did not allow for the use of disease with such taboo origins.”
Interestingly, even today, authors do not often use venereal disease like syphilis as an aggravating circumstance for characters, even though it has great symbolic value in the sense of “be careful what you meddle with” for men, or “be careful who you let in the house” for women.
»2. The disease should be picturesque.
Even though consumption, or tuberculosis, was a terrible illness, it was a common choice among authors because of its presentation. The sufferer becomes pale with dark eye sockets, the way a martyr would be painted in medieval times.”
Ha, ha, ha, it’s crazy how karmic people also make fun of authors, writers, and screenwriters! You can’t see the headache, and the disease must also look good on the screen, so tuberculosis is the right choice.
»3. The disease should be mysterious.
In the Victorian age of literature, diseases like consumption could spread through whole families without anyone knowing how it was passed on. This gave illness and disease a mysterious appeal for authors. Syphilis, on the other hand, had origins that were all too clear—another reason it was avoided.”
It is understandable that the Evil karmicons find diseases “mysteriously attractive”, and that they violently and insidiously impugn this perverse tendency in authors. They start their karmic distortion of people and their imposition of violence and fear at an early age, which is why many fairy tales and cartoons are extremely violent. Karmic experts recommend that parents read these horror stories to their children at bedtime, transporting them into their dreams and giving them nightmares. The same applies to video games, especially so-called shooting games, in which the players kill all living things, swear profanities and even call the massacre “fun”.
Syphilis is once again under attack because it is not good enough for the heroes. After all, everyone knows that in many cases they have paid for it by getting it from prostitutes. Aids would be much more appropriate for this reason because it has all the necessary uncertainty and ‘mysterious appeal’. If the sick hero may still know who he got it from, it is not clear whether he will survive. And by the logic of imagery, it is even more visually powerful, since the hero turns into a corpse in a living body. What could be better, says one visitor from another planet. Throw in homosexuality, wild orgies, alcohol, and drugs, and the drama writes itself.
»The most commonly employed diseases in the literature are:
Heart disease: Symbolic of heartbreak, loneliness, regret, infidelity, and other emotional turmoil.
Example: In Nathaniel Hawthorne’s “The Man of Adamant,” the protagonist moves to a cave to avoid contact with people. In the cave, calcium-filled water slowly leaks into his body. Over the years, the calcium slowly turns his heart to stone. The character who had a metaphorical heart of stone at the beginning of the story has a literal heart of stone by the end.
A boy with tuberculosis. For the Evil karmicons, this is just one of the theatrical performances of his incarnant, just a role in the drama of life, while for the boy it is a very serious illness. Photo: Medicina – Zdravlje Tuberculosis: Symbolic of wasting away, sensitivity, or delicate nature.
Example: Henry James employs tuberculosis in both The Portrait of a Lady and The Wings of the Dove.
Plague: Symbolic of widespread devastation, societal dissolution, or divine wrath.
Example: In Albert Camus’ The Plague, Camus uses the plague as a device to illustrate the uncertainty of the time, the randomness of nature, and the desire to act even once it’s too late.
An unnamed fever: Symbolic of whatever the author wants it to be.
Many authors would use a generic fever as a plot solution, to get rid of a character or create drama. However, authors also used generic fevers symbolically because fevers weren’t restricted by the reader’s associations of a particular disease.”
Strangely, they did not also include male impotence as a strong symbolism of the hero’s loss of power and control, as the hero literally withers away in the sexual sphere, leaving him to exert himself more elsewhere.
The above article is a fine example of the karmic play on people with the slogan “life must be hard, and it must hurt”. Just as authors invent illnesses for their characters and heroes, so do karmic people plan illnesses for all of us before our lives begin. The only difference is that the karmic authors are total psychopathic sadists and there are no “useless” diseases for them because they use all kinds of them to make life as miserable as possible for their “heroes”.

Unlike authors, writers, and screenwriters, who allow some of their heroes to live beyond the end of the book or film, the karmicons kill their victims from first to last. No one survives their life story, because we all face a miserable death in the end. If earthly authors are still somehow attached to their heroes, the karmic psychopaths do not care what happens to us, or rather, all they care about is that we die in the end.
Do you want to be sick and “spiritually strong” or “just” healthy?
For smart people, the health question is very simple: do you want to be sick or healthy? Do you need weakness to be strong? Would you like to live with or without legs and arms? Would you prefer to be blind, deaf, and mute, or would you prefer to see, hear and speak? Would you rather have a young, healthy, and beautiful body or an old, sick, and deformed one?
We are aware beings of Pure Awareness, not patients
Personality development has nothing to do with one’s state of health, let alone the fact that one has to be sick to develop. Personality development means that one first becomes aware of who one is and then lives as who one really is.
We are aware beings because without awareness we cannot function. Without awareness, we can be alive and, for example, in a coma, but we cannot live our daily and active life. Awareness is the foundation of our identity because without awareness we are just human machines and empty bodies without personality. Because of the deliberate limitations of awareness, by which the karmicons have confined it to a narrow attention that is merged with a mind that is constantly thinking, most people on the planet are unaware, ignorant, violent, and lost in various addictions. Because of their lack of self-knowledge, people act harmful and against themselves, smoking, drinking, and drugging. They are frightened, sad and angry, frustrated, hostile, and violent. Neal’s and god’s or karmic diseases will do nothing to help them, let alone strengthen them, but on the contrary will only harm them more, alter, limit and even destroy their partnerships, families, and life as a whole. So do not fall for such nonsense, but rather take care of your health and develop your personality by abandoning harmful and developing beneficial behaviors. Use my awakening exercises, wake up and realize how Wonderful you are!
All the best to all.
Cover: Charlie Cox as Daredevil. Photo:
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