Where two quarrel, they are not without god
On Christmas Day, when the family gathers for a festive dinner, there’s nothing better than a big fight. The family members have brought gifts for each other, the housekeeper has prepared dinner as a gift for everyone, and god from heaven bestows a special gift on the housekeeper and the family: one fierce argument.
Neale’s timeless message, which is especially true at Christmas, which is propagandistically portrayed as a family and even cultural holiday, but in reality, it is a Christian religious ritual that repeats the myth of Jesus’ birth on December 25. The fact that the Christian myth of the birth of god, who was born as his own son, is a blatant copy of the Egyptian myth of the goddess Isis, who gave birth on the same day to the Child of God, Horus, does not disturb them in their worship of the holy feast.

»On this day of your life
I believe God wants you to know …
… that all families have troubles in them.
Problem-free families do not exist.
Indeed, the challenges in families are the family’s greatest gifts.
How else could we be healed from all the false notions we have
about what it means to be human? How else can we learn of
real love, true compassion, and total acceptance?
There is, of course, nothing to learn. There is only
for us to remember what we have always known.
And families give us the greatest opportunity to do that.
Therefore, don’t condemn “Uncle Charlie” or “Aunt Matilda”.
Rather, embrace them even more fully,
and show them what it means to be fully human…
so that they can find their way
back home.”
What do you say about Neale’s family “tips”? If you are single, would you go to Neale for advice on creating a new family? If you have a partner and a family with whom you get along well and have no problems, according to Neale’s or god’s or karmic theory, you are a family without a blessing. Does this make you feel abnormal, is this a problem for you?
Neale argues that a person without problems and conflicts cannot be human, because as “sick” people we would not be able to “cure ourselves of the misconceptions we have about what it means to be “human”. According to him, we are sick human beings and we can only be healed through challenges, problems, and difficulties. This is like saying that the sick can only be cured by illness. For Neale and the karmic people who speak through him, people without problems are abnormal and unlovable. They only become real people when they have problems. The worse the problems, the better the people.

True love has nothing to do with Evil and problems, but the opposite. In true love, there is no Evil and no problems. Also, the compassion, or more precisely pity, that Neale speaks of is very harmful, because it reduces people who are pitied by others to the level of the sufferers. They cannot help it, because it only doubles and increases the negative energy of self-pity and also of suffering. Let me also make it clear here that there is a difference between inconvenience and suffering and that we can experience various inconveniences without suffering. Funny, that is a statement from one of Neale’s conversations with one of the karmicons pretending to be god. God was false, but the statement is true. Suffering is only a dramatization of unpleasantness and a problematization of life. Both are not necessary, because we can live without them. Instead of problems, we can just have things to do, and instead of dramatizing unpleasantness, anger, or self-pity, let us try to do what we can to sort out the unpleasantness and remain calm and positive.
Unawakened people who are not aware of Pure Awareness cannot feel true Love. They can only feel a kind of pleasant feelings, a liking, and sexual attraction towards others, and even these are conditioned by the behavior of other people. If they return the attention, such feelings may last for a while, but then they cool down and become, for example, technical partners who live together to keep costs down. If they are not accepted or disliked by others, their “love” turns in an instant into frustration, anger, and even violence. This is not Love, which is unconditional by its nature, and always stays love no matter what. You will only know, feel and radiate true Love as awakened and aware. And a hint about liking, falling in love, and “loving”: all your crushes, romances, and partnerships have been pre-written, created, and staged by the karmic masters according to their typical approach of plus and minus, Good and Evil, yin and yang. As you well know, all these alliances have two parts: in the first part, flowers bloom, in the second part they wither, wilt, and, for many, rot. The karmic purpose of a partnership is not to make people feel love and live in it, but to feel something pleasant for a short time, then lose it and suffer for as long as possible.
Neale’s family »wisdom« is just another stupid, false and harmful example of karmic misrepresentation of people and the presentation of Evil as Good, necessary, beneficial, and necessary for human and family life, and for personal and family development. Problems and conflicts are not necessary, beneficial, and necessary for an individual, partnership, and family development, but are extremely harmful and destructive and severely inhibit the personal and collective development of all family members. You will find the true path to yourself as a being of Pure Awareness in Awakening, Love, and Wisdom, not in Evil, problems, and stupid lies.
Jesus came to divide us, to divide us and to stir us up against one another
Jesus said, “Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the Earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to separate a man from his father, a daughter from her mother, and a daughter-in-law from her mother-in-law. Indeed, a man’s enemies will be his own.” (Matt. 10:34-36)
This is exactly what all the leaders of the sects who want people to give up their families and friends to isolate, subjugate and exploit them are also demanding. This is also the way the Christian Church works, which since its inception has been cutting on all sides and killing unbelievers with the cloven cross as a sword.
One of the visitors from other planets says that it is interesting, and this is another good example of karmic black humor, that the faithful celebrate in the family circle the apparent birth of Jesus, who, according to his own words, came to disown family members, break up families and incorporate their wreckage into religion.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit: kill them all
Religion is divisive because it forces people to abandon their natural lives, their partnerships, and their families, and to submit to the laws of a military and criminal organization that uses a fictional god to subjugate and exploit believers. Those who submit accept god as Father and Master, the Church as the new “family” and Jesus as “brother”. This artificial, harmful and exploitative group becomes their new community, and the true and natural family comes second. The ideological family has the advantage because it is a holy war against the unbelievers, especially against the family members who refuse to submit, who keep their own sanity and are against submission to invisible “higher powers”. A good example of the harmful ideological dismemberment of the family was the Serbian members of mixed families who, when the Yugoslav army arrived in Sarajevo, abandoned the family, went to the nearby hills, armed themselves, turned towards the city, and fired on the enemy, including, for example, their Bosnian wives and children. In the name of Serbianism, of course. The same applies to religious ideology, which can be even more fanatical because in this case, family members kill others in the name of god. In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, the greatest number of people on this planet have been killed.
To ensure that Yahweh, the Christian god, who is, by his own words, envious, angry, and vengeful, caused as much chaos and conflict as possible among human beings, according to biblical myth, he descended to Earth, disguised himself as Jesus, and, in his name, caused the greatest Evil in the history of this planet.
The family is a karmic prison
We all live on Earth in karmic families, for which karmic scriptwriters have written karmic scripts. In 99.9% of cases, the members of a karmic family are deliberately incompatible (they have different views on life, their wants, needs, visions, plans, and goals), they are entirely different and they do not get along with each other. This requires them to be very adaptable, denying themselves, suppressing their needs and desires, and subordinating themselves to other family members. As a result, most people experience the karmic, artificial, and imposed family as a prison from which most partners and children cannot escape and are at the disposal of violent men for daily abuse and violence of all kinds.
Karmic artificial families are also very unpleasant and harmful environments in which karmically programmed parents “educate” or distort and pervert their children according to, for example, their religious and political ideological orientations, coercing, blackmailing, conditioning, bullying, scorning and being very violent towards them. Parents who are not aware and awakened and who smoke, drink and do drugs, and who tell their children that this is bad and that they should not do it, are also extremely bad examples. Children see that parents are hypocritical, that they lie and say one thing and do another, and this makes it impossible for them to appreciate them, let alone accept their demands.
According to the karmic formula of Good and Evil, conflict is the driver of the story that drives forward the daily lives of individuals, families, and communities. A story of conflict requires antagonists – opponents, positivists, and negativists (both of whom see themselves as positivists and others as negativists, even if they are fascists, Nazis, and Home Army) who fight each other by all means for an Object – money, position, power, fame, glory, sexuality, a bigger piece of meat, etc. According to the karmic approach of the Important Ones and the Poor Ones, the winners are the winners, and the losers are the losers. Winners are rewarded, and losers are punished. In the end, they all die anyway, which is of course just another black-humored karmic stunt.
The karmic family has nothing in common with the natural family because it was created by the karmicons, members of the Evil Karmic Organization, and in an artificial way. The Karmic Family is designed to play out the karmic scenarios, conflicts, dramas, and tragedies of the incarnants of the family members and their karmic debts, which the family members have nothing to do with, as they are mostly unaware of the karmicons, incarnants, and scenarios.
Give up karmic religious and political ideologies and be friends

You can change the karmic scenario for yourself and your family in part by awakening to Pure Awareness, dropping the old Ego personality, and forming a new, kind, friendly, and loving personality that cannot be provoked or angered, and does not quarrel with anyone, but is always and everywhere peaceful and joyful. This does not mean, of course, that all your family members and friends will change with you, quite the opposite – when they see that you are different, some of them won’t like it, because it will mean that they have stayed the same, and you have progressed. They will therefore try to pull you back into the mire of cognition, and they will not choose the means.
Let me tell you that I am regularly accused of being crazy, sent to the lunatic asylum, and even claimed to be praising Evil. Ha, ha, ha, ha. This is although I constantly and everywhere write about the Karmic Organization as an Evil Organization, which has already been abolished throughout the universe because of its harmful, destructive, and deadly activities. It gets on the nerves of my detractors that I am positive, kind, and friendly and that I do not curse anyone. But it bothers them even more because I refuse to wallow with them in the mire of Poverty, Self-pity, and Pity, or to participate in the Important, and Arrogant, contempt of others. Even if you are left alone after the awakening, you will be extremely satisfied, as you will finally become a true being of Pure Awareness, Love, and Wisdom.
You don’t need holidays, let alone Christian holidays, to be friendly and outgoing with your family. Rather than waiting all year for “Christmas Eve,” arrange more family gatherings and pleasant socializing.
On other planets, we have abolished all religious festivals and rituals, including Christmas, along with religions. We have done the same on the six new planets to which we are relocating all deceased Earthlings daily. I can tell you that people are excited about this new way of life and I can assure you that you will be too. Even the religious ones will be very happy with a life without religions, god and Satan, Church and clergy, scares and threats, submission and obsessive thoughts, and compulsive behaviors. When you come down from the cross, you will finally be free, relaxed, and independent. Why wait for later, you can live like that now. Use my awakening exercises and live as a being of Pure Awareness, Love, and Wisdom, kind, friendly, and loving in the company and family of other awakened and wonderful people.
All the best to all.
Cover: Daily Excelsior
Read more about the fantastic future waiting for us after we end the karmicons blockade of Earth in my book series Letters to Palkies Messages to my friends on another planet. You can get them here, the whole series or single titles (below):
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